You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

195 lines
5.6 KiB

{% if obj.display %}
{% if is_own_page %}
:py:mod:`{{ }}`
=========={{ "=" *|length }}
{% endif %}
.. py:module:: {{ }}
{% if obj.docstring %}
.. autoapi-nested-parse::
{{ obj.docstring|indent(3) }}
{% endif %}
{% block subpackages %}
{% set visible_subpackages = obj.subpackages|selectattr("display")|list %}
{% if visible_subpackages %}
.. toctree::
{% for subpackage in visible_subpackages %}
{{ subpackage.short_name }}/index.rst
{% endfor %}
.. autoapisummary::
{% for subpackage in visible_subpackages %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block submodules %}
{% set visible_submodules = obj.submodules|selectattr("display")|list %}
{% if visible_submodules %}
{% if "module" in own_page_types %}
.. toctree::
{% for submodule in visible_submodules %}
{{ submodule.short_name }}/index.rst
{% endfor %}
.. autoapisummary::
{% for submodule in visible_submodules %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% for submodule in visible_submodules %}
{{ submodule.render() }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% if obj.all is not none %}
{% set visible_children = obj.children|selectattr("short_name", "in", obj.all)|list %}
{% elif obj.type is equalto("package") %}
{% set visible_children = obj.children|selectattr("display")|list %}
{% else %}
{% set visible_children = obj.children|selectattr("display")|rejectattr("imported")|list %}
{% endif %}
{% if visible_children %}
{% if is_own_page %}
{% set visible_attributes = visible_children|selectattr("type", "equalto", "data")|list %}
{% if visible_attributes %}
{% if "attribute" in own_page_types or "show-module-summary" in autoapi_options %}
{% if "attribute" in own_page_types %}
.. toctree::
{% for attribute in visible_attributes %}
{{ attribute.short_name }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif%}
.. autoapisummary::
{% for attribute in visible_attributes %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% set visible_exceptions = visible_children|selectattr("type", "equalto", "exception")|list %}
{% if visible_exceptions %}
{% if "exception" in own_page_types or "show-module-summary" in autoapi_options %}
{% if "exception" in own_page_types %}
.. toctree::
{% for exception in visible_exceptions %}
{{ exception.short_name }}/index.rst
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
.. autoapisummary::
{% for exception in visible_exceptions %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% set visible_classes = visible_children|selectattr("type", "equalto", "class")|list %}
{% if visible_classes %}
{% if "class" in own_page_types or "show-module-summary" in autoapi_options %}
{% if "class" in own_page_types %}
.. toctree::
{% for klass in visible_classes %}
The set own_page_types sometimes is not ordered! This changes the value of
its last element. Thus, the best way to check is to verify if 'function'
lies within the list
Do -> if 'function' not in own_page_types
Instead of -> if "class" == (own_page_types | list | last)
{% if "method" not in own_page_types %}
{{ klass.short_name }}.rst
{% else %}
{{ klass.short_name }}/index.rst
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
.. autoapisummary::
{% for klass in visible_classes %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% set visible_functions = visible_children|selectattr("type", "equalto", "function")|list %}
{% if visible_functions %}
{% if "function" in own_page_types or "show-module-summary" in autoapi_options %}
{% if "function" in own_page_types %}
.. toctree::
{% for function in visible_functions %}
{{ function.short_name }}.rst
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
.. autoapisummary::
{% for function in visible_functions %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ obj.type|title }} Contents
{{ "-" * obj.type|length }}---------
{% for obj_item in visible_children %}
{% if obj_item.type not in own_page_types %}
{{ obj_item.render()|indent(0) }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{# If this is not its own page, the children won't have their own page either. #}
{# So render them as normal, without needing to check if they have their own page. #}
{% for obj_item in visible_children %}
{{ obj_item.render()|indent(3) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}