You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

305 lines
9.4 KiB

use native_tls::TlsConnector;
use std::{
io::{Read, Result, Write},
use termion::input::TermRead;
mod r#type;
pub use self::r#type::Type;
trait ReadWrite: Read + Write {}
impl<T: Read + Write> ReadWrite for T {}
/// Wrapper for TLS and regular TCP streams.
pub struct Stream {
io: Box<dyn ReadWrite>,
tls: bool,
impl Stream {
fn is_tls(&self) -> bool {
impl Read for Stream {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize> {
impl Write for Stream {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize> {
fn flush(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
/// Some Gopher servers can be kind of slow, we may want to up this or
/// make it configurable eventually.
pub const TCP_TIMEOUT_IN_SECS: u64 = 8;
pub const TCP_TIMEOUT_DURATION: Duration = Duration::from_secs(TCP_TIMEOUT_IN_SECS);
/// Fetches a gopher URL and returns a tuple of:
/// (did tls work?, raw Gopher response)
pub fn fetch_url(url: &str, try_tls: bool) -> Result<(bool, String)> {
let (_, host, port, sel) = parse_url(url);
fetch(host, port, sel, try_tls)
/// Fetches a gopher URL by its component parts and returns a tuple of:
/// (did tls work?, raw Gopher response)
pub fn fetch(host: &str, port: &str, selector: &str, try_tls: bool) -> Result<(bool, String)> {
let mut stream = request(host, port, selector, try_tls)?;
let mut body = String::new();
stream.read_to_string(&mut body)?;
Ok((stream.is_tls(), body))
/// Downloads a binary to disk. Allows canceling with Ctrl-c.
/// Returns a tuple of:
/// (path it was saved to, the size in bytes)
pub fn download_url(url: &str, try_tls: bool) -> Result<(String, usize)> {
let (_, host, port, sel) = parse_url(url);
let filename = sel
.ok_or_else(|| error!("Bad download filename: {}", sel))?;
let mut path = std::path::PathBuf::from(".");
let stdin = termion::async_stdin();
let mut keys = stdin.keys();
let mut stream = request(host, port, sel, try_tls)?;
let mut file = std::fs::OpenOptions::new()
let mut buf = [0; 1024];
let mut bytes = 0;
while let Ok(count) = buf) {
if count == 0 {
bytes += count;
if let Some(Ok(termion::event::Key::Ctrl('c'))) = {
return Err(error!("Download cancelled"));
Ok((filename.to_string(), bytes))
/// Make a Gopher request and return a TcpStream ready to be read()'d.
/// Will attempt a TLS connection first, then retry a regular
/// connection if it fails.
pub fn request(host: &str, port: &str, selector: &str, try_tls: bool) -> Result<Stream> {
let selector = selector.replace('?', "\t"); // search queries
let sock = format!("{}:{}", host, port)
.and_then(|mut socks||| error!("Can't create socket")))?;
// attempt tls connection
if try_tls {
if let Ok(connector) = TlsConnector::new() {
let stream = TcpStream::connect_timeout(&sock, TCP_TIMEOUT_DURATION)?;
if let Ok(mut stream) = connector.connect(host, stream) {
stream.write(format!("{}\r\n", selector).as_ref())?;
return Ok(Stream {
io: Box::new(stream),
tls: true,
let mut stream = TcpStream::connect_timeout(&sock, TCP_TIMEOUT_DURATION)?;
stream.write(format!("{}\r\n", selector).as_ref())?;
Ok(Stream {
io: Box::new(stream),
tls: false,
/// Parses gopher URL into parts.
