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const fs = require('node:fs')
const path = require('node:path')
const async = require('async')
const resolvePkg = require('resolve-pkg')
const Theme = require('./theme')
const SEO = require('./seo')
const pages = require('./pages') = function (rootAlbum, opts, callback) {
// create the base layer assets
// such as shared JS libs, common handlebars helpers, CSS reset...
const baseDir = path.join(__dirname, 'theme-base')
const base = new Theme(baseDir, opts.output, {
stylesheetName: 'core.css'
// then create the actual theme assets
const themeDir = opts.themePath || localThemePath(opts.theme)
const theme = new Theme(themeDir, opts.output, {
stylesheetName: 'theme.css',
customStylesPath: opts.themeStyle
// data passed to the template
const themeSettings = readThemeSettings(opts.themeSettings)
// create the rendering tasks
const viewModels = pages.create(rootAlbum, opts, themeSettings)
const tasks = => {
return next => theme.render(model.path, model, next)
// now build everything
next => base.prepare(next),
next => theme.prepare(next),
next => async.series(tasks, next)
], callback)
// add robots & sitemap if needed
if (opts.seoLocation) {
const seo = new SEO(opts.output, opts.seoLocation, rootAlbum)
function localThemePath (themeName) {
const local = resolvePkg(`@thumbsup/theme-${themeName}`, { cwd: __dirname })
if (!local) {
throw new Error(`Could not find a built-in theme called ${themeName}`)
return local
function readThemeSettings (filepath) {
if (!filepath) {
return {}
const content = fs.readFileSync(filepath).toString()
try {
return JSON.parse(content)
} catch (ex) {
throw new Error('Failed to parse JSON theme settings file: ' + filepath)