from __future__ import annotations import functools import pathlib from typing import List, Optional, Tuple import sphinx import sphinx.util import sphinx.util.logging from .settings import OWN_PAGE_LEVELS LOGGER = sphinx.util.logging.getLogger(__name__) def _format_args(args_info, include_annotations=True, ignore_self=None): result = [] for i, (prefix, name, annotation, default) in enumerate(args_info): if i == 0 and ignore_self is not None and name == ignore_self: continue formatted = ( (prefix or "") + (name or "") + (f": {annotation}" if annotation and include_annotations else "") + ((" = {}" if annotation else "={}").format(default) if default else "") ) result.append(formatted) return ", ".join(result) class PythonObject: """A class representing an entity from the parsed source code. This class turns the dictionaries output by the parser into an object. Args: obj: JSON object representing this object jinja_env: A template environment for rendering this object """ member_order = 0 """The ordering of objects when doing "groupwise" sorting.""" type: str def __init__( self, obj, jinja_env, app, url_root, options=None, class_content="class" ): = app self.obj = obj self.options = options self.jinja_env = jinja_env self.url_root = url_root str = obj["name"] """The name of the object, as named in the parsed source code. This name will have no periods in it. """ self.qual_name: str = obj["qual_name"] """The qualified name for this object.""" str = obj.get("full_name", """A globally unique identifier for this object. This is the same as the fully qualified name of the object. """ self.children: List[PythonObject] = [] """The members of this object. For example, the classes and functions defined in the parent module. """ self._docstring: str = obj["doc"] self.imported: bool = "original_path" in obj """Whether this object was imported from another module.""" self.inherited: bool = obj.get("inherited", False) """Whether this was inherited from an ancestor of the parent class.""" self._hide = obj.get("hide", False) # For later self._class_content = class_content self._display_cache: Optional[bool] = None def __getstate__(self): """Obtains serialisable data for pickling.""" __dict__ = self.__dict__.copy() __dict__.update(app=None, jinja_env=None) # clear unpickable attributes return __dict__ def render(self, **kwargs): LOGGER.log("VERBOSE", "Rendering %s", template = self.jinja_env.get_template(f"python/{self.type}.rst") ctx = {} ctx.update(**self.get_context_data()) ctx.update(**kwargs) return template.render(**ctx) @property def rendered(self): """Shortcut to render an object in templates.""" return self.render() def get_context_data(self): own_page_level = desired_page_level = OWN_PAGE_LEVELS.index(own_page_level) own_page_types = set(OWN_PAGE_LEVELS[: desired_page_level + 1]) return { "autoapi_options":, "include_summaries":, "obj": self, "own_page_types": own_page_types, "sphinx_version": sphinx.version_info, } def __lt__(self, other): """Object sorting comparison""" if not isinstance(other, PythonObject): return NotImplemented return < def __str__(self) -> str: return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {}>" @property def short_name(self) -> str: """Shorten name property""" return".")[-1] def output_dir(self, root): """The directory to render this object.""" module =[: -(len("." + self.qual_name))] parts = [root] + module.split(".") return pathlib.PurePosixPath(*parts) def output_filename(self) -> str: """The name of the file to render into, without a file suffix.""" filename = self.qual_name if filename == "index": filename = ".index" return filename @property def include_path(self) -> str: """Return 'absolute' path without regarding OS path separator This is used in ``toctree`` directives, as Sphinx always expects Unix path separators """ return str(self.output_dir(self.url_root) / self.output_filename()) @property def docstring(self) -> str: """The docstring for this object. If a docstring did not exist on the object, this will be the empty string. For classes, this will also depend on the :confval:`autoapi_python_class_content` option. """ return self._docstring @docstring.setter def docstring(self, value: str) -> None: self._docstring = value self._docstring_resolved = True @property def is_top_level_object(self) -> bool: """Whether this object is at the very top level (True) or not (False). This will be False for subpackages and submodules. """ return "." not in @property def is_undoc_member(self) -> bool: """Whether this object has a docstring (False) or not (True).""" return not bool(self.docstring) @property def is_private_member(self) -> bool: """Whether this object is private (True) or not (False).""" return self.short_name.startswith("_") and not self.short_name.endswith("__") @property def is_special_member(self) -> bool: """Whether this object is a special member (True) or not (False).""" return self.short_name.startswith("__") and self.short_name.endswith("__") @property def display(self) -> bool: """Whether this object should be displayed in documentation. This attribute depends on the configuration options given in :confval:`autoapi_options` and the result of :event:`autoapi-skip-member`. """ if self._display_cache is None: self._display_cache = not self._ask_ignore(self._should_skip()) return self._display_cache @property def summary(self) -> str: """The summary line of the docstring. The summary line is the first non-empty line, as-per :pep:`257`. This will be the empty string if the object does not have a docstring. """ for line in self.docstring.