Change how images are passed in add_dir

azzy9 3 months ago
parent bd96ff1aae
commit 6ed1122d2d

@ -110,40 +110,40 @@ def home_menu():
""" Creates home menu """
# Search
add_dir( get_string(137), '', 1, MEDIA_DIR + 'search.png', '', '' ,'' )
add_dir( get_string(137), '', 1, { 'thumb': MEDIA_DIR + 'search.png' }, '' ,'' )
# Favorites
add_dir( get_string(1036), '', 7, MEDIA_DIR + 'favorite.png', '', '', '' )
add_dir( get_string(1036), '', 7, { 'thumb': MEDIA_DIR + 'favorite.png' }, '', '' )
if RUMBLE_USER.has_login_details():
# subscriptions
add_dir( 'Subscriptions', BASE_URL + '/subscriptions', 3, MEDIA_DIR + 'favorite.png', '', '', 'subscriptions' )
add_dir( 'Subscriptions', BASE_URL + '/subscriptions', 3, { 'thumb': MEDIA_DIR + 'favorite.png' }, '', 'subscriptions' )
# subscriptions
add_dir( 'Following', BASE_URL + '/', 3, MEDIA_DIR + 'favorite.png', '', '', 'following' )
add_dir( 'Following', BASE_URL + '/', 3, { 'thumb': MEDIA_DIR + 'favorite.png' }, '', 'following' )
# Battle Leaderboard
add_dir( get_string(30052), BASE_URL + '/battle-leaderboard/recorded', 3, MEDIA_DIR + 'leader.png', '', '', 'top' )
add_dir( get_string(30052), BASE_URL + '/battle-leaderboard/recorded', 3, { 'thumb': MEDIA_DIR + 'leader.png' }, '', 'top' )
# Categories
add_dir( 'Categories', BASE_URL + '/browse', 3, MEDIA_DIR + 'viral.png', '', '', 'cat_list' )
add_dir( 'Categories', BASE_URL + '/browse', 3, { 'thumb': MEDIA_DIR + 'viral.png' }, '', 'cat_list' )
# Live Streams
add_dir( 'Live Streams', BASE_URL + '/browse/live', 3, MEDIA_DIR + 'viral.png', '', '', 'live_stream' )
add_dir( 'Live Streams', BASE_URL + '/browse/live', 3, { 'thumb': MEDIA_DIR + 'viral.png' }, '', 'live_stream' )
# Settings
add_dir( get_string(5), '', 8, MEDIA_DIR + 'settings.png', '', '', '' )
add_dir( get_string(5), '', 8, { 'thumb': MEDIA_DIR + 'settings.png' }, '', '' )
xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(PLUGIN_ID, cacheToDisc=False)
xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( PLUGIN_ID, cacheToDisc=False )
def search_menu():
""" Creates search menu """
# Search Video
add_dir( get_string(30100), BASE_URL + '/search/video?q=', 2, MEDIA_DIR + 'search.png', '', '', 'video' )
add_dir( get_string(30100), BASE_URL + '/search/video?q=', 2, { 'thumb': MEDIA_DIR + 'search.png' }, '', 'video' )
# Search Channel
add_dir( get_string(30101), BASE_URL + '/search/channel?q=', 2, MEDIA_DIR + 'search.png', '', '', 'channel' )
add_dir( get_string(30101), BASE_URL + '/search/channel?q=', 2, { 'thumb': MEDIA_DIR + 'search.png' }, '', 'channel' )
# Search User
add_dir( get_string(30102), BASE_URL + '/search/channel?q=', 2, MEDIA_DIR + 'search.png', '', '', 'user' )
add_dir( get_string(30102), BASE_URL + '/search/channel?q=', 2, { 'thumb': MEDIA_DIR + 'search.png' }, '', 'user' )
@ -266,8 +266,10 @@ def dir_list_create( data, cat, video_type='video', search = False, play=0 ):
channel_name = channel_name.split('<svg')[0] + " (Verified)"
video_title = '[B]' + clean_text( title ) + '[/B]\n[COLOR gold]' + channel_name + '[/COLOR] - [COLOR lime]' + get_date_formatted( DATE_FORMAT, year, month, day ) + '[/COLOR]'
images = { 'thumb': str(img), 'fanart': str(img) }
#open get url and open player
add_dir( video_title, BASE_URL + link, 4, str(img), str(img), '', cat, False, True, play, { 'name' : channel_link, 'subscribe': True } )
add_dir( video_title, BASE_URL + link, 4, images, '', cat, False, True, play, { 'name' : channel_link, 'subscribe': True } )
elif video_type == 'channel_video':
@ -279,9 +281,10 @@ def dir_list_create( data, cat, video_type='video', search = False, play=0 ):
video_title = '[B]' + clean_text( title ) + '[/B]'
cat = 'other'
