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.. py:module:: example
.. autoapi-nested-parse::
Example module
This is a description
Module Contents
.. autoapisummary::
.. autoapisummary::
.. py:class:: Foo(attr)
Bases: :py:obj:`object`
Can we parse arguments from the class docstring?
:param attr: Set an attribute.
:type attr: str
Constructor docstring
.. py:class:: Meta
Bases: :py:obj:`object`
A nested class just to test things out
.. py:method:: foo()
The foo class method
.. py:property:: property_simple
:type: int
This property should parse okay.
.. py:attribute:: class_var
:annotation: = 42
.. py:attribute:: another_class_var
:annotation: = 42
Another class var docstring
.. py:attribute:: attr2
This is the docstring of an instance attribute.
:type: str
.. py:method:: method_okay(foo=None, bar=None)
This method should parse okay
.. py:method:: method_multiline(foo=None, bar=None, baz=None)
This is on multiple lines, but should parse okay too
pydocstyle gives us lines of source. Test if this means that multiline
definitions are covered in the way we're anticipating here
.. py:method:: method_tricky(foo=None, bar=dict(foo=1, bar=2))
This will likely fail our argument testing
We parse naively on commas, so the nested dictionary will throw this off
.. py:method:: method_sphinx_docs(foo, bar=0)
This method is documented with sphinx style docstrings.
:param foo: The first argument.
:type foo: int
:param int bar: The second argument.
:returns: The sum of foo and bar.
:rtype: int
.. py:method:: method_google_docs(foo, bar=0)
This method is documented with google style docstrings.
foo (int): The first argument.
bar (int): The second argument.
int: The sum of foo and bar.
.. py:method:: method_sphinx_unicode()
This docstring uses unicodé.
:returns: A string.
:rtype: str
.. py:method:: method_google_unicode()
This docstring uses unicodé.
str: A string.
.. py:function:: decorator_okay(func)
This decorator should parse okay.
.. py:class:: Bar(attr)
Bases: :py:obj:`Foo`
Can we parse arguments from the class docstring?
:param attr: Set an attribute.
:type attr: str
Constructor docstring
.. py:method:: method_okay(foo=None, bar=None)
This method should parse okay
.. py:class:: ClassWithNoInit
.. py:class:: One
One __init__.
.. py:class:: MultilineOne
Bases: :py:obj:`One`
This is a naughty summary line
that exists on two lines.
One __init__.
.. py:class:: Two
Bases: :py:obj:`One`
One __init__.
.. py:function:: fn_with_long_sig(this, *, function=None, has=True, quite=True, a, long, signature, many, keyword, arguments)
A function with a long signature.