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const os = require('node:os')
const stream = require('node:stream')
const _ = require('lodash')
const debug = require('debug')('thumbsup:debug')
const exiftool = require('./stream.js')
Fans out the list of files to multiple exiftool processes (default = CPU count)
Returns a single stream of javascript objects, parsed from the JSON response
exports.parse = (rootFolder, filePaths, concurrency) => {
// create several buckets of work
const workers = concurrency || os.cpus().length
const buckets = _.chunk(filePaths, Math.ceil(filePaths.length / workers))
debug(`Split files into ${buckets.length} batches for exiftool`)
// create several <exiftool> streams that can work in parallel
const streams = _.range(buckets.length).map(i => {
debug(`Calling exiftool with ${buckets[i].length} files`)
return exiftool.parse(rootFolder, buckets[i])
// merge the object streams
return merge(streams)
function merge (streams) {
let ended = 0
const merged = new stream.PassThrough({ objectMode: true })
streams.forEach(s => {
s.pipe(merged, { end: false })
s.once('end', () => {
if (ended === streams.length) {
s.once('error', (err) => {
merged.emit('error', err)
return merged