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<div id="readability-page-1" class="page">
<p>Have you ever decorated a room and felt it was missing something, but
you couldn't put your finger on what? &nbsp;Do your rooms feel dull despite
your best efforts to make them inviting? &nbsp;This list of must-have home
accessories can serve as your checklist as you work on decorating a room,
ensuring that you won't end up with a space that feels unfinished. &nbsp;</p>
<li>Color--All-white or all-beige&nbsp;rooms can feel sterile and lifeless.
&nbsp;Monochromatic schemes are fine, just be sure to add some pops of
color with accessories.</li>
<ul class="cb-split">
<li>Something living--Houseplants do wonders for a space. &nbsp;No green thumb?
&nbsp;No problem! &nbsp;Try out some <a href=""
data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="internalLink"
data-ordinal="1">trendy succulents</a>, which are very hardy, or an easy-to-grow
houseplant. &nbsp;Trees add wonderful height and life to a room as well.
&nbsp;Alternatively, faux plants can look very realistic. Fresh-cut flowers
are another avenue, and can last up to two weeks if you care for them properly.
&nbsp;A small vase of flowers on the kitchen counter or coffee table, or
a houseplant or two by a sunny window instantly makes a place feel more
homey. &nbsp;Try it, you'll see.</li>
<li>Something black--I don't know where I first heard this piece of advice,
but it has stuck with me and I have tried it myself with a lot of success.
&nbsp;If your room feels like it's missing something, try adding something
black. &nbsp;Whether it's a piece of accent furniture, a set of picture
frames, or a chalkboard-painted sign, you'll see improvement in the room
by adding black, which&nbsp;seems to ground the space and bring order to
disparate pieces.</li>
<li>Texture--Bringing in texture through baskets, throws and rugs adds a layer
of interest and polish to a room. &nbsp;If your sofa has <a href=""
data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="internalLink"
data-ordinal="2">great pillows</a>, but still seems uninviting, a throw
can make a difference. &nbsp;Likewise, layering a throw on the end of a
bed can tie everything together. &nbsp;Woven baskets for firewood, toys,
extra pillows or books are another great way to add texture to a space,
not to mention restore order to a cluttered room.</li>
<ul class="cb-split">
<li>Books--I personally cannot imagine a room without books in it. &nbsp;Whether
there are&nbsp;coffee table tomes in the living room, cookbooks in the
kitchen, or a basket&nbsp;of children's books in the family room, it's
easy to envision how books can live happily in any room. &nbsp;You needn't
feel as though you have to be an avid&nbsp;reader, nor should you feel
like you have to have whole <a href=""
data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="internalLink"
data-ordinal="3">bookcases</a> filled with books. &nbsp;Books can simply
be used as beautiful objects in a display, and they can&nbsp;add height
to other items you might want to showcase.</li>
<li>Personality--If your room feels like a furniture showroom, chances are
you haven't added in enough of your own personality. &nbsp;Your home should
be a reflection of who lives there, so try to highlight your family's hobbies,
interests,&nbsp;or travels through accessories that reflect those stories.
&nbsp;Instead of your usual haunts, why not&nbsp;shop off the beaten track
at places like <a href="" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink"
data-type="externalLink" data-ordinal="4">Etsy</a>, <a href=""
data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="internalLink"
data-ordinal="5">garage sales</a>, or flea markets? &nbsp;Items that lend&nbsp;a
sense of history, as well as tell your own&nbsp;meaningful story,&nbsp;make
great conversation pieces and infuse a room with life. &nbsp;Photographs
are only one way to do this. &nbsp;Framed memorabilia, objects acquired
on trips, or collections are other ways to infuse your room with personality.</li>