Improve logic to rely on children instead of childNodes

Gijs Kruitbosch 9 years ago
parent 4e92d7c1ac
commit eb81444946

@ -262,11 +262,9 @@
var elems = [];
var allTags = (tag === "*");
function getElems(node) {
var length = node.childNodes.length;
var length = node.children.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var child = node.childNodes[i];
if (child.nodeType !== 1)
var child = node.children[i];
if (allTags || (child.tagName === tag))
@ -494,11 +492,11 @@
getElementById: function (id) {
function getElem(node) {
var length = node.childNodes.length;
var length = node.children.length;
if ( === id)
return node;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var el = getElem(node.childNodes[i]);
var el = getElem(node.children[i]);
if (el)
return el;

@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ Readability.prototype = {
videos: /https?:\/\/(www\.)?(youtube|vimeo)\.com/i,
nextLink: /(next|weiter|continue|>([^\|]|$)|»([^\|]|$))/i,
prevLink: /(prev|earl|old|new|<|«)/i,
whitespace: /^\s*$/
whitespace: /^\s*$/,
hasContent: /\S$/,
DIV_TO_P_ELEMS: [ "A", "BLOCKQUOTE", "DL", "DIV", "IMG", "OL", "P", "PRE", "TABLE", "UL", "SELECT" ],
@ -480,7 +481,7 @@ Readability.prototype = {
// First, node prepping. Trash nodes that look cruddy (like ones with the
// class name "comment", etc), and turn divs into P tags where they have been
// used inappropriately (as in, where they contain no other block level elements.)
var nodesToScore = [];
var elementsToScore = [];
var node = this._doc.documentElement;
while (node) {
@ -504,7 +505,7 @@ Readability.prototype = {
if (node.tagName === "P" || node.tagName === "TD" || node.tagName === "PRE")
// Turn all divs that don't have children block level elements into p's
if (node.tagName === "DIV") {
@ -512,15 +513,13 @@ Readability.prototype = {
// element. DIVs with only a P element inside and no text content can be
// safely converted into plain P elements to avoid confusing the scoring
// algorithm with DIVs with are, in practice, paragraphs.
var pIndex = this._getSinglePIndexInsideDiv(node);
if (pIndex >= 0) {
var newNode = node.childNodes[pIndex];
if (this._hasSinglePInsideElement(node)) {
var newNode = node.firstElementChild;
node.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, node);
node = newNode;
} else if (!this._hasChildBlockElement(node)) {
this._setNodeTag(node, "P");
} else {
for (var i = 0, il = node.childNodes.length; i < il; i += 1) {
@ -545,10 +544,10 @@ Readability.prototype = {
* A score is determined by things like number of commas, class names, etc. Maybe eventually link density.
var candidates = [];
for (var pt = 0; pt < nodesToScore.length; pt += 1) {
var parentNode = nodesToScore[pt].parentNode;
for (var pt = 0; pt < elementsToScore.length; pt += 1) {
var parentNode = elementsToScore[pt].parentNode;
var grandParentNode = parentNode ? parentNode.parentNode : null;
var innerText = this._getInnerText(nodesToScore[pt]);
var innerText = this._getInnerText(elementsToScore[pt]);
if (!parentNode || typeof(parentNode.tagName) === 'undefined')
@ -624,10 +623,12 @@ Readability.prototype = {
// Move all of the page's children into topCandidate
topCandidate = doc.createElement("DIV");
neededToCreateTopCandidate = true;
var children = page.childNodes;
while (children.length) {
this.log("Moving child out:", children[0]);
// Move everything (not just elements, also text nodes etc.) into the container
// so we even include text directly in the body:
var kids = page.childNodes;
while (kids.length) {
this.log("Moving child out:", kids[0]);
@ -643,72 +644,71 @@ Readability.prototype = { = "readability-content";
var siblingScoreThreshold = Math.max(10, topCandidate.readability.contentScore * 0.2);
var siblingNodes = topCandidate.parentNode.childNodes;
var siblings = topCandidate.parentNode.children;
for (var s = 0, sl = siblingNodes.length; s < sl; s += 1) {
var siblingNode = siblingNodes[s];
for (var s = 0, sl = siblings.length; s < sl; s++) {
var sibling = siblings[s];
var append = false;
this.log("Looking at sibling node:", siblingNode, ((typeof siblingNode.readability !== 'undefined') ? ("with score " + siblingNode.readability.contentScore) : ''));
this.log("Sibling has score " + (siblingNode.readability ? siblingNode.readability.contentScore : 'Unknown'));
if (siblingNode === topCandidate)
append = true;
var contentBonus = 0;
// Give a bonus if sibling nodes and top candidates have the example same classname
if (siblingNode.className === topCandidate.className && topCandidate.className !== "")
contentBonus += topCandidate.readability.contentScore * 0.2;
this.log("Looking at sibling node:", sibling, sibling.readability ? ("with score " + sibling.readability.contentScore) : '');
this.log("Sibling has score", sibling.readability ? sibling.readability.contentScore : 'Unknown');
