install: fix image signature verification step

This changed for 24.1: the image signatures are for the uncompressed
images in order to verify the integrity before writing to a medium.

There have been cases of damaged uncompressed images so this way it
can be found and avoided.
Franco Fichtner 3 months ago
parent a51f1b6389
commit 6950921b56

@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ from one of our `mirrors <>`__.
OpenSSL is used for image file verification. 4 files are needed for verification process:
* The SHA-256 checksum file (<filename>.sha256)
* The bzip compressed Image file (<filename>.<image>.bz2)
* The signature file (<filename>.<image>.bz2.sig)
* The bzip compressed image file (<filename>.<image>.bz2)
* The signature file for the uncompressed image file (<filename>.<image>.sig)
* The openssl public key (<filename>.pub)
Use one of the OPNsense mirrors to download these files:
@ -216,8 +216,8 @@ If checksums match continue with the verification commands.
openssl base64 -d -in OPNsense-<filename>.sig -out /tmp/image.sig
openssl dgst -sha256 -verify OPNsense-<filename>.pub -signature /tmp/image.sig OPNsense-<filename>.bz2
openssl base64 -d -in OPNsense-<filename>.<image>.sig -out /tmp/image.sig
openssl dgst -sha256 -verify OPNsense-<filename>.pub -signature /tmp/image.sig OPNsense-<filename>.<image>
If the output of the second command is “**Verified OK**”, your image file was verified
