Fix typos in parts 01,02 and 04

Valentin Radulescu 5 years ago
parent 1dc4e6e981
commit 86d3ca71e6

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Shaders are also a set of instructions, but the instructions are executed all at
To answer this, I present the wonders of *parallel processing*.
Imagine the CPU of your computer as a big industrial pipe, and every task as something that passes through it - like a factory line. Some tasks are bigger than others, which means they require more time and energy to deal with. We say they require more processing power. Because of the architecture of computers the jobs are forced to run in a series; each job has to be finished one at a time. Modern computers usually have groups of four processors that work like these pipes, completing tasks one after another to keeping things running smoothly. Each pipe is also known as a *thread*.
Imagine the CPU of your computer as a big industrial pipe, and every task as something that passes through it - like a factory line. Some tasks are bigger than others, which means they require more time and energy to deal with. We say they require more processing power. Because of the architecture of computers the jobs are forced to run in a series; each job has to be finished one at a time. Modern computers usually have groups of four processors that work like these pipes, completing tasks one after another to keep things running smoothly. Each pipe is also known as a *thread*.

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Although these simple lines of code don't look like a lot, we can infer substant
4. If we look closely to the `vec4` type we can infer that the four arguments respond to the RED, GREEN, BLUE and ALPHA channels. Also we can see that these values are *normalized*, which means they go from `0.0` to `1.0`. Later, we will learn how normalizing values makes it easier to *map* values between variables.
5. Another important *C feature* we can see in this example is the presence of preprocessor macros. Macros are part of a pre-compilation step. With them it is possible to `#define` global variables and do some basic conditional operation (with `#ifdef` and `#endif`). All the macro comands begin with a hashtag (`#`). Pre-compilation happens right before compiling and copies all the calls to `#defines` and check `#ifdef` (is defined) and `#ifndef` (is not defined) conditionals. In our "hello world!" example above, we only insert the line 2 if `GL_ES` is defined, which mostly happens when the code is compiled on mobile devices and browsers.
5. Another important *C feature* we can see in this example is the presence of preprocessor macros. Macros are part of a pre-compilation step. With them it is possible to `#define` global variables and do some basic conditional operation (with `#ifdef` and `#endif`). All the macro comands begin with a hashtag (`#`). Pre-compilation happens right before compiling and copies all the calls to `#define` and checks `#ifdef` (is defined) and `#ifndef` (is not defined) conditionals. In our "hello world!" example above, we only insert the line 2 if `GL_ES` is defined, which mostly happens when the code is compiled on mobile devices and browsers.
6. Float types are vital in shaders, so the level of *precision* is crucial. Lower precision means faster rendering, but at the cost of quality. You can be picky and specify the precision of each variable that uses floating point. In the first line (`precision mediump float;`) we are setting all floats to medium precision. But we can choose to set them to low (`precision lowp float;`) or high (`precision highp float;`).

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ As part of the construction of this book and my art practice I made an ecosystem
As you can see, it just needs a `canvas` element with `class="glslCanvas"` and the url to your shader in the `data-fragment-url`. Learn more about it [here](
If you are like me, you will probably want to run shaders directly from the console, in that case you should check out [glslViewer]( This application allows you to incorporate shaders into your `bash` scripts or unix pipelines and use it in a similar way that [ImageMagick]( Also [glslViewer]( is a great way to compile shaders on your [Raspberry Pi](, reason why []( use it to display shader artwork. Learn more about this application [here](
If you are like me, you will probably want to run shaders directly from the console, in that case you should check out [glslViewer]( This application allows you to incorporate shaders into your `bash` scripts or unix pipelines and use it in a similar way to [ImageMagick]( Also [glslViewer]( is a great way to compile shaders on your [Raspberry Pi](, reason why []( uses it to display shader artwork. Learn more about this application [here](
glslViewer yourShader.frag yourInputImage.png —w 500 -h 500 -s 1 -o yourOutputImage.png
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ If you prefer to work offline using [SublimeText](
**Share**: the online editor ([]( can share your shaders! Both the embedded and standalone version have an export button where you can get an unique URL's to your shader. Also have the ability to export directly to an [](
**Share**: the online editor ([]( can share your shaders! Both the embedded and standalone version have an export button where you can get an unique URL's to your shader. Also it has the ability to export directly to an [](
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ If you prefer to work offline using [SublimeText](
## Running your shaders on your favorite framework
In case you already have experience programming in a framework like: [Processing](, [Three.js]( or [OpenFrameworks](, you're probably excited to try shaders on this platforms you feel comfortable with. The following are examples of how to set shaders in some popular frameworks with the same uniforms that we are going to use throughout this book. (In the [GitHub repository for this chapter](, you'll find the full source code for these three frameworks.)
In case you already have experience programming in a framework like: [Processing](, [Three.js]( or [OpenFrameworks](, you're probably excited to try shaders on these platforms you feel comfortable with. The following are examples of how to set shaders in some popular frameworks with the same uniforms that we are going to use throughout this book. (In the [GitHub repository for this chapter](, you'll find the full source code for these three frameworks.)
### In **Three.js**
