local globals = require 'libmodal.globals' local utils = require 'libmodal.utils' --- @type libmodal.utils --- Normalizes a `buffer = true|false|0` argument into a number. --- @param buffer boolean|number the argument to normalize --- @return nil|number local function normalize_buffer(buffer) if buffer == true or buffer == 0 then return vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() elseif buffer == false then return nil end --- @diagnostic disable-next-line:return-type-mismatch `true` and `false are already checked return buffer end --- Normalizes a keymap from `vim.api.nvim_get_keymap` so it can be passed to `vim.keymap.set` --- @param keymap table --- @return table normalized local function normalize_keymap(keymap) local to_return = {} -- Keys which must be manually edited to_return.buffer = keymap.buffer > 0 and keymap.buffer or nil to_return.rhs = keymap.callback or keymap.rhs -- Keys which are `v:true` or `v:false` to_return.expr = globals.is_true(keymap.expr) to_return.noremap = globals.is_true(keymap.noremap) to_return.nowait = globals.is_true(keymap.nowait) to_return.script = globals.is_true(keymap.script) to_return.silent = globals.is_true(keymap.silent) to_return.desc = keymap.desc return to_return end --- remove and return the right-hand side of a `keymap`. --- @param keymap table the keymap to unpack --- @return fun()|string rhs, table options local function unpack_keymap_rhs(keymap) local rhs = keymap.rhs keymap.rhs = nil return rhs, keymap end --- Restore a mapping from the `existing_keymaps_by_mode`, or delete a mapping if no pre-existing mapping. --- @param layer any layer to remove mapping from --- @param buffer? number the buffer to unmap from (`nil` if it is not buffer-local) --- @param mode string the mode of the keymap. --- @param lhs string the keys which invoke the keymap. --- @return boolean ok `true` iff there were no errors restoring the keymap --- @see vim.api.nvim_del_keymap local function restore_map(layer, buffer, mode, lhs) if layer.existing_keymaps_by_mode[mode][lhs] then -- there is an older keymap to go back to; restore it local rhs, options = unpack_keymap_rhs(layer.existing_keymaps_by_mode[mode][lhs]) -- WARN: nvim can fail to restore the original keybinding here unless schedule vim.schedule(function() vim.keymap.set(mode, lhs, rhs, options) end) else -- there was no older keymap; just delete the one set by this layer local ok, err = pcall(function() if buffer then vim.api.nvim_buf_del_keymap(buffer, mode, lhs) else vim.api.nvim_del_keymap(mode, lhs) end end) if not ok and err and err:match 'E31: No such mapping' then utils.notify_error('nvim-libmodal encountered an error while unmapping from layer', err) return false end end -- remove this keymap from the list of ones to restore layer.existing_keymaps_by_mode[mode][lhs] = nil return true end --- @class libmodal.Layer --- @field private active boolean whether the layer is currently applied --- @field private existing_keymaps_by_mode table the keymaps to restore when exiting the mode; generated automatically --- @field private layer_keymaps_by_mode table the keymaps to apply when entering the mode; provided by user local Layer = require('libmodal.utils.classes').new() --- apply the `Layer`'s keymaps buffer. --- @return nil function Layer:enter() if self:is_active() then vim.notify( 'nvim-libmodal layer: This layer has already been entered. `:exit()` before entering again.', vim.log.levels.ERROR, {title = 'nvim-libmodal'} ) return end self.active = true for mode, new_keymaps in pairs(self.layer_keymaps_by_mode) do for lhs, options in pairs(new_keymaps) do local rhs, unpacked = unpack_keymap_rhs(options) self:map(mode, lhs, rhs, unpacked) end end end --- exit the layer, restoring all previous keymaps. --- @return nil function Layer:exit() if not self.active then vim.notify( 'nvim-libmodal layer: you cannot exit a layer without entering it first.', vim.log.levels.ERROR, {title = 'nvim-libmodal'} ) return end for mode, keymaps in pairs(self.layer_keymaps_by_mode) do for lhs, keymap in pairs(keymaps) do restore_map(self, keymap.buffer, mode, lhs) end end self.active = false end --- Check whether the layer has been `:enter`ed previously but not `:exit`ed. --- @return boolean function Layer:is_active() return self.active end --- add a keymap to the mode. --- @param mode string the mode that this keymap for. --- @param lhs string the left hand side of the keymap. --- @param rhs fun()|string the right hand side of the keymap. --- @param options table options for the keymap. --- @return nil --- @see vim.keymap.set function Layer:map(mode, lhs, rhs, options) lhs = utils.api.replace_termcodes(lhs) options.buffer = normalize_buffer(options.buffer) if self.active then -- the layer has been activated if not self.existing_keymaps_by_mode[mode] then -- this is the first time that a keymap with this mode is being set self.existing_keymaps_by_mode[mode] = {} end if not self.existing_keymaps_by_mode[mode][lhs] then -- the keymap's state has not been saved. for _, existing_keymap in ipairs( options.buffer and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_keymap(options.buffer, mode) or vim.api.nvim_get_keymap(mode) ) do -- check if this keymap will overwrite something if utils.api.replace_termcodes(existing_keymap.lhs) == lhs then -- mapping this will overwrite something; log the old mapping self.existing_keymaps_by_mode[mode][lhs] = normalize_keymap(existing_keymap) break end end end vim.keymap.set(mode, lhs, rhs, options) end -- add the new mapping to the layer's keymap options.rhs = rhs if self.layer_keymaps_by_mode[mode] then self.layer_keymaps_by_mode[mode][lhs] = options else self.layer_keymaps_by_mode[mode] = {[lhs] = options} end end --- @param keymaps_by_mode table the keymaps (e.g. `{n = {gg = {rhs = 'G', silent = true}}}`) --- @return libmodal.Layer function Layer.new(keymaps_by_mode) return setmetatable({existing_keymaps_by_mode = {}, layer_keymaps_by_mode = keymaps_by_mode, active = false}, Layer) end --- restore the `lhs` to its state before activating the layer --- WARN: prevent the `Layer` from setting it again the next time it is activated. --- @param buffer? number the buffer to unmap from (`nil` if it is not buffer-local) --- @param mode string the mode of the keymap. --- @param lhs string the keys which invoke the keymap. --- @return nil --- @see vim.api.nvim_del_keymap function Layer:unmap(buffer, mode, lhs) lhs = utils.api.replace_termcodes(lhs) if self.active and not restore_map(self, buffer, mode, lhs) then return end -- remove this keymap from the list of ones managed by the layer self.layer_keymaps_by_mode[mode][lhs] = nil end return Layer