Do not clamp the private key before Elligator inverse map.

The Elligator inverse map uses the least significant bits of the private
key, which clamping sets to 0, to choose a random low-order point to add
to the public key, to ensure uniformity of representatives.

The other ways that the private key is used, namely in calls to
curve25519.ScalarMult and curve25519.ScalarBaseMult, do their own
clamping when necessary and are documented to accept a uniformly random
David Fifield 2 years ago committed by Yawning Angel
parent 586fbf4375
commit 5fcbb0e140

@ -273,9 +273,6 @@ func NewKeypair(elligator bool) (*Keypair, error) {
return nil, err
digest := sha512.Sum512(priv)
digest[0] &= 248
digest[31] &= 127
digest[31] |= 64
copy(priv, digest[:])
if elligator {
