include head.html .section .container.content.legible You are running on IPFS. The site will be slow, but resilient, ad-free and private. h2 Torrent Paradise: find torrents #[i quickly, effectively and without distractions]. p #[a(href="why.html") Why] I made this? h3 Features ul li fresh and rich torrent index ul li new torrents identified quickly via multiple RSS feeds li obscure torrents discovered through DHT li seed/leech counts constantly refreshed li privacy preserving, not-in-your-face ads li if you use IPFS ul li no single point of failure: you can always run your own via #[a(href="ipfs.html") IPFS] li runs in browser, so your query #[b never] leaves your computer li #[b never any ads] li based off open source code from #[a(href="") ipfsearch] li #[a(href="vote-and-donate.html") donate] and vote on future features li source code on #[a(href="") GitHub] li send suggestions to urban-guacamole (at) p Want to report a copyright violation? See #[a(href="copyright.html") copyright] h3 Omitted features p I decided to omit some features on purpose. That includes categories, recent torrents, comments, torrent upload, descriptions, etc. Every feature adds maintenance burden and complexity, increasing the chance that I abandon this project and noone else will want to pick it up afterwards. p My #[b focus] is simple: You get here, enter what you're looking for, pick one and you start the download. #[i No distractions].