// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0 // // Copyright (c) 2022 Andre Richter //! Heap allocation. use crate::{ backtrace, bsp, common, debug, info, memory::{Address, Virtual}, synchronization, synchronization::IRQSafeNullLock, }; use alloc::alloc::{GlobalAlloc, Layout}; use linked_list_allocator::Heap as LinkedListHeap; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public Definitions //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// A heap allocator that can be lazyily initialized. pub struct HeapAllocator { inner: IRQSafeNullLock, } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global instances //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #[global_allocator] static KERNEL_HEAP_ALLOCATOR: HeapAllocator = HeapAllocator::new(); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private Code //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #[inline(always)] fn debug_print_alloc_dealloc(operation: &'static str, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout) { let size = layout.size(); let (size_h, size_unit) = common::size_human_readable_ceil(size); let addr = Address::::new(ptr as usize); debug!( "Kernel Heap: {}\n \ Size: {:#x} ({} {})\n \ Start: {}\n \ End excl: {}\n\n \ {}", operation, size, size_h, size_unit, addr, addr + size, backtrace::Backtrace ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public Code //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use synchronization::interface::Mutex; #[alloc_error_handler] fn alloc_error_handler(layout: Layout) -> ! { panic!("Allocation error: {:?}", layout) } /// Return a reference to the kernel's heap allocator. pub fn kernel_heap_allocator() -> &'static HeapAllocator { &KERNEL_HEAP_ALLOCATOR } impl HeapAllocator { /// Create an instance. pub const fn new() -> Self { Self { inner: IRQSafeNullLock::new(LinkedListHeap::empty()), } } /// Print the current heap usage. pub fn print_usage(&self) { let (used, free) = KERNEL_HEAP_ALLOCATOR .inner .lock(|inner| (inner.used(), inner.free())); if used >= 1024 { let (used_h, used_unit) = common::size_human_readable_ceil(used); info!(" Used: {} Byte ({} {})", used, used_h, used_unit); } else { info!(" Used: {} Byte", used); } if free >= 1024 { let (free_h, free_unit) = common::size_human_readable_ceil(free); info!(" Free: {} Byte ({} {})", free, free_h, free_unit); } else { info!(" Free: {} Byte", free); } } } unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for HeapAllocator { unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 { let result = KERNEL_HEAP_ALLOCATOR .inner .lock(|inner| inner.allocate_first_fit(layout).ok()); match result { None => core::ptr::null_mut(), Some(allocation) => { let ptr = allocation.as_ptr(); debug_print_alloc_dealloc("Allocation", ptr, layout); ptr } } } unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout) { KERNEL_HEAP_ALLOCATOR .inner .lock(|inner| inner.deallocate(core::ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr), layout)); debug_print_alloc_dealloc("Free", ptr, layout); } } /// Query the BSP for the heap region and initialize the kernel's heap allocator with it. pub fn kernel_init_heap_allocator() { let region = bsp::memory::mmu::virt_heap_region(); KERNEL_HEAP_ALLOCATOR .inner .lock(|inner| unsafe { inner.init(region.start_addr().as_usize(), region.size()) }); }