Add ability to configure a remote browserid verifier. (#127) r=@vladikoff

We still default to using the local verifer because it's simpler,
but using a remote verifier may be necessary for e.g. testing
purposes when running on localhost.

Connects to mozilla/fxa-local-dev#112
Ryan Kelly 6 years ago committed by Vlad Filippov
parent 96e3b49b17
commit 7700f72424

@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ def includeme(config):
r = requests.get(urljoin(idp, '/.well-known/fxa-client-configuration'))
idp_config = r.json()
idp_issuer = urlparse(idp_config["auth_server_base_url"]).netloc
# Configure app-specific defaults based on top-level configuration.
settings.pop("config", None)
@ -105,21 +106,29 @@ def includeme(config):
if "storage.batch_upload_enabled" not in settings:
settings["storage.batch_upload_enabled"] = True
if "browserid.backend" not in settings:
# Default to local verifier to reduce external dependencies.
settings["browserid.backend"] = "tokenserver.verifiers.LocalVerifier"
# Default to local verifier to reduce external dependencies,
# unless an explicit verifier URL has been configured.
verifier_url = settings.get("syncserver.browserid_verifier")
if not verifier_url:
settings["browserid.backend"] = \
settings["browserid.backend"] = \
settings["browserid.verifier_url"] = verifier_url
# Use base of public_url as only audience
audience = urlunparse(urlparse(public_url)._replace(path=""))
settings["browserid.audiences"] = audience
# If an IdP was specified, allow it and only it as issuer.
if idp is not None:
issuer = urlparse(idp_config["auth_server_base_url"]).netloc
settings["browserid.trusted_issuers"] = [issuer]
settings["browserid.allowed_issuers"] = [issuer]
settings["browserid.trusted_issuers"] = [idp_issuer]
settings["browserid.allowed_issuers"] = [idp_issuer]
if "oauth.backend" not in settings:
settings["oauth.backend"] = "tokenserver.verifiers.RemoteOAuthVerifier"
# If an IdP was specified, use it for oauth verification.
if idp is not None:
settings["oauth.server_url"] = idp_config["oauth_server_base_url"]
settings["oauth.default_issuer"] = idp_issuer
if "loggers" not in settings:
# Default to basic logging config.
root_logger = logging.getLogger("")
@ -159,6 +168,9 @@ def import_settings_from_environment_variables(settings, environ=None):
("SYNCSERVER_SECRET", "syncserver.secret", str),
("SYNCSERVER_SQLURI", "syncserver.sqluri", str),
("SYNCSERVER_IDENTITY_PROVIDER", "syncserver.identity_provider", str),
