You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Standardised metadata for a given image or video
This is based on parsing "provider data" such as Exiftool or Picasa
const path = require('node:path')
const _ = require('lodash')
const moment = require('moment')
// mime type for videos
const MIME_VIDEO_REGEX = /^video\/.*$/
// standard EXIF date format, which is different from ISO8601
// infer dates from files with a date-looking filename
const FILENAME_DATE_REGEX = /\d{4}[_\-.\s]?(\d{2}[_\-.\s]?){5}\..{3,4}/
// moment ignores non-numeric characters when parsing
class Metadata {
constructor (exiftool, picasa, opts) {
// standardise metadata = getDate(exiftool)
this.caption = caption(exiftool, picasa)
this.keywords = keywords(exiftool, picasa)
this.people = people(exiftool) = video(exiftool)
this.animated = animated(exiftool)
this.rating = rating(exiftool)
this.favourite = favourite(picasa)
const size = dimensions(exiftool)
this.width = size.width
this.height = size.height
this.exif = opts ? (opts.embedExif ? exiftool.EXIF : undefined) : undefined
// metadata could also include fields like
// - lat = 51.5
// - long = 0.12
// - country = "England"
// - city = "London"
// - aperture = 1.8
function getDate (exif) {
// first, check if there's a valid date in the metadata
const metadate = getMetaDate(exif)
if (metadate) return metadate.valueOf()
// next, check if the filename looks like a date
const namedate = getFilenameDate(exif)
if (namedate) return namedate.valueOf()
// otherwise, fallback to the last modified date
return moment(exif.File.FileModifyDate, EXIF_DATE_FORMAT).valueOf()
function getMetaDate (exif) {
const date = tagValue(exif, 'EXIF', 'DateTimeOriginal') ||
tagValue(exif, 'H264', 'DateTimeOriginal') ||
tagValue(exif, 'QuickTime', 'ContentCreateDate') ||
tagValue(exif, 'QuickTime', 'CreationDate') ||
tagValue(exif, 'QuickTime', 'CreateDate')
if (date) {
const parsed = moment(date, EXIF_DATE_FORMAT)
if (parsed.isValid()) return parsed
return null
function getFilenameDate (exif) {
const filename = path.basename(exif.SourceFile)
if (FILENAME_DATE_REGEX.test(filename)) {
const parsed = moment(filename, FILENAME_DATE_FORMAT)
if (parsed.isValid()) return parsed
return null
function caption (exif, picasa) {
return picasaValue(picasa, 'caption') ||
tagValue(exif, 'EXIF', 'ImageDescription') ||
tagValue(exif, 'IPTC', 'Caption-Abstract') ||
tagValue(exif, 'IPTC', 'Headline') ||
tagValue(exif, 'XMP', 'Description') ||
tagValue(exif, 'XMP', 'Title') ||
tagValue(exif, 'XMP', 'Label') ||
tagValue(exif, 'QuickTime', 'Title')
function keywords (exif, picasa) {
const sources = [
tagValue(exif, 'IPTC', 'Keywords'),
tagValue(exif, 'XMP', 'Subject'),
picasaValue(picasa, 'keywords')
return _.chain(sources).flatMap(makeArray).uniq().value()
function people (exif) {
return tagValue(exif, 'XMP', 'PersonInImage') || []
function video (exif) {
return MIME_VIDEO_REGEX.test(exif.File.MIMEType)
function animated (exif) {
if (exif.File.MIMEType !== 'image/gif') return false
if (exif.GIF && exif.GIF.FrameCount > 0) return true
return false
function rating (exif) {
if (!exif.XMP) return 0
return exif.XMP.Rating || 0
function favourite (picasa) {
return picasaValue(picasa, 'star') === 'yes'
function tagValue (exif, type, name) {
if (!exif[type]) return null
return exif[type][name]
function picasaValue (picasa, name) {
if (typeof picasa !== 'object') return null
return picasa[name]
function makeArray (value) {
if (!value) return []
return Array.isArray(value) ? value : value.split(',')
function dimensions (exif) {
// Use the Composite field to avoid having to check all possible tag groups (EXIF, QuickTime, ASF...)
if (!exif.Composite || !exif.Composite.ImageSize) {
return {
width: null,
height: null
} else {
const size = exif.Composite.ImageSize
const x = size.indexOf('x')
return {
width: parseInt(size.substr(0, x), 10),
height: parseInt(size.substr(x + 1), 10)
module.exports = Metadata