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if line: return line return "" def _should_skip(self) -> bool: skip_undoc_member = self.is_undoc_member and "undoc-members" not in self.options skip_private_member = ( self.is_private_member and "private-members" not in self.options ) skip_special_member = ( self.is_special_member and "special-members" not in self.options ) skip_imported_member = self.imported and "imported-members" not in self.options skip_inherited_member = ( self.inherited and "inherited-members" not in self.options ) return ( self._hide or skip_undoc_member or skip_private_member or skip_special_member or skip_imported_member or skip_inherited_member ) def _ask_ignore(self, skip: bool) -> bool: ask_result = "autoapi-skip-member", self.type,, self, skip, self.options ) return ask_result if ask_result is not None else skip def _children_of_type(self, type_: str) -> List[PythonObject]: return list(child for child in self.children if child.type == type_) class PythonFunction(PythonObject): """The representation of a function.""" type = "function" member_order = 30 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) autodoc_typehints = getattr(, "autodoc_typehints", "signature") show_annotations = autodoc_typehints != "none" and not ( autodoc_typehints == "description" and not self.obj["overloads"] ) self.args: str = _format_args(self.obj["args"], show_annotations) """The arguments to this object, formatted as a string.""" self.return_annotation: Optional[str] = ( self.obj["return_annotation"] if show_annotations else None ) """The type annotation for the return type of this function. This will be ``None`` if an annotation or annotation comment was not given. """ List[str] = self.obj["properties"] """The properties that describe what type of function this is. Can be only be: async. """ self.overloads: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [ (_format_args(args), return_annotation) for args, return_annotation in self.obj["overloads"] ] """The overloaded signatures of this function. Each tuple is a tuple of ``(args, return_annotation)`` """ class PythonMethod(PythonFunction): """The representation of a method.""" type = "method" member_order = 50 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) List[str] = self.obj["properties"] """The properties that describe what type of method this is. Can be any of: abstractmethod, async, classmethod, property, staticmethod. """ def _should_skip(self) -> bool: return super()._should_skip() or in ( "__new__", "__init__", ) class PythonProperty(PythonObject): """The representation of a property on a class.""" type = "property" member_order = 60 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.annotation: Optional[str] = self.obj["return_annotation"] """The type annotation of this property.""" List[str] = self.obj["properties"] """The properties that describe what type of property this is. Can be any of: abstractmethod, classmethod. """ class PythonData(PythonObject): """Global, module level data.""" type = "data" member_order = 40 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.value: Optional[str] = self.obj.get("value") """The value of this attribute. This will be ``None`` if the value is not constant. """ self.annotation: Optional[str] = self.obj.get("annotation") """The type annotation of this attribute. This will be ``None`` if an annotation or annotation comment was not given. """ class PythonAttribute(PythonData): """An object/class level attribute.""" type = "attribute" member_order = 60 class TopLevelPythonPythonMapper(PythonObject): """A common base class for modules and packages.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.subpackages = [] self.submodules = [] self.all = self.obj["all"] """The contents of ``__all__`` if assigned to. Only constants are included. This will be ``None`` if no ``__all__`` was set. :type: list(str) or None """ @property def functions(self): """All of the member functions. :type: list(PythonFunction) """ return self._children_of_type("function") @property def classes(self): """All of the member classes. :type: list(PythonClass) """ return self._children_of_type("class") def output_dir(self, root): """The path to the file to render into, without a file suffix.""" parts = [root] +".") return pathlib.PurePosixPath(*parts) def output_filename(self): """The path to the file to render into, without a file suffix.""" return "index" class PythonModule(TopLevelPythonPythonMapper): """The representation of a module.""" type = "module" class PythonPackage(TopLevelPythonPythonMapper): """The representation of a package.""" type = "package" class PythonClass(PythonObject): """The representation of a class.""" type = "class" member_order = 20 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.bases: List[str] = self.obj["bases"] """The fully qualified names of all base classes.""" self._docstring_resolved: bool = False @property def args(self) -> str: """The arguments to this object, formatted as a string.""" args = "" if self.constructor: autodoc_typehints = getattr(, "autodoc_typehints", "signature" ) show_annotations = autodoc_typehints != "none" and not ( autodoc_typehints == "description" and not self.constructor.overloads ) args_data = self.constructor.obj["args"] args = _format_args(args_data, show_annotations, ignore_self="self") return args @property def overloads(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: overloads = [] if self.constructor: overload_data = self.constructor.obj["overloads"] autodoc_typehints = getattr(, "autodoc_typehints", "signature" ) show_annotations = autodoc_typehints not in ("none", "description") overloads = [ ( _format_args(args, show_annotations, ignore_self="self"), return_annotation, ) for args, return_annotation in overload_data ] return overloads @property def docstring(self) -> str: docstring = self._docstring if not self._docstring_resolved and self._class_content in ("both", "init"): constructor_docstring = self.constructor_docstring if constructor_docstring: if self._class_content == "both": docstring = f"{docstring}\n{constructor_docstring}" else: docstring = constructor_docstring return docstring @docstring.setter def docstring(self, value: str) -> None: self._docstring = value self._docstring_resolved = True @property def methods(self): return self._children_of_type("method") @property def properties(self): return self._children_of_type("property") @property def attributes(self): return self._children_of_type("attribute") @property def classes(self): return self._children_of_type("class") @property @functools.lru_cache() def constructor(self): for child in self.children: if child.short_name == "__init__": return child return None @property def constructor_docstring(self) -> str: docstring = "" constructor = self.constructor if constructor and constructor.docstring: docstring = constructor.docstring else: for child in self.children: if child.short_name == "__new__": docstring = child.docstring break return docstring class PythonException(PythonClass): """The representation of an exception class.""" type = "exception" member_order = 10