import collections import copy import operator import os import re import sphinx.environment from sphinx.errors import ExtensionError import sphinx.util from sphinx.util.console import colorize from sphinx.util.display import status_iterator import sphinx.util.docstrings import sphinx.util.logging from ..base import SphinxMapperBase from .parser import Parser from .objects import ( PythonClass, PythonFunction, PythonModule, PythonMethod, PythonPackage, PythonProperty, PythonAttribute, PythonData, PythonException, TopLevelPythonPythonMapper, ) LOGGER = sphinx.util.logging.getLogger(__name__) def _expand_wildcard_placeholder(original_module, originals_map, placeholder): """Expand a wildcard placeholder to a sequence of named placeholders. :param original_module: The data dictionary of the module that the placeholder is imported from. :type original_module: dict :param originals_map: A map of the names of children under the module to their data dictionaries. :type originals_map: dict(str, dict) :param placeholder: The wildcard placeholder to expand. :type placeholder: dict :returns: The placeholders that the wildcard placeholder represents. :rtype: list(dict) """ originals = originals_map.values() if original_module["all"] is not None: originals = [] for name in original_module["all"]: if name == "__all__": continue if name not in originals_map: msg = f"Invalid __all__ entry {name} in {original_module['name']}" LOGGER.warning(msg, type="autoapi", subtype="python_import_resolution") continue originals.append(originals_map[name]) placeholders = [] for original in originals: new_full_name = placeholder["full_name"].replace("*", original["name"]) new_qual_name = placeholder["qual_name"].replace("*", original["name"]) new_original_path = placeholder["original_path"].replace("*", original["name"]) if "original_path" in original: new_original_path = original["original_path"] new_placeholder = dict( placeholder, name=original["name"], qual_name=new_qual_name, full_name=new_full_name, original_path=new_original_path, ) placeholders.append(new_placeholder) return placeholders def _resolve_module_placeholders(modules, module_name, visit_path, resolved): """Resolve all placeholder children under a module. Args: modules (dict(str, dict)): A mapping of module names to their data dictionary. Placeholders are resolved in place. module_name (str): The name of the module to resolve. visit_path: An ordered set of visited module names. visited (collections.OrderedDict) resolved (set(str)): A set of already resolved module names. """ if module_name in resolved: return visit_path[module_name] = True module, children = modules[module_name] for child in list(children.values()): if child["type"] != "placeholder": continue if child["original_path"] in modules: module["children"].remove(child) children.pop(child["name"]) continue imported_from, original_name = child["original_path"].rsplit(".", 1) if imported_from in visit_path: visit_str = ", ".join(visit_path) msg = f"Cannot resolve cyclic import: {visit_str}, {imported_from}" LOGGER.warning(msg, type="autoapi", subtype="python_import_resolution") module["children"].remove(child) children.pop(child["name"]) continue if imported_from not in modules: msg = ( f"Cannot resolve import of unknown module {imported_from}" f" in {module_name}" ) LOGGER.warning(msg, type="autoapi", subtype="python_import_resolution") module["children"].remove(child) children.pop(child["name"]) continue _resolve_module_placeholders(modules, imported_from, visit_path, resolved) if original_name == "*": original_module, originals_map = modules[imported_from] # Replace the wildcard placeholder # with a list of named placeholders. new_placeholders = _expand_wildcard_placeholder( original_module, originals_map, child ) child_index = module["children"].index(child) module["children"][child_index : child_index + 1] = new_placeholders children.pop(child["name"]) for new_placeholder in new_placeholders: if new_placeholder["name"] not in children: children[new_placeholder["name"]] = new_placeholder original = originals_map[new_placeholder["name"]] _resolve_placeholder(new_placeholder, original) elif original_name not in modules[imported_from][1]: msg = f"Cannot resolve import of {child['original_path']} in {module_name}" LOGGER.warning(msg, type="autoapi", subtype="python_import_resolution") module["children"].remove(child) children.pop(child["name"]) continue else: original = modules[imported_from][1][original_name] _resolve_placeholder(child, original) del visit_path[module_name] resolved.add(module_name) def _resolve_placeholder(placeholder, original): """Resolve a placeholder to the given original object. Args: placeholder (dict): The placeholder to resolve, in place. original (dict): The object that the placeholder represents. """ new = copy.deepcopy(original) # We are supposed to be resolving the placeholder, # not replacing it with another. assert original["type"] != "placeholder" # The name remains the same. new["name"] = placeholder["name"] new["qual_name"] = placeholder["qual_name"] new["full_name"] = placeholder["full_name"] # Record where the placeholder originally came from. new["original_path"] = original["full_name"] # The source lines for this placeholder do not exist in this file. # The keys might not exist if original is a resolved placeholder. new.pop("from_line_no", None) new.pop("to_line_no", None) # Resolve the children stack = list(new.get("children", ())) while stack: child = stack.pop() # Relocate the child to the new location assert child["full_name"].startswith(original["full_name"]) suffix = child["full_name"][len(original["full_name"]) :] child["full_name"] = new["full_name"] + suffix # The source lines for this placeholder do not exist in this file. # The keys might not exist if original is a resolved placeholder. child.pop("from_line_no", None) child.pop("to_line_no", None) # Resolve the remaining children stack.extend(child.get("children", ())) placeholder.clear() placeholder.update(new) def _link_objs(value): result = "" delims = r"(\s*[\[\]\(\),]\s*)" delims_re = re.compile(delims) sub_targets = re.split(delims, value.strip()) for sub_target in sub_targets: sub_target = sub_target.strip() if delims_re.match(sub_target): result += f"{sub_target}" if sub_target.endswith(","): result += " " else: result += "\\ " elif sub_target: result += f":py:obj:`{sub_target}`\\ " # Strip off the extra "\ " return result[:-2] class PythonSphinxMapper(SphinxMapperBase): """AutoAPI domain handler for Python Parses directly from Python files. Args: app: Sphinx application passed in as part of the extension """ _OBJ_MAP = { cls.type: cls for cls in ( PythonClass, PythonFunction, PythonModule, PythonMethod, PythonPackage, PythonProperty, PythonAttribute, PythonData, PythonException, ) } def __init__(self, app, template_dir=None, dir_root=None, url_root=None): super().