Add "force_wsgi_environ" config option.

This is the nuclear option for when your reverse proxy setup doesn't
place nicely with our request-signing thing - it causes the app to
unilaterally clobber its WSGI environment with values from public_url.
Ryan Kelly 9 years ago
parent 24dbda8f41
commit c4c0fa033a

@ -27,8 +27,16 @@ public_url = http://localhost:5000/
# Only request by existing accounts will be honoured.
# allow_new_users = false
# Set this to "true" to work around a mismatch between public_url and
# the application URL as seen by python, which can happen in certain reverse-
# proxy hosting setups. It will overwrite the WSGI environ dict with the
# details from public_url. This could have security implications if e.g.
# you tell the app that it's on HTTPS but it's really on HTTP, so it should
# only be used as a last resort and after careful checking of server config.
force_wsgi_environ = false
# Uncomment and edit the following to use a local BrowserID verifier
# rather than posing assertions to the mozilla-hosted verifier.
# rather than posting assertions to the mozilla-hosted verifier.
# Audiences should be set to your public_url without a trailing slash.
#backend = tokenserver.verifiers.LocalVerifier

@ -117,24 +117,27 @@ def reconcile_wsgi_environ_with_public_url(event):
# is serving us at some sub-path.
if not request.script_name:
request.script_name = p_public_url.path.rstrip("/")
# If the public_url claims we're on a non-standard port but the environ
# says we're on a standard port, assume the public_url is correct.
# This is often the case with e.g. apache mod_wsgi.
if p_public_url.port not in (None, 80, 443):
port_str = str(p_public_url.port)
if request.host_port != port_str:
if request.host_port in (None, "80", "443"): = p_public_url.netloc
# Log a noisy error if the application url is different to what we'd
# expect based on public_url setting.
# If the environ does not match public_url, requests are almost certainly
# going to fail due to auth errors. We can either bail out early, or we
# can forcibly clobber the WSGI environ with the values from public_url.
# This is a security risk if you've e.g. mis-configured the server, so
# it's not enabled by default.
application_url = request.application_url
if public_url != application_url:
msg = "The public_url setting does not match the application url.\n"
msg += "This will almost certainly cause authentication failures!\n"
msg += " public_url setting is: %s\n" % (public_url,)
msg += " application url is: %s\n" % (application_url,)
raise _JSONError([msg], status_code=500)
if not request.registry.settings.get("syncserver.force_wsgi_environ"):
msg = "\n".join((
"The public_url setting doesn't match the application url.",
"This will almost certainly cause authentication failures!",
" public_url setting is: %s" % (public_url,),
" application url is: %s" % (application_url,),
"You can disable this check by setting the force_wsgi_environ",
"option in your config file, but do so at your own risk.",
raise _JSONError([msg], status_code=500)
request.scheme = p_public_url.scheme = p_public_url.netloc
request.script_name = p_public_url.path.rstrip("/")
def get_configurator(global_config, **settings):
