You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

42 lines
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const readdir = require('readdir-enhanced')
const warn = require('debug')('thumbsup:warn')
const GlobPattern = require('./pattern')
const PHOTO_EXT = ['bmp', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'tif', 'tiff', 'webp', 'heic']
const VIDEO_EXT = ['3gp', 'avi', 'flv', 'm2ts', 'm4v', 'mkv', 'mp4', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'mov', 'mts', 'ogg', 'ogv', 'webm', 'wmv']
const RAW_PHOTO_EXT = [
'3fr', 'arw', 'cr2', 'crw', 'dcr', 'dng', 'erf', 'k25', 'kdc',
'mef', 'mrw', 'nef', 'orf', 'pef', 'raf', 'sr2', 'srf', 'x3f'
Return a hashmap of {path, timestamp}
for all the media files in the target folder
exports.find = function (rootFolder, options, callback) {
const entries = {}
const pattern = new GlobPattern({
include: (options.include && options.include.length > 0) ? options.include : ['**/**'],
exclude: options.exclude || [],
extensions: exports.supportedExtensions(options)
const stream =, {
filter: file => pattern.match(file.path),
deep: dir => pattern.canTraverse(dir.path),
stats: true,
basePath: '',
sep: '/'
stream.on('data', stats => { entries[stats.path] = stats.mtime.getTime() })
stream.on('error', err => warn(err.message))
stream.on('end', () => callback(null, entries))
exports.supportedExtensions = function (options) {
const extensions = []
if (options.includePhotos !== false) Array.prototype.push.apply(extensions, PHOTO_EXT)
if (options.includeVideos !== false) Array.prototype.push.apply(extensions, VIDEO_EXT)
if (options.includeRawPhotos) Array.prototype.push.apply(extensions, RAW_PHOTO_EXT)
return extensions