const fs = require('fs') const sinon = require('sinon') const should = require('should/as-function') const cleanup = require('../../src/steps/step-cleanup') const fixtures = require('../fixtures') const ospath = fixtures.ospath describe('Steps: cleanup', () => { // we require "mock-fs" inside the tests, otherwise it also affects other tests var mock = null beforeEach(() => { mock = require('mock-fs') sinon.stub(fs, 'unlinkSync') }) afterEach(() => { mock.restore() fs.unlinkSync.restore() }) it('does nothing if there are no extra files', testEnd => { const input = [ fixtures.file({ path: 'paris/IMG_0001.jpg' }), fixtures.file({ path: 'london/IMG_0002.jpg' }) ] mock({ 'output/media/thumbs/paris/IMG_0001.jpg': '', 'output/media/thumbs/london/IMG_0002.jpg': '', 'output/media/small/paris/IMG_0001.jpg': '', 'output/media/small/london/IMG_0002.jpg': '', 'output/media/large/paris/IMG_0001.jpg': '', 'output/media/large/london/IMG_0002.jpg': '' }) const obs =, 'output') obs.reduce(toArray, []).subscribe(deletedFiles => { should(deletedFiles).deepEqual([]) should(fs.unlinkSync.args).deepEqual([]) testEnd() }) }) it('deletes output files that are not linked to the input', testEnd => { const input = [ fixtures.file({ path: 'paris/IMG_0001.jpg' }), fixtures.file({ path: 'london/IMG_0002.jpg' }) ] mock({ 'output/media/large/paris/IMG_0001.jpg': '', 'output/media/large/london/IMG_0002.jpg': '', 'output/media/large/newyork/IMG_0003.jpg': '' }) const obs =, 'output') const extraFile = 'media/large/newyork/IMG_0003.jpg' obs.reduce(toArray, []).subscribe(deletedFiles => { should(deletedFiles).deepEqual([ospath(extraFile)]) should(fs.unlinkSync.args).deepEqual([[ospath(`output/${extraFile}`)]]) testEnd() }) }) }) function toArray (list, item) { return list.concat([item]) }