const fs = require('node:fs') const downsize = require('thumbsup-downsize') const should = require('should/as-function') const sinon = require('sinon') const actions = require('../../src/steps/actions') const ANY_TASK = { src: 'input/IMG_0001.jpg', dest: 'output/media/IMG_0001.jpg' } describe('actions', () => { beforeEach(() => { sinon.stub(fs, 'copyFile').yields(null) sinon.stub(fs, 'symlink').yields(null) sinon.stub(downsize, 'image').yields(null) sinon.stub(downsize, 'video').yields(null) sinon.stub(downsize, 'still').yields(null) }) afterEach(() => { fs.copyFile.restore() fs.symlink.restore() downsize.image.restore() downsize.still.restore() }) it('fs:copy = copies the original', testEnd => { const map = actions.createMap({}) const action = map['fs:copy'] action(ANY_TASK, err => { should(err).eql(null) sinon.assert.calledWith(fs.copyFile, ANY_TASK.src, ANY_TASK.dest, sinon.match.func ) testEnd() }) }) it('fs:symlink = creates a symbolic link', testEnd => { const map = actions.createMap({}) const action = map['fs:symlink'] action(ANY_TASK, err => { should(err).eql(null) sinon.assert.calledWith(fs.symlink, ANY_TASK.src, ANY_TASK.dest, sinon.match.func ) testEnd() }) }) it('fs:link = does nothing', testEnd => { const map = actions.createMap({}) const action = map['fs:link'] should(action).undefined() testEnd() }) it('photo:thumbnail = creates a square thumbnail', testEnd => { const map = actions.createMap({ thumbSize: 200 }) const action = map['photo:thumbnail'] action(ANY_TASK, err => { should(err).eql(null) const downsizeArgs = shouldCallDownsize(downsize.image) should(downsizeArgs).property('height', 200) should(downsizeArgs).property('width', 200) should(downsizeArgs.animated).undefined() // don't animate GIF thumbnails testEnd() }) }) it('photo:small = creates a small image', testEnd => { const map = actions.createMap({ smallSize: 300 }) const action = map['photo:small'] action(ANY_TASK, err => { should(err).eql(null) const downsizeArgs = shouldCallDownsize(downsize.image) should(downsizeArgs).property('height', 300) testEnd() }) }) it('photo:large = creates a large image', testEnd => { const map = actions.createMap({ largeSize: 1000 }) const action = map['photo:large'] action(ANY_TASK, err => { should(err).eql(null) const downsizeArgs = shouldCallDownsize(downsize.image) should(downsizeArgs).property('height', 1000) should(downsizeArgs).property('animated', true) testEnd() }) }) it('video:thumbnail = creates a square video still', testEnd => { const map = actions.createMap({ thumbSize: 200 }) const action = map['video:thumbnail'] action(ANY_TASK, err => { should(err).eql(null) const downsizeArgs = shouldCallDownsize(downsize.still) should(downsizeArgs).property('height', 200) should(downsizeArgs).property('width', 200) testEnd() }) }) it('video:poster = creates a large video still', testEnd => { const map = actions.createMap({ largeSize: 1000 }) const action = map['video:poster'] action(ANY_TASK, err => { should(err).eql(null) const downsizeArgs = shouldCallDownsize(downsize.still) should(downsizeArgs).property('height', 1000) testEnd() }) }) it('video:poster can seek to a given number of seconds', testEnd => { const map = actions.createMap({ videoStills: 'seek', videoStillsSeek: 5 }) const action = map['video:poster'] action(ANY_TASK, err => { should(err).eql(null) const downsizeArgs = shouldCallDownsize(downsize.still) should(downsizeArgs).property('seek', 5) testEnd() }) }) it('video:poster can seek to the middle', testEnd => { const map = actions.createMap({ videoStills: 'middle' }) const action = map['video:poster'] action(ANY_TASK, err => { should(err).eql(null) const downsizeArgs = shouldCallDownsize(downsize.still) should(downsizeArgs).property('seek', -1) testEnd() }) }) it('video:resized = creates a web-friendly video', testEnd => { const map = actions.createMap({}) const action = map['video:resized'] action(ANY_TASK, err => { should(err).eql(null) const downsizeArgs = shouldCallDownsize( should(downsizeArgs).eql({ format: undefined, quality: undefined, bitrate: undefined, hwaccel: undefined }) testEnd() }) }) it('can specify options for video:resized', testEnd => { const map = actions.createMap({ // note: some options are mutually exclusive // but this is OK for testing the mapping videoFormat: 'mp4', videoQuality: 75, videoBitrate: '1200k', videoHwaccel: 'vaapi' }) const action = map['video:resized'] action(ANY_TASK, err => { should(err).eql(null) const downsizeArgs = shouldCallDownsize( should(downsizeArgs).eql({ format: 'mp4', quality: 75, bitrate: '1200k', hwaccel: 'vaapi' }) testEnd() }) }) describe('watermark', () => { it('can add a watermark to large images', testEnd => { const map = actions.createMap({ watermark: 'copyright.jpg' }) const action = map['photo:large'] action(ANY_TASK, err => { should(err).eql(null) const downsizeArgs = shouldCallDownsize(downsize.image) should(downsizeArgs).propertyByPath('watermark', 'file').eql('copyright.jpg') testEnd() }) }) it('ignores the watermark for thumbnails', testEnd => { // it's not supported by anyway const map = actions.createMap({ watermark: 'copyright.jpg' }) const action = map['photo:thumbnail'] action(ANY_TASK, err => { should(err).eql(null) const downsizeArgs = shouldCallDownsize(downsize.image) should(downsizeArgs.watermark).undefined() testEnd() }) }) }) }) function shouldCallDownsize (fn) { sinon.assert.calledWith(fn, ANY_TASK.src, ANY_TASK.dest, sinon.match.object, sinon.match.func ) return fn.args[0][2] }