if (typeof siblingNode.readability !== 'undefined' &&
(siblingNode.readability.contentScore+contentBonus) >= siblingScoreThreshold)
if (sibling === topCandidate) {
append = true;
} else {
var contentBonus = 0;
if (siblingNode.nodeName === "P") {
var linkDensity = this._getLinkDensity(siblingNode);
var nodeContent = this._getInnerText(siblingNode);
var nodeLength = nodeContent.length;
// Give a bonus if sibling nodes and top candidates have the example same classname
if (sibling.className === topCandidate.className && topCandidate.className !== "")
contentBonus += topCandidate.readability.contentScore * 0.2;
if (nodeLength > 80 && linkDensity < 0.25) {
append = true;
} else if (nodeLength < 80 && linkDensity === 0 &&\.( |$)/) !== -1) {
if (sibling.readability &&
((sibling.readability.contentScore + contentBonus) >= siblingScoreThreshold)) {
append = true;
} else if (sibling.nodeName === "P") {
var linkDensity = this._getLinkDensity(sibling);
var nodeContent = this._getInnerText(sibling);
var nodeLength = nodeContent.length;
if (nodeLength > 80 && linkDensity < 0.25) {
append = true;
} else if (nodeLength < 80 && linkDensity === 0 &&\.( |$)/) !== -1) {
append = true;
if (append) {
this.log("Appending node:", siblingNode);
// siblingNodes is a reference to the childNodes array, and
// siblingNode is removed from the array when we call appendChild()
// below. As a result, we must revisit this index since the nodes
// have been shifted.
s -= 1;
sl -= 1;
this.log("Appending node:", sibling);
if (this.ALTER_TO_DIV_EXCEPTIONS.indexOf(siblingNode.nodeName) === -1) {
if (this.ALTER_TO_DIV_EXCEPTIONS.indexOf(sibling.nodeName) === -1) {
// We have a node that isn't a common block level element, like a form or td tag.
// Turn it into a div so it doesn't get filtered out later by accident. */
this.log("Altering siblingNode:", siblingNode, 'to div.');
// Turn it into a div so it doesn't get filtered out later by accident.
this.log("Altering sibling:", sibling, 'to div.');
this._setNodeTag(siblingNode, "DIV");
this._setNodeTag(sibling, "DIV");
// To ensure a node does not interfere with readability styles,
// remove its classnames.
// Append sibling and subtract from our list because it removes
// the node when you append to another node.
// siblings is a reference to the children array, and
// sibling is removed from the array when we call appendChild().
// As a result, we must revisit this index since the nodes
// have been shifted.
s -= 1;
sl -= 1;
this.log("Article content pre-prep: " + articleContent.innerHTML);
this.log("Article content pre-prep: " + articleContent.innerHTML);
// So we have all of the content that we need. Now we clean it up for presentation.
this.log("Article content post-prep: " + articleContent.innerHTML);
this.log("Article content post-prep: " + articleContent.innerHTML);
if (this._curPageNum === 1) {
if (neededToCreateTopCandidate) {
@ -730,7 +730,8 @@ Readability.prototype = {
this.log("Article content after paging: " + articleContent.innerHTML);
this.log("Article content after paging: " + articleContent.innerHTML);
// Now that we've gone through the full algorithm, check to see if
// we got any meaningful content. If we didn't, we may need to re-run
@ -847,33 +848,28 @@ Readability.prototype = {
* Get child index of the only P element inside a DIV with no
* text content. Returns -1 if the DIV node contains non-empty
* text nodes or if it contains other element nodes.
* Check if this node has only whitespace and a single P element
* Returns false if the DIV node contains non-empty text nodes
* or if it contains no P or more than 1 element.
* @param Element
_getSinglePIndexInsideDiv: function(e) {
_hasSinglePInsideElement: function(e) {
// There should be exactly 1 element child which is a P:
if (e.children.length != 1 || e.firstElementChild.tagName !== "P") {
return false;
// And there should be no text nodes with real content
var childNodes = e.childNodes;
var pIndex = -1;
for (var i = childNodes.length; --i >= 0;) {
var node = childNodes[i];
if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (node.tagName !== "P")
return -1;
if (pIndex >= 0)
return -1;
pIndex = i;
} else if (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && this._getInnerText(node, false)) {
return -1;
if (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE &&
this.REGEXPS.hasContent.test(node.textContent)) {
return false;
return pIndex;
return true;
@ -882,12 +878,9 @@ Readability.prototype = {
* @param Element
_hasChildBlockElement: function (e) {
var length = e.childNodes.length;
var length = e.children.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var child = e.childNodes[i];
if (child.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
var child = e.children[i];
if (this.DIV_TO_P_ELEMS.indexOf(child.tagName) !== -1 || this._hasChildBlockElement(child))
return true;
