You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

56 lines
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const _ = require('lodash')
const path = require('path')
const micromatch = require('micromatch')
class GlobPattern {
constructor ({ include, exclude, extensions }) {
this.includeList = (include && include.length > 0) ? include : ['**/**']
this.excludeList = exclude || []
this.includeFolders = _.uniq(_.flatMap(this.includeList, this.subFolders))
this.directoryExcludeList = this.excludeList.concat(['**/@eaDir/**', '#recycle/**'])
this.extensions = extPattern(extensions)
match (filePath) {
const opts = { nocase: true }
return micromatch.any(filePath, this.includeList, opts) &&
micromatch.any(filePath, this.excludeList, opts) === false &&
micromatch.isMatch(filePath, this.extensions, opts)
// this is used to cull folders early
// instead of traversing them but discard all their files later
canTraverse (folderPath) {
const opts = { dot: false, nocase: true }
const withSlash = `${folderPath}/`
return micromatch.any(withSlash, this.includeFolders, opts) &&
micromatch.any(withSlash, this.directoryExcludeList, opts) === false
// returns the list of all folder names in a path
// so they can be included in traversal
subFolders (filepath) {
// keep the required path if it allows traversal (thing/ or thing/**)
const list = filepath.match(/(\/$)|(\*\*$)/) ? [filepath] : []
// then find all parent folders
let dir = path.dirname(filepath)
while (dir !== '.' && dir !== '/') {
list.push(dir + '/')
dir = path.dirname(dir)
return list
function extPattern (extensions) {
if (extensions.length === 0) {
return '**/*'
} else if (extensions.length === 1) {
return '**/*.' + extensions[0]
} else {
return '**/*.{' + extensions.join(',') + '}'
module.exports = GlobPattern