const path = require('node:path') const should = require('should/as-function') const Index = require('../../../src/components/index/index') const fixtures = require('../../fixtures') describe('Index', function () { this.slow(1000) this.timeout(1000) let tmpdir = null const image = fixtures.fromDisk('photo.jpg') beforeEach(() => { tmpdir = fixtures.createTempStructure({ 'input/london/IMG_0001.jpg': image, 'input/newyork/IMG_0002.jpg': image }) }) function runIndex (options, done) { const index = new Index(path.join(tmpdir, 'thumbsup.db')) const emitter = index.update(path.join(tmpdir, 'input'), options) const emitted = [] let processed = 0 let stats = null emitter.on('progress', () => ++processed) emitter.on('file', meta => emitted.push(meta)) emitter.on('stats', s => { stats = s }) emitter.on('done', result => { done({ result, stats, emitted, processed }) }) } it('indexes a folder', (done) => { runIndex({}, data => { should(data.result.count).eql(2) should(data.stats).eql({ database: 0, disk: 2, unchanged: 0, added: 2, modified: 0, deleted: 0, skipped: 0 }) // check all files were indexed const paths = => e.path).sort() should(paths).eql([ 'london/IMG_0001.jpg', 'newyork/IMG_0002.jpg' ]) // check all files were sent to exiftool should(data.processed).eql(2) // check the path matches the SourceFile property const sourceFiles = => e.metadata.SourceFile).sort() should(paths).eql(sourceFiles) done() }) }) it('can re-index with no changes', (done) => { runIndex({}, () => { // then do a second run runIndex({}, data => { should(data.result.count).eql(2) should(data.stats).eql({ database: 2, disk: 2, unchanged: 2, added: 0, modified: 0, deleted: 0, skipped: 0 }) // all files are emitted, but they were not processed again should(data.emitted).has.length(2) should(data.processed).eql(0) done() }) }) }) it('can un-index a deleted file', (done) => { runIndex({}, () => { // then do a second run fixtures.deleteTempFile(tmpdir, 'input/newyork/IMG_0002.jpg') runIndex({}, data => { should(data.result.count).eql(1) should(data.stats).eql({ database: 2, disk: 1, unchanged: 1, added: 0, modified: 0, deleted: 1, skipped: 0 }) // the remaining file was emitted should(data.emitted).has.length(1) should(data.processed).eql(0) done() }) }) }) describe('scan modes', () => { it('partial ignores changes outside the include pattern', (done) => { runIndex({}, () => { // then do a second run fixtures.deleteTempFile(tmpdir, 'input/newyork/IMG_0002.jpg') const options = { scanMode: 'partial', include: ['london/**'] } runIndex(options, data => { should(data.result.count).eql(2) should(data.stats).eql({ database: 2, disk: 1, unchanged: 1, added: 0, modified: 0, deleted: 0, skipped: 1 }) // but it still emitted 2 files should(data.emitted).has.length(2) should(data.processed).eql(0) done() }) }) }) }) it('can vacuum the database', () => { const index = new Index(path.join(tmpdir, 'thumbsup.db')) index.vacuum() }) })