Ad Schellevis 4 years ago
parent 0e8b82886d
commit e52e381aed

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
The firewall API plugin is a first step into migrating the legacy firewall components from OPNsense, although it does contain
a user interface, it's main focus is only to provide machine to machine interaction between custom applications and OPNsense
for selected features.
.. csv-table:: Resources (FilterController.php)
:header: "Method", "Module", "Controller", "Command", "Parameters"
:widths: 4, 15, 15, 30, 40
The firewall plugin injects rules in the standard OPNsense firewall while maintaining visibility on them in the
standard user interface.
We use our standard :code:`ApiMutableModelControllerBase` to allow crud operations on rule entries and offer a set of
specific actions to apply the new configuration.
Since firewall rules can be quite sensitive with a higher risk of lockout, we also support a rollback mechanism here,
which offers the ability to rollback this components changes.
.. blockdiag::
:scale: 100%
diagram init {
savepoint [label = "savepoint()"];
administration [label = "administration"];
apply [label = "apply(savepoint)"];
cancelRollback [label = "cancelRollback(sp)"];
savepoint -> administration -> apply ;
apply -> cancelRollback [label = ".. 60s", style = dashed];
The diagram above contains the basic steps to change rules, apply and eventually rollback if not being able to access the machine again.
When calling :code:`savepoint()` a new config revision will be created and the timestamp will be returned for later use.
If the :code:`cancelRollback(savepoint)` is not called within 60 seconds, the firewall will rollback to the previous state
identified by the savepoint timestamp (if available).
.. Note::
The examples in this document disable certificate validation, make sure when using this in a production environment to
remove the :code:`verify=False` from the :code:`requests` calls
.. Tip::
The number of versions kept can be configured as "backup count" in :menuselection:`System -> Configuration -> History`.
This affectively determines within how many configuration changes you can still rollback, if the backup is removed, a rollback
will keep the current state (do nothing).
Administration example
Administrative endpoints are pretty standard use of :code:`ApiMutableModelControllerBase`, the example below searches for
a rule named "OPNsense_fw_api_testrule_1", when not found one will be added otherwise it will print the internal uuid.
Inline you will find a brief description of the steps performed.
.. literalinclude:: firewall.sample_create.py
:language: python
:caption: administrative_example.py
.. Tip::
Since our model contains default values for most attributes, we only need to feed the changes if we would like to keep the
defaults. In this case the TCP/IP version was IPv4 by default for example. In most cases one would like to set all relevant properties
in case defaults change over time.
Apply / revert example
This example will disable the rule created in the previous example and apply the changes using a savepoint, since we're not
calling :code:`cancelRollback(savepoint)` it will revert after 60 seconds to the original state.
.. literalinclude:: firewall.savepoint.py
:language: python
:caption: savepoint_example.py
.. Note::
The savepoint will only revert this components changes, other changes won't be affected by this revert, for example
add an additional interface between savepoint and revert won't be affected.

