const fs = require('fs') const debug = require('debug') const glob = require('glob') const path = require('path') const YAML = require('yaml') const should = require('should/as-function') const fixtures = require('../fixtures') const options = require('../../src/cli/options') const index = require('../../src/index') class IntegrationTest { constructor (structure) { this.tmpdir = fixtures.createTempStructure(structure) this.input = path.join(this.tmpdir, 'input') this.output = path.join(this.tmpdir, 'output') this.actualFiles = [] } run (customOptions, done) { const defaultOptions = [ '--input', this.input, '--output', this.output, '--theme-path', 'test-fixtures/theme', '--log', 'info' ] const allOptions = defaultOptions.concat(customOptions) const opts = options.get(allOptions), err => { // Reset the logger ASAP to print the test status console.log = console.logOld should(err).eql(null) debug.assertNotContains('thumbsup:error') this.actualFiles = glob.sync('**/*', { cwd: this.output, nodir: true, nonull: false }) setImmediate(done) }) } assertExist (expected) { const missing = expected.filter(f => this.actualFiles.indexOf(f) === -1) should(missing).eql([]) } parse (filepath) { const fullpath = path.join(this.output, filepath) return fs.readFileSync(fullpath, { encoding: 'utf8' }) } parseYaml (filepath) { const contents = this.parse(filepath) return YAML.parse(contents) } getPath (structurePath) { return path.join(this.tmpdir, structurePath) } } IntegrationTest.before = function () { // Listr uses control.log() to print progress // But so does Mocha to print test results // So we override it for the duration of the integration test console.logOld = console.log console.log = debug('thumbsup:info') debug.reset() } IntegrationTest.after = function () { console.log = console.logOld } module.exports = IntegrationTest