#!/usr/bin/env node const fs = require('node:fs') const moment = require('moment') const dependencies = require('../src/cli/dependencies') const messages = require('../src/cli/messages') const options = require('../src/cli/options') console.log('') // Read all options from the command-line / config file const args = process.argv.slice(2) const opts = options.get(args) // Only require the index after logging options have been set fs.mkdirSync(opts.output, { recursive: true }) require('./log').init(opts.log, opts.logFile) const index = require('../src/index') // If this is the first run, display a welcome message const firstRun = fs.existsSync(opts.databaseFile) === false if (firstRun) { console.log(`${messages.GREETING()}\n`) } // Catch all exceptions and exit gracefully process.on('uncaughtException', handleError) process.on('unhandledRejection', handleError) // Check that all binary dependencies are present dependencies.checkOptional() const missingErrors = dependencies.checkRequired() if (missingErrors) { console.log(`${missingErrors}`) exit(1) } // Global settings moment.locale(opts.locale) // Build the gallery! index.build(opts, (err, result) => { console.log('') if (err) { handleError(err) } else { // Print any problems result.problems.print() // And then a summary of the gallery const stats = { albums: countAlbums(0, result.album), photos: result.album.stats.photos, videos: result.album.stats.videos } console.log(messages.SUCCESS(stats) + '\n') exit(0) } }) // Print an error report and exit // Note: remove "err.context" (entire data model) which can make the output hard to read function handleError (err) { delete err.context require('debug')('thumbsup:error')(err) console.error('\nUnexpected error', err.message) console.error(`\n${messages.SORRY(opts.logFile)}\n`) exit(1) } // Force a successful or failed exit // This is required because capturing unhandled errors will make Listr run forever function exit (code) { process.exit(code) } // Count the total number of nested albums function countAlbums (total, album) { return 1 + album.albums.reduce(countAlbums, total) }