images = { 'thumb': str(img), 'fanart': str(img) }
#open get url and open player
add_dir( video_title, BASE_URL + link.strip(), 4, img, img, '', cat, False, True, play, { 'name' : link.strip(), 'subscribe': False } )
add_dir( video_title, BASE_URL + link.strip(), 4, images, '', cat, False, True, play, { 'name' : link.strip(), 'subscribe': False } )
elif video_type in { 'cat_video', 'subscriptions', 'live_stream' }:
@ -315,8 +318,10 @@ def dir_list_create( data, cat, video_type='video', search = False, play=0 ):
video_title += " (Verified)"
video_title += '[/COLOR]'
images = { 'thumb': str(img[0]), 'fanart': str(img[0]) }
#open get url and open player
add_dir( video_title, BASE_URL + link[0], 4, str( img[0] ), str( img[0] ), '', cat, False, True, play, { 'name' : channel_link[0], 'subscribe': True } )
add_dir( video_title, BASE_URL + link[0], 4, images, '', cat, False, True, play, { 'name' : channel_link[0], 'subscribe': True } )
return amount
@ -327,9 +332,10 @@ def dir_list_create( data, cat, video_type='video', search = False, play=0 ):
for link, img, title in cat_list:
cat = 'channel_video'
images = { 'thumb': str(img), 'fanart': str(img) }
#open get url and open player
add_dir( clean_text( title ), BASE_URL + link.strip() + '/videos', 3, img, img, '', cat )
add_dir( clean_text( title ), BASE_URL + link.strip() + '/videos', 3, images, '', cat )
elif video_type == 'following':
following = re.compile(r'<a\s*class=\"main-menu-item-channel\s*(?:main-menu-item-channel-is-live)?\"\s*title=\"?(?:[^\"]+)\"?\s*href=([^>\s]+)(?:\s*data-js=\"main_menu_live_channel\")?\s*>\s*<div class=\"main-menu-item-channel-label-wrapper\">\s*<i class=\'user-image (?:user-image--img user-image--img--id-([^\s\']+)\s*(?:channel-live)?\')?(?:user-image--letter\s*(?:channel-live)?\' data-letter=([a-zA-Z]))? data-js=user-image>\s*</i>\s*<span class=\"main-menu-item-label main-menu-item-channel-label\">([^<]+)</span>', re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE).findall(data)
@ -346,9 +352,10 @@ def dir_list_create( data, cat, video_type='video', search = False, play=0 ):
cat = 'user'
if '/user/' not in link:
cat = 'channel_video'
images = { 'thumb': str(img), 'fanart': str(img) }
#open get url and open player
add_dir( video_title, BASE_URL + link.strip(), 3, img, img, '', cat, True, True, play, { 'name' : link.strip(), 'subscribe': False } )
add_dir( video_title, BASE_URL + link.strip(), 3, images, '', cat, True, True, play, { 'name' : link.strip(), 'subscribe': False } )
@ -372,9 +379,11 @@ def dir_list_create( data, cat, video_type='video', search = False, play=0 ):
img = str( get_image( data, img_id ) )
img = MEDIA_DIR + 'letters/' + img_letter + '.png'
images = { 'thumb': str(img), 'fanart': str(img) }
video_title = '[B]' + channel_name + '[/B]\n[COLOR palegreen]' + subscribers + '[/COLOR] [COLOR yellow]' + get_string(30156) + '[/COLOR]'
#open get url and open player
add_dir( video_title, BASE_URL + link, 3, img, img, '', cat, True, True, play, { 'name' : link, 'subscribe': True } )
add_dir( video_title, BASE_URL + link, 3, images, '', cat, True, True, play, { 'name' : link, 'subscribe': True } )
return amount
@ -449,7 +458,7 @@ def resolver( url ):
return media_url
def play_video( name, url, iconimage, play=2 ):
def play_video( name, url, thumb, play=2 ):
""" method to play video """
@ -463,7 +472,7 @@ def play_video( name, url, iconimage, play=2 ):
url = url.replace('https://', 'http://', 1)
list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, path=url)
list_item.setArt({'icon': iconimage, 'thumb': iconimage})
list_item.setArt({'icon': thumb, 'thumb': thumb})
if KODI_VERSION > 19.8:
vidtag = list_item.getVideoInfoTag()
@ -508,14 +517,13 @@ def favorites_show():
