test: add failing test for files starting with a hash sign (#342)

Romain 5 months ago
parent 3590b15cfb
commit f65afab9eb

@ -44,6 +44,26 @@ describe('exiftool', function () {
xit('can process files starting with a # sign', (done) => {
// they are currently ignored by Exiftool for an unknown reason
const structure = {
'photo1.jpg': fixtures.fromDisk('photo.jpg'),
'#photo2.jpg': fixtures.fromDisk('photo.jpg')
const tmpdir = fixtures.createTempStructure(structure)
const processed = []
// force concurrency of 1 to ensure there's a single exiftool instance
// otherwise, once instance will receive '#photo2.jpg' and think it has nothing to process
// which generates an unrelated error
const stream = exiftool.parse(tmpdir, Object.keys(structure), 1)
stream.on('data', entry => {
}).on('end', () => {
should(processed).eql(['photo1.jpg', '#photo2.jpg'])
it('can process badly encoded fields', (done) => {
// here we test with an XMP file because it's easier to see what's wrong
// but the problem will more likely be with a badly encoded XMP section inside a JPG file
