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package pki
import (
admindb ""
authconfig ""
func withDBDataSource(t *testing.T, dataSource string) func(c *authconfig.Config) error {
return func(c *authconfig.Config) error {
if c == nil || c.DB == nil {
require.Fail(t, "withDBDataSource prerequisites not met")
c.DB.DataSource = dataSource
return nil
func TestPKI_GenerateConfig(t *testing.T) {
var preparePKI = func(t *testing.T, opts ...Option) *PKI {
o := apiv1.Options{
Type: "softcas",
IsCreator: true,
// TODO(hs): invoking `New` doesn't perform all operations that are executed
// when `ca init` is executed. Ideally this logic should be handled in one
// place and probably inside of the PKI initialization. For testing purposes
// the missing operations are faked by `setKeyPair`.
p, err := New(o, opts...)
require.NoError(t, err)
// setKeyPair sets a predefined JWK and a default JWK provisioner. This is one
// of the things performed in the `ca init` code that's not part of `New`, but
// performed after that in p.GenerateKeyPairs`. We're currently using the same
// JWK for every test to keep test variance small: we're not testing JWK generation
// here after all. It's a bit dangerous to redefine the function here, but it's
// the simplest way to make this fully testable without refactoring the init now.
// The password for the predefined encrypted key is \x01\x03\x03\x07.
setKeyPair(t, p)
return p
type args struct {
opt []ConfigOption
type test struct {
pki *PKI
args args
want *authconfig.Config
wantErr bool
var tests = map[string]func(t *testing.T) test{
"ok/simple": func(t *testing.T) test {
pki := preparePKI(t)
pki.options.deploymentType = StandaloneDeployment
pki.options.provisioner = "default-prov"
return test{
pki: pki,
args: args{
want: &authconfig.Config{
Address: "",
InsecureAddress: "",
DNSNames: []string{""},
AuthorityConfig: &authconfig.AuthConfig{
DeploymentType: "", // TODO(hs): (why is) this is not set to standalone?
EnableAdmin: false,
Provisioners: provisioner.List{
Type: "JWK",
Name: "default-prov",
DB: &db.Config{
Type: "badgerv2",
DataSource: filepath.Join(step.Path(), "db"),
wantErr: false,
"ok/with-acme": func(t *testing.T) test {
pki := preparePKI(t)
pki.options.deploymentType = StandaloneDeployment
pki.options.provisioner = "default-prov"
pki.options.enableACME = true
return test{
pki: pki,
args: args{
want: &authconfig.Config{
Address: "",
InsecureAddress: "",
DNSNames: []string{""},
AuthorityConfig: &authconfig.AuthConfig{
DeploymentType: "", // TODO(hs): (why is) this is not set to standalone?
EnableAdmin: false,
Provisioners: provisioner.List{
Type: "JWK",
Name: "default-prov",
Type: "ACME",
Name: "acme",
DB: &db.Config{
Type: "badgerv2",
DataSource: filepath.Join(step.Path(), "db"),
wantErr: false,
"ok/with-acme-and-double-provisioner-name": func(t *testing.T) test {
pki := preparePKI(t)
pki.options.deploymentType = StandaloneDeployment
pki.options.provisioner = "acme"
pki.options.enableACME = true
return test{
pki: pki,
args: args{
want: &authconfig.Config{
Address: "",
InsecureAddress: "",
DNSNames: []string{""},
AuthorityConfig: &authconfig.AuthConfig{
DeploymentType: "", // TODO(hs): (why is) this is not set to standalone?
EnableAdmin: false,
Provisioners: provisioner.List{
Type: "JWK",
Name: "acme",
Type: "ACME",
Name: "acme-1",
DB: &db.Config{
Type: "badgerv2",
DataSource: filepath.Join(step.Path(), "db"),
wantErr: false,
"ok/with-ssh": func(t *testing.T) test {
pki := preparePKI(t)
pki.options.deploymentType = StandaloneDeployment
pki.options.provisioner = "default-prov"
pki.options.enableSSH = true
return test{
pki: pki,
args: args{
want: &authconfig.Config{
Address: "",
InsecureAddress: "",
DNSNames: []string{""},
AuthorityConfig: &authconfig.AuthConfig{
DeploymentType: "", // TODO(hs): (why is) this is not set to standalone?