name = i[0]
url = i[1]
mode = i[2]
iconimage = i[3]
fan_art = i[4]
images = { 'thumb': str(i[3]), 'fanart': str(i[4]) }
description = i[5]
cat = i[6]
folder = ( i[7] == 'True' )
play = i[8]
add_dir( name, url, mode, str(iconimage), str(fan_art), str(description), cat, folder, True, int(play) )
add_dir( name, url, mode, images, str(description), cat, folder, True, int(play) )
@ -526,17 +534,17 @@ def favorites_show():
def favorite_add(name, url, fav_mode, iconimage, fanart, description, cat, folder, play):
def favorite_add(name, url, fav_mode, thumb, fanart, description, cat, folder, play):
""" add favorite from name """
data = favorites_load()
data.append((name, url, fav_mode, iconimage, fanart, description, cat, folder, play))
data.append((name, url, fav_mode, thumb, fanart, description, cat, folder, play))
fav_file = open( favorites, 'w' )
notify( get_string(30152), name, iconimage )
notify( get_string(30152), name, thumb )
def favorite_remove( name ):
@ -659,16 +667,21 @@ def subscribe( name, action ):
return False
def add_dir(name, url, mode, iconimage, fanart, description, cat, folder=True, fav_context=False, play=0, subscribe_context=False):
def add_dir( name, url, mode, images = {}, description = '', cat = '', folder=True, fav_context=False, play=0, subscribe_context=False ):
""" Adds directory items """
art_dict = {
'thumb': images.get( 'thumb', '' ),
'fanart': images.get( 'fanart', HOME_DIR + 'fanart.jpg' ),
link_params = {
'url': url,
'mode': str( mode ),
'name': name,
'fanart': fanart,
'iconimage': iconimage,
'thumb': art_dict[ 'thumb' ],
'fanart': art_dict[ 'fanart' ],
'description': description,
'cat': cat,
@ -682,9 +695,9 @@ def add_dir(name, url, mode, iconimage, fanart, description, cat, folder=True, f
list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem( name )
if folder:
list_item.setArt({'icon': 'DefaultFolder.png', 'thumb': iconimage})
list_item.setArt({'icon': 'DefaultFolder.png', 'thumb': art_dict[ 'thumb' ]})
list_item.setArt({'icon': 'DefaultVideo.png', 'thumb': iconimage})
list_item.setArt({'icon': 'DefaultVideo.png', 'thumb': art_dict[ 'thumb' ]})
xbmcplugin.setContent(PLUGIN_ID, 'videos')
if play == 2 and mode == 4:
@ -699,10 +712,7 @@ def add_dir(name, url, mode, iconimage, fanart, description, cat, folder=True, f
list_item.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels={'Title': name, 'Plot': description})
if fanart > '':
list_item.setProperty('fanart_image', fanart)
list_item.setProperty('fanart_image', HOME_DIR + 'fanart.jpg')
list_item.setProperty( 'fanart_image', art_dict[ 'fanart' ] )
if RUMBLE_USER.has_login_details():
@ -734,8 +744,8 @@ def add_dir(name, url, mode, iconimage, fanart, description, cat, folder=True, f
'url': url,
'mode': '5',
'name': name,
'fanart': fanart,
'iconimage': iconimage,
'thumb': art_dict[ 'thumb' ],
'fanart': art_dict[ 'fanart' ],
'description': description,
'cat': cat,
'folder': str(folder),
@ -789,9 +799,9 @@ def main():
if name:
name = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(name)
iconimage=params.get( 'iconimage', None )
if iconimage:
thumb=params.get( 'thumb', None )
if thumb:
fanart=params.get( 'fanart', None )
if fanart:
@ -834,14 +844,14 @@ def main():
pagination(url, page, cat)
elif mode==4:
play_video(name, url, iconimage, play)
play_video(name, url, thumb, play)
elif mode in [5,6]:
if '\\ ' in name:
name = name.split('\\ ')[1]
if ' - ' in name:
name = name.split(' - ')[0]
if mode == 5:
favorite_add( name, url, fav_mode, iconimage, fanart, description, cat, str(folder), str(play) )
favorite_add( name, url, fav_mode, thumb, fanart, description, cat, str(folder), str(play) )
favorite_remove( name )
elif mode==7:
