function omf.theme.set -a target_theme if not test -d $OMF_PATH/themes/$target_theme return $OMF_INVALID_ARG end if test -f $OMF_CONFIG/theme read current_theme < $OMF_CONFIG/theme test "$target_theme" = "$current_theme"; and return 0 end set -l prompt_filename "" set -l user_functions_path (omf.xdg.config_home)/fish/functions mkdir -p "$user_functions_path" if not omf.check.fish_prompt echo (omf::err)"Conflicting prompt setting."(omf::off) echo "Run "(omf::em)"omf doctor"(omf::off)" and fix issues before continuing." return $OMF_INVALID_ARG end # Replace autoload paths of current theme with the target one set -q current_theme and autoload -e {$OMF_CONFIG,$OMF_PATH}/themes/$current_theme{,/functions} set -l theme_path {$OMF_CONFIG,$OMF_PATH}/themes*/$target_theme{,/functions} autoload $theme_path # Find target theme's fish_prompt and link to user function path for path in {$OMF_CONFIG,$OMF_PATH}/themes/$target_theme/$prompt_filename if test -e $path ln -sf $path $user_functions_path/$prompt_filename; and break end end # Reload fish key bindings if reload is available and needed functions -q __fish_reload_key_bindings and test -e $OMF_CONFIG/ -o -e $OMF_PATH/ and __fish_reload_key_bindings # Load target theme's conf.d files for conf in {$OMF_CONFIG,$OMF_PATH}/themes/$target_theme/conf.d/*.fish source $conf end # Persist the changes echo "$target_theme" > "$OMF_CONFIG/theme" return 0 end