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Provides most metadata based on the output of <exiftool>
Caches the resulting DB in <metadata.json> for faster re-runs
const debug = require('debug')('thumbsup')
const exifdb = require('exiftool-json-db')
const progress = require('../utils/progress')
exports.update = function (media, databasePath, callback) {
var updateBar = null
var emitter = null
try {
emitter = exifdb.create({media: media, database: databasePath})
} catch (ex) {
const message = 'Loading database\n' + ex.toString() + '\n' +
'If migrating from thumbsup v1, delete <metadata.json> to rebuild the database from scratch'
callback(new Error(message))
emitter.on('stats', (stats) => {
debug(`Database stats: total=${}`)
const totalBar = progress.create('Finding media',
updateBar = progress.create('Updating database', stats.added + stats.modified)
emitter.on('file', (file) => {
emitter.on('done', (files) => {
callback(null, files)
emitter.on('error', callback)