You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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const _ = require('lodash')
exports.create = function (album, opts, themeSettings) {
const baseModel = {
gallery: Object.assign({}, opts, { home: album }),
settings: themeSettings,
home: album
return createPages(baseModel, album, opts.albumPageSize, [])
function createPages (baseModel, album, pageSize, breadcrumbs) {
// HTML pages for the current album
const slicedAlbums = createSlicedAlbums(album, pageSize)
const pages =, index) => {
const pagination = createPagination(slicedAlbums, index)
const model = Object.assign({}, baseModel, {
path: pagination[index].path,
pagination: (pageSize ? pagination : [])
return model
// and all nested albums
album.albums.forEach(function (nested) {
const crumbs = breadcrumbs.concat([album])
const nestedPages = createPages(baseModel, nested, pageSize, crumbs)
Array.prototype.push.apply(pages, nestedPages)
return pages
function createSlicedAlbums (album, pageSize) {
if (!pageSize) return [album]
if (album.files.length < pageSize) return [album]
const pagedFiles = _.chunk(album.files, pageSize)
return => {
return Object.assign({}, album, { files: page })
function createPagination (albums, currentIndex) {
return, index) => {
return {
index: index + 1,
current: (index === currentIndex),
path: injectPageNumber(album.path, index),
url: injectPageNumber(album.url, index)
function injectPageNumber (filepath, index) {
if (index === 0) return filepath
const base = filepath.slice(0, -5)
return `${base}${index + 1}.html`