Update for 19.7.1 (#188)

qinohe 5 years ago committed by Franco Fichtner
parent 1a1211ca6d
commit 589044e7f0

@ -22,18 +22,21 @@ certificates?
* Depending on what you do with your network/servers this is a good solution.
* Creating your own chain will give some insight in the process.
* Only use them if you are sure you can. Read about the concept in common there is a lot of info on the net.
* They are required for intercepted connections (see proxy chapter)
What you should not do with a self-signed chain:
* Use them for a web-facing server.
* Intercept encrypted traffic on a public wireless network (for example if you provide access in a hotel)
What you should know about self-signed certificates:
* They are **only** as trustworty as the person, company or organization signing it.
* Using these certificates **can** be a security risk if you are the one trusting them and not a CA.
* They are **only** as trustworty as the person, company or organization signing it, this is also true for trusted certificates.
A chain will need at least a CA and certificate; an intermediate CA is not needed, but in case of a
compromise the CA key would be compromised too.
The CA private key should be stored offline on an USB stick/HD and put in a safe, not reachable by malicious software or criminals/burglers.
The intermediate CA, which is intended for a shorter lifetime can be kept on the firewall host.
The chain we are going to create will be made with the following ingredients:
@ -41,11 +44,6 @@ The chain we are going to create will be made with the following ingredients:
* **Intermediate CA** ``=`` subordinate certificate ``=`` signed by CA ``-->`` signs certificates
* **Certificate** ``=`` signed by Intermediate CA ``=`` can be used for different services
.. Note::
This document uses **CN - Common Name** should be read as: **SAN - Subject Alternative Name** and
will be used if present.
Please backup before you proceed.
@ -76,6 +74,7 @@ When you are done save the form, the CA is now generated.
**Descriptive name** opnsense-ca *Choose a name that makes sense to you*
**Method** create an internal ca *Main purpose of CA*
**Common Name** internal-ca *Default is fine, change to liking*
**Lifetime(days)** 3650 *Longer is also no problem for CA*
====================== =================================== ========================================
.. image:: images/CA.png
@ -84,7 +83,8 @@ When you are done save the form, the CA is now generated.
.. Tip::
Always use valid email addresses for your certificates.
Bogus addresses can pose a security risk and not only for certificates.
Bogus addresses can pose a security risk - and not only for certificates.
F.I.: If one should use user@example.com and someone claims example.com mail will be send there!
The Intermediate
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Have a look at the next form and notice the common name, create a server certifi
====================== =================================== ========================================
**Descriptive name** opnsense-ca-intermediate *Choose a name that makes sense to you*
**Method** create a server certificate *Main purpose of certificate*
**Common Name** opnsense.localdomain *This should reflect the FQDN see Tip*
**SAN** opnsense.localdomain *This should reflect the FQDN see Tip*
====================== =================================== ========================================
.. image:: images/webgui-cert.png
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Have a look at the next form and notice the common name, create a server certifi
.. Tip::
When creating the server certificate make sure the **CN - common name**
When creating the server certificate make sure the **SAN - Subject Alternative Name**
is in fact the the **FQDN - Fully Qualified Domain Name**.
You can find it on **Linux/Unix** with this command ``hostname -f``
@ -154,27 +154,6 @@ The local chain for Nextcloud server so we can use OPNsense backup to Nextcloud.
Go ahead and create a new chain **CA -- intermediate CA -- server cert.**.
.. Note::
The certicate store on your OPNsense **ca-root-nss** is not aware of the CA
we are generating that is why we need to add this CA to the store.
.. Note::
| Performing a Health audit **System/Firmware** raises an alert after adding the CA to the store:
| alert: **checksum mismatch for /usr/local/share/certs/ca-root-nss.crt**
| The sum of the file does not match the sum saved in the system after adding the CA.
.. Tip::
| You can check if **ca-root-nss** has changed:
| Do a health check before you add the CA.
| If the check was okay add the CA to the store.
| Create a new checksum & save it :
| ``cksum /usr/local/share/certs/ca-root-nss.crt > sum.txt``
| You can now 'always' check the sum against the result you have stored
| ``cksum /usr/local/share/ca-root-nss.crt | sort | diff sum.txt -``
The Nextcloud Authority
@ -186,36 +165,12 @@ Go to **Trust/Authorities** create a new CA for Nextcloud and save it.