/// Returns (Type, host, port, sel)
pub fn parse_url(url: &str) -> (Type, &str, &str, &str) {
let url = url.trim_start_matches("gopher://");
// simple URLs, ex: ""
if !url.contains(':') && !url.contains('/') {
return (Type::Menu, url, "70", "");
// non-gopher URLs, stick everything in selector
if url.contains("://") {
return (Type::HTML, "", "", url);
let mut typ = Type::Menu;
let mut host;
let mut port = "70";
let mut sel = "";
// check selector first
if let Some(idx) = url.find('/') {
host = &url[..idx];
sel = &url[idx..];
} else {
host = &url;
// ipv6
if let Some(idx) = host.find('[') {
if let Some(end) = host[idx + 1..].find(']') {
host = &host[idx + 1..=end];
if host.len() > end {
if let Some(idx) = host[end..].find(':') {
port = &host[idx + 1..];
} else {
return (Type::Error, "Unclosed ipv6 bracket", "", url);
} else if let Some(idx) = host.find(':') {
// two :'s == probably ipv6
if host.len() > idx + 1 && !host[idx + 1..].contains(':') {
// regular hostname w/ port -- grab port
port = &host[idx + 1..];
host = &host[..idx];
// ignore type prefix on selector
let mut chars = sel.chars();
if let (Some('/'), Some(c), Some('/')) = (chars.nth(0), chars.nth(0), chars.nth(0)) {
if let Some(t) = Type::from(c) {
typ = t;
sel = &sel[2..];
(typ, host, port, sel)
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_simple_parse() {
let urls = vec![
let (typ, host, port, sel) = parse_url(urls[0]);
assert_eq!(typ, Type::Menu);
assert_eq!(host, "");
assert_eq!(port, "70");
assert_eq!(sel, "/phlogs/");
let (typ, host, port, sel) = parse_url(urls[1]);
assert_eq!(typ, Type::Menu);
assert_eq!(host, "");
assert_eq!(port, "7777");
assert_eq!(sel, "/maps");
let (typ, host, port, sel) = parse_url(urls[2]);
assert_eq!(typ, Type::Menu);
assert_eq!(host, "");
assert_eq!(port, "70");
assert_eq!(sel, "");
let (typ, host, port, sel) = parse_url(urls[3]);
assert_eq!(typ, Type::Text);
assert_eq!(host, "");
assert_eq!(port, "70");
assert_eq!(sel, "/gopher/relevance.txt");
let (typ, host, port, sel) = parse_url(urls[4]);
assert_eq!(typ, Type::Search);
assert_eq!(host, "");
assert_eq!(port, "70");
assert_eq!(sel, "/lookup?Gopher");
let (typ, host, port, sel) = parse_url(urls[5]);
assert_eq!(typ, Type::Menu);
assert_eq!(host, "dead:beef:1234:5678:9012:3456:feed:deed");
assert_eq!(port, "70");
assert_eq!(sel, "");
let (typ, host, port, sel) = parse_url(urls[6]);
assert_eq!(typ, Type::Menu);
assert_eq!(host, "1234:2345:dead:4567:7890:1234:beef:1111");
assert_eq!(port, "70");
assert_eq!(sel, "/files");
let (typ, host, port, sel) = parse_url(urls[7]);
assert_eq!(typ, Type::Menu);
assert_eq!(host, "2001:cdba:0000:0000:0000:0000:3257:9121");
assert_eq!(port, "70");
assert_eq!(sel, "");
let (typ, host, port, sel) = parse_url(urls[8]);
assert_eq!(typ, Type::Menu);
assert_eq!(host, "2001:cdba::3257:9652");
assert_eq!(port, "70");
assert_eq!(sel, "");
let (typ, host, port, sel) = parse_url(urls[9]);
assert_eq!(typ, Type::Menu);
assert_eq!(host, "9999:aaaa::abab:baba:aaaa:9999");
assert_eq!(port, "70");
assert_eq!(sel, "");
let (typ, host, port, sel) = parse_url(urls[10]);
assert_eq!(typ, Type::Error);
assert_eq!(host, "Unclosed ipv6 bracket");
assert_eq!(port, "");
assert_eq!(sel, "[2001:2099:dead:beef:0000");
let (typ, host, port, sel) = parse_url(urls[11]);
assert_eq!(typ, Type::Menu);
assert_eq!(host, "::1");
assert_eq!(port, "70");
assert_eq!(sel, "");
let (typ, host, port, sel) = parse_url(urls[12]);
assert_eq!(typ, Type::HTML);
assert_eq!(host, "");
assert_eq!(port, "");
assert_eq!(sel, "ssh://");
let (typ, host, port, sel) = parse_url(urls[13]);
assert_eq!(typ, Type::HTML);
assert_eq!(host, "");
assert_eq!(port, "");
assert_eq!(sel, "");