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
{{ title }}
{{ title_underline }}
The firewall API plugin is a first step into migrating the legacy firewall components from OPNsense, although it does contain
a user interface, it's main focus is only to provide machine to machine interaction between custom applications and OPNsense
for selected features.
{% for controller in controllers %}
.. csv-table:: {{controller.type}} ({{controller.filename}})
:header: "Method", "Module", "Controller", "Command", "Parameters"
:widths: 4, 15, 15, 30, 40
{% for endpoint in controller.endpoints %}
{%- endfor %}
{% endfor %}
The firewall plugin injects rules in the standard OPNsense firewall while maintaining visibility on them in the
standard user interface.
We use our standard :code:`ApiMutableModelControllerBase` to allow crud operations on rule entries and offer a set of
specific actions to apply the new configuration.
Since firewall rules can be quite sensitive with a higher risk of lockout, we also support a rollback mechanism here,
which offers the ability to rollback this components changes.
.. blockdiag::
:scale: 100%
diagram init {
savepoint [label = "savepoint()"];
administration [label = "administration"];
apply [label = "apply(savepoint)"];
cancelRollback [label = "cancelRollback(sp)"];
savepoint -> administration -> apply ;
apply -> cancelRollback [label = ".. 60s", style = dashed];
The diagram above contains the basic steps to change rules, apply and eventually rollback if not being able to access the machine again.
When calling :code:`savepoint()` a new config revision will be created and the timestamp will be returned for later use.
If the :code:`cancelRollback(savepoint)` is not called within 60 seconds, the firewall will rollback to the previous state
identified by the savepoint timestamp (if available).
.. Note::
The examples in this document disable certificate validation, make sure when using this in a production environment to
remove the :code:`verify=False` from the :code:`requests` calls
.. Tip::
The number of versions kept can be configured as "backup count" in :menuselection:`System -> Configuration -> History`.
This affectively determines within how many configuration changes you can still rollback, if the backup is removed, a rollback
will keep the current state (do nothing).
Administration example
Administrative endpoints are pretty standard use of :code:`ApiMutableModelControllerBase`, the example below searches for
a rule named "OPNsense_fw_api_testrule_1", when not found one will be added otherwise it will print the internal uuid.
Inline you will find a brief description of the steps performed.
.. literalinclude:: firewall.sample_create.py
:language: python
:caption: administrative_example.py
.. Tip::
Since our model contains default values for most attributes, we only need to feed the changes if we would like to keep the
defaults. In this case the TCP/IP version was IPv4 by default for example. In most cases one would like to set all relevant properties
in case defaults change over time.
Apply / revert example
This example will disable the rule created in the previous example and apply the changes using a savepoint, since we're not
calling :code:`cancelRollback(savepoint)` it will revert after 60 seconds to the original state.
.. literalinclude:: firewall.savepoint.py
:language: python
:caption: savepoint_example.py
.. Note::
The savepoint will only revert this components changes, other changes won't be affected by this revert, for example
add an additional interface between savepoint and revert won't be affected.

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
import requests
import json
# key + secret from downloaded apikey.txt
# define the basics, hostname to use and description used to identify our test rule
# search for rule
r = requests.get(
"%s/api/firewall/filter/searchRule?current=1&rowCount=7&searchPhrase=%s" % (
remote_uri, rule_description
auth=(api_key, api_secret), verify=False
if r.status_code == 200:
response = json.loads(r.text)
if len(response['rows']) == 0:
# create a new rule, identified by rule_description allowing traffic from
# to using TCP protocol
data = {"rule" :
"description": rule_description,
"source_net": "",
"protocol": "TCP",
"destination_net": ""
r = requests.post(
"%s/api/firewall/filter/addRule" % remote_uri, auth=(api_key, api_secret), verify=False, json=data
if r.status_code == 200:
print("created : %s" % json.loads(r.text)['uuid'])
print("error : %s" % r.text)
for row in response['rows']:
print ("found uuid %s" % row['uuid'])

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
import requests
import json
# key + secret from downloaded apikey.txt
# define the basics, hostname to use and description used to identify our test rule
# search for rule
r = requests.get(
"%s/api/firewall/filter/searchRule?current=1&rowCount=7&searchPhrase=%s" % (
remote_uri, rule_description
auth=(api_key, api_secret), verify=False
if r.status_code == 200:
response = json.loads(r.text)
if len(response['rows']) > 0:
rule_uuid = response['rows'][0]['uuid']
r = requests.post("%s/api/firewall/filter/savepoint" % remote_uri, auth=(api_key, api_secret), verify=False)
if r.status_code == 200:
sp_response = json.loads(r.text)
# disable rule
r = requests.post("%s/api/firewall/filter/toggleRule/%s/0" % (remote_uri, rule_uuid),
auth=(api_key, api_secret), verify=False
# apply changes, revert to sp_response['revision'] after 60 seconds
r = requests.post("%s/api/firewall/filter/apply/%s" % (remote_uri, sp_response['revision']),
auth=(api_key, api_secret), verify=False
print("revert to revision %s in 60 seconds (%s changed)" % (sp_response['revision'], rule_uuid))
print("rule %s not found" % rule_description)

@ -363,3 +363,11 @@ State Type Influence the state tracking mechanism use
and modulate state combined.
* None :menuselection:`-->` Do not use state mechanisms to keep track.
==================================== ===============================================================================
API access
Partial API access is provided with the :code:`os-firewall` plugin, which is described in more detail in
the :doc:`firewall <../development/api/plugins/firewall>` api reference manual.
