# Newsboat Filtered Query Feeds Filtering out junk and get to the articles we want to see in our rss reader. * tutorial video: [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUxPUdyCy_U) * offical website: [Link](https://newsboat.org/) ### install requirements newsboat ### configuration vim ~/.newsboat/urls # -------- Filter Feeds {{{ # ------------------------------------------------------ # https://newsboat.org/releases/2.11.1/docs/newsboat.html#_filter_language https://thepiratebay.org/rss//top100/0 "BTRSS" https://www.torrentdownload.ch/feed_latest "BTRSS" "query:Only 720p:tags =~ \"BTRSS\" and ( title =~ \"720p\" )" "BTRSS" "query:Only 1080p:tags =~ \"BTRSS\" and ( title =~ \"1080p\" )" "BTRSS" "query:Only SD:tags =~ \"BTRSS\" and ( title =~ \"hdtv|x264|web\" )" "BTRSS" # }}} ### references - https://newsboat.org/releases/2.11.1/docs/newsboat.html#_filter_language - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUxPUdyCy_U ### contact _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ | |_| |__ | | ___| |_ _ _ / _` |/ _ \| __| '_ \| |/ _ \ __| | | | | (_| | (_) | |_| |_) | | __/ |_| |_| | \__, |\___/ \__|_.__/|_|\___|\__|\__,_| |___/ - http://www.youtube.com/user/gotbletu - https://twitter.com/gotbletu - https://plus.google.com/+gotbletu - https://github.com/gotbletu - gotbletu@gmail.com