added before_egrep option in http_fuzz

Sebastien 12 years ago
parent 9fad5fea06
commit d81edcf19c

@ -383,11 +383,19 @@ http_fuzz url= header=@headers.txt 0=vhosts.txt 1=agents.txt
(b) Ignore HTTP 200 responses with a content size (header+body) within given range
and that also contain the given string.
(c) Use a different delimiter string because the comma cannot be escaped.
--------- (a) (a)
http_fuzz url='http://localhost/login?username=admin&password=_@@_FILE0_@@_' -e _@@_:hex
--------- (a) (a)
http_fuzz url='' -e _@@_:hex
0=words.txt -x ignore:'code=200|size=1500-|fgrep=Welcome, unauthenticated user' -X'|'
(b) (c)
* Brute-force logon that enforces a random nonce to be submitted along every POST.
(a) Request page that provides the nonce as a hidden input field using GET.
(b) Use regex to extract the nonce that is to be submitted by the main request.
http_fuzz url= method=POST body='user=admin&pass=FILE0&nonce=_@@_' accept_cookie=1
before_urls= before_egrep=_@@_:'nput type="hidden" name="nonce" value="(\w+)"/>'
(a) (b)
* Test the OPTIONS method against a list of URLs.
(a) Ignore URLs that only allow the HEAD and GET methods.
(b) Header end of line is '\r\n'.
@ -577,13 +585,12 @@ logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
import re
from time import sleep, time
from Queue import Queue, Empty, Full
from threading import Thread, active_count
from select import select
from sys import stdin, exc_info, exit
import os
from time import localtime, strftime, sleep
from time import localtime, strftime, sleep, time
from itertools import product, chain, islice
from string import ascii_lowercase
from binascii import hexlify
@ -600,6 +607,7 @@ try:
has_ipy = True
except ImportError:
has_ipy = False
# imports }}}
@ -1194,7 +1202,7 @@ For example, to encode every password in base64:
i, _, _ = select([stdin], [], [], .1)
if not i: return
command = stdin.readline().strip()
command = i[0].readline().strip()
if command == 'h':'''Available commands:
@ -2149,6 +2157,10 @@ class HTTP_fuzz(TCP_Cache):
"""%prog url= method=POST"""
""" body='pma_username=root&pma_password=FILE0&server=1&lang=en' 0=passwords.txt follow=1"""
""" accept_cookie=1 -x ignore:fgrep='Cannot log in to the MySQL server'""",
"""%prog url= method=POST body='user=admin&pass=FILE0&nonce=_@@_'"""
""" 0=passwords.txt accept_cookie=1 before_urls="""
""" before_egrep=_@@_:'<input type="hidden" name="nonce" value="(\w+)">'"""
available_options = (
@ -2170,8 +2182,9 @@ class HTTP_fuzz(TCP_Cache):
('ssl_cert', 'client SSL certificate file (cert+key in PEM format)'),
('timeout_tcp', 'seconds to wait for a TCP handshake [10]'),
('timeout', 'seconds to wait for a HTTP response [20]'),
('before_urls', 'comma-separated URLs to query before main url'),
('after_urls', 'comma-separated URLs to query after main url'),
('before_urls', 'comma-separated URLs to query before the main request'),
('before_egrep', 'extract substring from the before_urls responses to include it in the main request'),
('after_urls', 'comma-separated URLs to query after the main request'),
('max_mem', 'store no more than N bytes of request+response data in memory [-1 (unlimited)]'),
available_options += TCP_Cache.available_options
@ -2191,7 +2204,7 @@ class HTTP_fuzz(TCP_Cache):
def execute(self, url=None, host=None, port=None, scheme='http', path='/', params='', query='', fragment='', body='', header='', method='GET', user_pass='', auth_type='basic',
follow='0', max_follow='5', accept_cookie='0', http_proxy='', ssl_cert='', timeout_tcp='10', timeout='20', persistent='1',
before_urls='', after_urls='', max_mem='-1'):
before_urls='', before_egrep='', after_urls='', max_mem='-1'):
if url:
scheme, host, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse(url)
@ -2241,19 +2254,16 @@ class HTTP_fuzz(TCP_Cache):
if ssl_cert:
fp.setopt(pycurl.SSLCERT, ssl_cert)
headers = [h.strip('\r') for h in header.split('\n') if h]
fp.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, headers) # warning: this disables the use of "Expect: 100-continue" header
if accept_cookie == '1':
fp.setopt(pycurl.COOKIEFILE, '')
# warning: do not pass a Cookie: header into HTTPHEADER if using COOKIEFILE as it will
# produce requests with more than one Cookie: header
# and the server will process only one of them (eg. Apache only reads the last one)
#if rrange: # commented out because the user may instead pass header='Range: -1024'
# fp.setopt(pycurl.RANGE, rrange)
def perform_fp(fp, method, url, header='', body=''):
#logger.debug('perform: %s' % url)
fp.setopt(pycurl.URL, url)
def setup_fp(fp, method, url):
if method == 'GET':
fp.setopt(pycurl.HTTPGET, 1)
@ -2267,13 +2277,22 @@ class HTTP_fuzz(TCP_Cache):
fp.setopt(pycurl.CUSTOMREQUEST, method)
#logger.debug('url: %s' % url)
fp.setopt(pycurl.URL, url)
headers = [h.strip('\r') for h in header.split('\n') if h]
fp.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, headers) # warning: this disables the use of "Expect: 100-continue" header
if before_urls:
for before_url in before_urls.split(','):
setup_fp(fp, 'GET', before_url)
perform_fp(fp, 'GET', before_url)
if before_egrep:
mark, regex = before_egrep.split(':', 1)
val =, response.getvalue(), re.M).group(1)
header = header.replace(mark, val)
query = query.replace(mark, val)
body = body.replace(mark, val)
path = quote(path)
query = urlencode(parse_qsl(query, True))
@ -2283,13 +2302,11 @@ class HTTP_fuzz(TCP_Cache):
host = '%s:%s' % (host, port)
url = urlunparse((scheme, host, path, params, query, fragment))
setup_fp(fp, method, url)
perform_fp(fp, method, url, header, body)
if after_urls:
for after_url in after_urls.split(','):
setup_fp(fp, 'GET', after_url)
perform_fp(fp, 'GET', after_url)
http_code = fp.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE)
content_length = fp.getinfo(pycurl.CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD)
@ -2889,6 +2906,7 @@ module_deps = {
'psycopg': [('pgsql_login',), ''],
'pycrypto': [('vnc_login',), ''],
'pydns': [('dns_reverse', 'dns_forward'), ''],
'IPy': [('dns_reverse', 'dns_forward'), ''],
'pysnmp': [('snmp_login',), ''],
'unzip': [('unzip_pass',), ''],
'java': [('keystore_pass',), ''],
