Remove unused Ed25519 methods

Christophe Mehay 5 years ago committed by Christophe Mehay
parent d043233429
commit 5b3b4606fd

@ -6,16 +6,14 @@ code released under the terms of the GNU Public License v3, copyleft 2015
import collections
import hashlib
import os
Point = collections.namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y'])
key_mask = int.from_bytes(b'\x3F' + b'\xFF' * 30 +
b'\xF8', 'big', signed=False)
class Ed25519():
Generate public key from private key secret hash
length = 256
@ -28,9 +26,6 @@ class Ed25519():
self.B = self.point(4 * self.inverse(5))
def to_hash(self, m):
return hashlib.sha512(m).digest()
def from_bytes(self, h):
""" pick 32 bytes, return a 256 bit int """
return int.from_bytes(h[0:self.length // 8], 'little', signed=False)
@ -38,64 +33,13 @@ class Ed25519():
def to_bytes(self, k):
return k.to_bytes(self.length // 8, 'little', signed=False)
def as_key(self, h):
return 2**(self.length - 2) + (self.from_bytes(h) & key_mask)
def secret_key(self):
""" pick a random secret key """
m = os.urandom(1024)
h = self.to_hash(m)
k = self.as_key(h)
return self.to_bytes(k)
def public_key(self, sk):
""" compute the public key from the secret one """
return self.public_key_from_hash(self.as_key(self.to_hash(sk)))
def public_key_from_hash(self, hash):
c = self.outer(self.B, hash)
return self.point_to_bytes(c)
def public_key_from_byte_key(self, hash):
c = self.outer(self.B, int.from_bytes(hash[:32], 'little'))
return self.point_to_bytes(c)
def inverse(self, x):
return pow(x, self.q - 2, self.q)
def sign(self, message, secret_key, public_key):
s_h = self.to_hash(secret_key)
return self.sign_from_hash(message, s_h, public_key)
def sign_from_hash(self, message, hash, public_key):
s_h = hash
s_d = self.as_key(s_h)
m_h = self.to_hash(s_h[self.length // 8:self.length // 4] + message)
m_d = self.from_bytes(m_h)
R = self.outer(self.B, m_d)
r_h = self.to_hash(self.point_to_bytes(R) + public_key + message)
r_d = m_d + self.from_bytes(r_h) * s_d
return self.point_to_bytes(R) + self.to_bytes(r_d % self.l)
def verify(self, message, signature, public_key):
r_b = signature[0:self.length // 8]
r_h = self.to_hash(r_b + public_key + message)
r_d = self.from_bytes(r_h)
s_d = self.from_bytes(signature[self.length // 8:self.length // 4])
b_j = self.outer(self.B, s_d)
P = self.bytes_to_point(public_key)
p_j = self.outer(P, r_d)
R = self.bytes_to_point(r_b)
return b_j == self.inner(R, p_j)
def recover(self, y):
""" given a value y, recover the preimage x """
p = (y * y - 1) * self.inverse(self.d * y * y + 1)
@ -110,10 +54,6 @@ class Ed25519():
""" given a value y, recover x and return the corresponding P(x, y) """
return Point(self.recover(y) % self.q, y % self.q)
def is_on_curve(self, P):
return (
P.y * P.y - P.x * P.x - 1 - self.d * P.x * P.x * P.y * P.y) % self.q == 0
def inner(self, P, Q):
""" inner product on the curve, between two points """
x = (P.x * Q.y + Q.x * P.y) * \
@ -134,11 +74,3 @@ class Ed25519():
def point_to_bytes(self, P):
return (P.y + ((P.x & 1) << 255)).to_bytes(self.length // 8, 'little')
def bytes_to_point(self, b):
i = self.from_bytes(b)
y = i % 2**(self.length - 1)
x = self.recover(y)
if (x & 1) != ((i >> (self.length - 1)) & 1):
x = self.q - x
return Point(x, y)

@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ class OnionV3(Onion):
def _save_keypair(self, key: bytes) -> None:
self._priv = key
self._pub = Ed25519().public_key_from_byte_key(key)
self._pub = Ed25519().public_key_from_hash(key)
def gen_new_private_key(self) -> None:
'Generate new tor ed25519 512 bits key'