EnableAdmin: false,
Provisioners: provisioner.List{
Type: "JWK",
Name: "default-prov",
Type: "SSHPOP",
Name: "sshpop",
DB: &db.Config{
Type: "badgerv2",
DataSource: filepath.Join(step.Path(), "db"),
wantErr: false,
"ok/with-ssh-and-double-provisioner-name": func(t *testing.T) test {
pki := preparePKI(t)
pki.options.deploymentType = StandaloneDeployment
pki.options.provisioner = "sshpop"
pki.options.enableSSH = true
return test{
pki: pki,
args: args{
want: &authconfig.Config{
Address: "",
InsecureAddress: "",
DNSNames: []string{""},
AuthorityConfig: &authconfig.AuthConfig{
DeploymentType: "", // TODO(hs): (why is) this is not set to standalone?
EnableAdmin: false,
Provisioners: provisioner.List{
Type: "JWK",
Name: "sshpop",
Type: "SSHPOP",
Name: "sshpop-1",
DB: &db.Config{
Type: "badgerv2",
DataSource: filepath.Join(step.Path(), "db"),
wantErr: false,
"ok/with-admin": func(t *testing.T) test {
pki := preparePKI(t)
pki.options.deploymentType = StandaloneDeployment
pki.options.provisioner = "default-prov"
pki.options.enableAdmin = true
tempDir := t.TempDir()
return test{
pki: pki,
args: args{
[]ConfigOption{withDBDataSource(t, filepath.Join(tempDir, "db"))},
want: &authconfig.Config{
Address: "",
InsecureAddress: "",
DNSNames: []string{""},
AuthorityConfig: &authconfig.AuthConfig{
DeploymentType: "", // TODO(hs): (why is) this is not set to standalone?
EnableAdmin: true,
Provisioners: provisioner.List{}, // when admin is enabled, provisioner list is expected to be empty
DB: &db.Config{
Type: "badgerv2",
DataSource: filepath.Join(tempDir, "db"),
wantErr: false,
for name, run := range tests {
tc := run(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
got, err := tc.pki.GenerateConfig(tc.args.opt...)
if tc.wantErr {
assert.NotNil(t, err)
assert.Nil(t, got)
assert.Nil(t, err)
if assert.NotNil(t, got) {
assert.Equal(t, tc.want.Address, got.Address)
assert.Equal(t, tc.want.InsecureAddress, got.InsecureAddress)
assert.Equal(t, tc.want.DNSNames, got.DNSNames)
assert.Equal(t, tc.want.DB, got.DB)
if assert.NotNil(t, tc.want.AuthorityConfig) {
assert.Equal(t, tc.want.AuthorityConfig.DeploymentType, got.AuthorityConfig.DeploymentType)
assert.Equal(t, tc.want.AuthorityConfig.EnableAdmin, got.AuthorityConfig.EnableAdmin)
if numberOfProvisioners := len(tc.want.AuthorityConfig.Provisioners); numberOfProvisioners > 0 {
if assert.Len(t, got.AuthorityConfig.Provisioners, numberOfProvisioners) {
for i, p := range tc.want.AuthorityConfig.Provisioners {
assert.Equal(t, p.GetType(), got.AuthorityConfig.Provisioners[i].GetType())
assert.Equal(t, p.GetName(), got.AuthorityConfig.Provisioners[i].GetName())
if tc.want.AuthorityConfig.EnableAdmin {
_db, err := db.New(tc.want.DB)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer _db.Shutdown()
adminDB, err := admindb.New(_db.(nosql.DB), admin.DefaultAuthorityID)
require.NoError(t, err)
provs, err := adminDB.GetProvisioners(context.Background())
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.NotEmpty(t, provs) // currently about the best we can do in terms of checks