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from import Mapping
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, fields
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
import tomli
import tomli_w
from rich.align import Align
from rich.console import ConsoleRenderable
from rich.padding import Padding
from rich.table import Column, Table
from spiel.constants import PACKAGE_NAME
from spiel.exceptions import InvalidOptionValue
from spiel.repls import REPLS
class Options:
repl: str = "ipython"
footer_time_format: str = "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm A"
profiling: bool = False
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
if self.repl not in REPLS:
raise InvalidOptionValue(f"repl must be one of: {set(REPLS.keys())}")
def as_dict(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
return asdict(self)
def from_dict(cls, d: Mapping[str, Any]) -> "Options":
fields_by_name = { field for field in fields(cls)}
only_valid = {k: fields_by_name[k].type(v) for k, v in d.items() if k in fields_by_name}
return cls(**only_valid)
def as_toml(self) -> str:
return tomli_w.dumps({PACKAGE_NAME: self.as_dict()})
def from_toml(cls, t: str) -> "Options":
return cls.from_dict(tomli.loads(t).get(PACKAGE_NAME, {}))
def save(self, path: Path) -> Path:
return path
def load(cls, path: Path) -> "Options":
return cls.from_toml(path.read_text())
def __rich__(self) -> ConsoleRenderable:
table = Table(
Column("Type", justify="center"),
fields_by_name = { field for field in fields(self)}
for key, value in self.as_dict().items():
table.add_row(key, fields_by_name[key].type.__name__, str(value))
return Padding(,
pad=(0, 1),