__init__(app, template_dir, dir_root, url_root) self.jinja_env.filters["link_objs"] = _link_objs self._use_implicit_namespace = ( ) def _need_to_load(self, files): last_files = getattr(, "autoapi_source_files", []) = files last_mtime = getattr(, "autoapi_max_mtime", 0) this_mtime = max(os.path.getmtime(file) for _, file in files) = this_mtime if not return True if != sphinx.environment.CONFIG_OK: return True return last_files != files or not last_mtime or last_mtime < this_mtime def _find_files(self, patterns, dirs, ignore): for dir_ in dirs: dir_root = dir_ if ( os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_, "")) or os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_, "__init__.pyi")) or self._use_implicit_namespace ): dir_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dir_, os.pardir)) for path in self.find_files(patterns=patterns, dirs=[dir_], ignore=ignore): yield dir_root, path def load(self, patterns, dirs, ignore=None): """Load objects from the filesystem into the ``paths`` dictionary Also include an attribute on the object, ``relative_path`` which is the shortened, relative path the package/module """ dir_root_files = list(self._find_files(patterns, dirs, ignore)) if not dir_root_files: raise ExtensionError(f"No source files found in: {','.join(dirs)}") if not self._need_to_load(dir_root_files): LOGGER.debug( "[AutoAPI] Skipping read stage because source files have not changed." ) return False for dir_root, path in status_iterator( dir_root_files, colorize("bold", "[AutoAPI] Reading files... "), length=len(dir_root_files), stringify_func=(lambda x: x[1]), ): data = self.read_file(path=path, dir_root=dir_root) if data: data["relative_path"] = os.path.relpath(path, dir_root) self.paths[path] = data return True def read_file(self, path, **kwargs): """Read file input into memory, returning deserialized objects Args: path: Path of file to read """ dir_root = kwargs.get("dir_root") try: if self._use_implicit_namespace: parsed_data = Parser().parse_file_in_namespace(path, dir_root) else: parsed_data = Parser().parse_file(path) return parsed_data except (IOError, TypeError, ImportError): LOGGER.debug("Reason:", exc_info=True) LOGGER.warning( f"Unable to read file: {path}", type="autoapi", subtype="not_readable", ) return None def _resolve_placeholders(self): """Resolve objects that have been imported from elsewhere.""" modules = {} for module in self.paths.values(): children = {child["name"]: child for child in module["children"]} modules[module["name"]] = (module, children) resolved = set() for module_name in modules: visit_path = collections.OrderedDict() _resolve_module_placeholders(modules, module_name, visit_path, resolved) def _hide_yo_kids(self): """For all direct children of a module/package, hide them if needed.""" for module in self.paths.values(): if module["all"] is not None: all_names = set(module["all"]) for child in module["children"]: if child["qual_name"] not in all_names: child["hide"] = True elif module["type"] == "module": for child in module["children"]: if child.get("imported"): child["hide"] = True def map(self, options=None): self._resolve_placeholders() self._hide_yo_kids() = {} super().map(options) top_level_objects = { obj for obj in self.all_objects.values() if isinstance(obj, TopLevelPythonPythonMapper) } parents = { obj for obj in top_level_objects.values()} for obj in top_level_objects.values(): parent_name =".", 1)[0] if parent_name in parents and parent_name != parent = parents[parent_name] attr = f"sub{obj.type}s" getattr(parent, attr).append(obj) for obj in top_level_objects.values(): obj.submodules.sort() obj.subpackages.sort() = self.objects_to_render = self.all_objects def create_class(self, data, options=None, **kwargs): """Create a class from the passed in data Args: data: dictionary data of parser output """ try: cls = self._OBJ_MAP[data["type"]] except KeyError: # this warning intentionally has no (sub-)type LOGGER.warning(f"Unknown type: {data['type']}") else: obj = cls( data,,, jinja_env=self.jinja_env,, url_root=self.url_root, **kwargs, ) for child_data in data.get("children", []): for child_obj in self.create_class( child_data, options=options, **kwargs ): obj.children.append(child_obj) # Some objects require children to establish their docstring # or type annotations (eg classes with inheritance), # so do this after all children have been created. lines = obj.docstring.splitlines() if lines: # Add back the trailing newline that .splitlines removes lines.append("") if "autodoc-process-docstring" in "autodoc-process-docstring", cls.type,, None, None, lines, ) obj.docstring = "\n".join(lines) self._record_typehints(obj) # Parser gives children in source order already if == "alphabetical": obj.children.sort(key=operator.attrgetter("name")) elif == "groupwise": obj.children.sort(key=lambda x: (x.member_order, yield obj def _record_typehints(self, obj): if ( isinstance(obj, (PythonClass, PythonFunction, PythonMethod)) and not obj.overloads ) or isinstance(obj, PythonProperty): obj_annotations = {} include_return_annotation = True obj_data = obj.obj if isinstance(obj, PythonClass): constructor = obj.constructor if constructor: include_return_annotation = False obj_data = constructor.obj else: return for _, name, annotation, _ in obj_data["args"]: if name and annotation: obj_annotations[name] = annotation return_annotation = obj_data["return_annotation"] if include_return_annotation and return_annotation: obj_annotations["return"] = return_annotation[] = obj_annotations