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This file demonstrates how `Var`s work in Modes and Prompts.
--- WARN: do not import this in your code! it is not part of the public API.
local Var = require 'libmodal.utils.Var'
--- Check the value of the local var
--- @param var any
--- @param val unknown the value to check is equal to
local function assert_local_eq(var, val)
assert(var:get_local() == val, 'assertion: the global value equals ' .. vim.inspect(val))
--- Check the value of the global var
--- @param var any
--- @param val unknown the value to check is equal to
local function assert_global_eq(var, val)
assert(var:get_global() == val, 'assertion: the global value equals ' .. vim.inspect(val))
--- Check the value of the scoped var
--- @param var any
--- @param val unknown the value to check is equal to
--- @param scope 'global'|'local'
local function assert_eq(var, val, scope)
assert(var:get() == val, 'assertion: the value equals ' .. vim.inspect(val))
local fn = scope == 'local' and assert_local_eq or assert_global_eq
fn(var, val)
--- check the value of all vars
--- @param var any
--- @param val unknown the value to check is equal to
local function assert_all_eq(var, val)
assert_eq(var, val, 'local')
assert_global_eq(var, val)
local mode_name = 'Foo'
local var_name = 'Bar'
--- WARN: do not use this function in your code! It is not part of the public API.
local foo =, var_name)
-- 1. baseline
assert_all_eq(foo, nil)
-- 2. without local value, `:get` and `:set` use globals
local global_value = true
assert_eq(foo, global_value, 'global')
assert_local_eq(foo, nil)
-- 3. set local value
assert_all_eq(foo, global_value)
-- 4. with local value, `:get` and `:set` use locals
local local_value = false
assert_eq(foo, local_value, 'local')
assert_global_eq(foo, global_value)
-- Finally, unset all so the test can be run again
assert_all_eq(foo, nil)