**Descriptive name** nextcloud-ca *Choose a name that makes sense*
**Method** create a ca *Main purpose of CA*
**Common Name** nextcloud-ca *Change to liking*
**Lifetime(days)** 3650 *Longer is also no problem for CA*
====================== =================================== ========================================
.. image:: images/CA-cloud.png
:width: 100%
OPNsense needs to be made aware of the Nextcloud chain we are creating.
* Download the **CA.crt** and upload it back to OPNsense in a secure way.
.. image:: images/export_CA_cert.png
- * For this you can use ``scp`` (see) ``man scp``
* Install the **CA.crt** with ``cat``, you cannot just copy it to the store because it is a single file.
**The following command will append it to the store**
cat nextcloud-ca.crt >> /usr/local/share/certs/ca-root-nss.crt
.. Warning::
If **ca_root_nss** is updated your certificate is removed and needs to be added overnew.
If you created a **sum.txt** you need to create it again, see previous Tip.
.. Tip::
Remove the CA from the store? Use ``vi``, the added CA will be the
last one below **#End of file**
The Nextcloud Intermediate CA
@ -249,7 +204,7 @@ Go to **Trust/Certificates** create a server certificate.
====================== =================================== ========================================
**Descriptive name** cloudserver-cert *Choose a name that makes sense to you*
**Method** create a server certificate *Main purpose of certificate*
**Common Name** cloud.localdomain *Should reflect the FQDN*
**SAN** cloud.localdomain *Should reflect the FQDN*
====================== =================================== ========================================
.. image:: images/cloud-cert.png
@ -267,6 +222,14 @@ We need to install this certificate and key to our Nextcloud server, two ways ar
openssl pkcs12 -in nextcloud-crt.p12 -clcerts -nokeys -out nextcloud.pem
cp nextcloud.pem nextcloud.crt
- * Or download the key and certificate separately from OPNsense.
* If SSH is used '-i private-key' is not needed.
scp -i ~/id_ed25519 /path/to/private/nextcloud.key /etc/ssl/keys/nextcloud.key
scp -i ~/id_ed25519 /path/to/nextcloud.pem /etc/ssl/localcerts/nextcloud.pem
- * Or use the next quick and dirty method for a single key/certificate file:
* Upload the ***.p12** archive to your Nextcloud server, in a safe way..
* Extact the archive into a single **PEM** file and create a certificate.
@ -278,23 +241,17 @@ We need to install this certificate and key to our Nextcloud server, two ways ar
- * **/etc/ssl/localcerts** will be alright for the certificate or choose your own prefered location.
* If the key was extracted separatly, **/etc/ssl/private** would be a good choice.
* Be sure to set sane permissions on the private directory, ``700`` would do it.
* Be sure to set sane permissions on the private directory, ``755`` would do it.
* You could set ``umask`` too (see) ``man umask`` - on your Linux box.
* Edit the webserver config to use the certificate and key or single key-cert file.
* Sane permissions, ``400`` read only owner is sufficent.
You should now be able to backup to nextcloud and have a verified page.
You should now be able to backup to Nextcloud and have a verified page.
- :doc:`cloud_backup`
After setting up the Nextcloud backup everything should work.
| The backup to Nextcloud fails and recieve error:``verify_result 2`` in **System/LogFiles**
| Issuer unknown because of an incomplete chain: the CA (issuer!) is missing.
| The Nextcloud CA was not installed to OPNsense certificate store **ca-root-nss**.
Chain for the Local Webserver
@ -320,7 +277,15 @@ Once done go through the following points:
openssl pkcs12 -in server.p12 -clcerts -nokeys -out server.pem
cp server.pem server.crt
Or if you want to use a single file:
- * Or download the key and certificate separately from OPNsense.
* If SSH is used '-i private-key' is not needed.
scp -i ~/id_ed25519 /path/to/private/server.key /etc/ssl/keys/server.key
scp -i ~/id_ed25519 /path/to/server.pem /etc/ssl/localcerts/server.pem
- * Or if you want to use a single file:
