You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

106 lines
3.5 KiB

const EventEmitter = require('node:events')
const path = require('node:path')
const _ = require('lodash')
const Database = require('better-sqlite3')
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const moment = require('moment')
const delta = require('./delta')
const exiftool = require('../exiftool/parallel')
const globber = require('./glob')
class Index {
constructor (indexPath) {
// create the database if it doesn't exist
this.db = new Database(indexPath, {})
this.db.exec('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS files (path TEXT PRIMARY KEY, timestamp INTEGER, metadata BLOB)')
Index all the files in <media> and store into <database>
update (mediaFolder, options = {}) {
// will emit many different events
const emitter = new EventEmitter()
// prepared database statements
const selectStatement = this.db.prepare('SELECT path, timestamp FROM files')
const insertStatement = this.db.prepare('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO files VALUES (?, ?, ?)')
const deleteStatement = this.db.prepare('DELETE FROM files WHERE path = ?')
const countStatement = this.db.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM files')
const selectMetadata = this.db.prepare('SELECT * FROM files')
// create hashmap of all files in the database
const databaseMap = {}
for (const row of selectStatement.iterate()) {
databaseMap[row.path] = row.timestamp
function finished () {
// emit every file in the index
for (const row of selectMetadata.iterate()) {
emitter.emit('file', {
path: row.path,
timestamp: new Date(row.timestamp),
metadata: JSON.parse(row.metadata)
// emit the final count
const result = countStatement.get()
emitter.emit('done', { count: result.count })
// find all files on disk
globber.find(mediaFolder, options, (err, diskMap) => {
if (err) return console.error('error', err)
// calculate the difference: which files have been added, modified, etc
const deltaFiles = delta.calculate(databaseMap, diskMap, options)
emitter.emit('stats', {
unchanged: deltaFiles.unchanged.length,
added: deltaFiles.added.length,
modified: deltaFiles.modified.length,
deleted: deltaFiles.deleted.length,
skipped: deltaFiles.skipped.length,
total: Object.keys(diskMap).length
// remove deleted files from the DB
_.each(deltaFiles.deleted, path => {
// check if any files need parsing
let processed = 0
const toProcess = _.union(deltaFiles.added, deltaFiles.modified)
if (toProcess.length === 0) {
return finished()
// call <exiftool> on added and modified files
// and write each entry to the database
const stream = exiftool.parse(mediaFolder, toProcess, options.concurrency)
stream.on('data', entry => {
const timestamp = moment(entry.File.FileModifyDate, EXIF_DATE_FORMAT).valueOf(), timestamp, JSON.stringify(entry))
emitter.emit('progress', { path: entry.SourceFile, processed, total: toProcess.length })
}).on('end', finished)
return emitter
Do a full vacuum to optimise the database
which can be needed if files are often deleted/modified
vacuum () {
module.exports = Index