TTY_SERVER=./tty-server TTY_SERVER_ASSETS=$(wildcard frontend/public/*) frontend/public/index.html TTY_SERVER_SRC=$(wildcard *.go) assets_bundle.go .PHONY: all frontend clean cleanfront rebuild all: $(TTY_SERVER) @echo "Done" rebuild: clean all # Building the server and tty-share $(TTY_SERVER): $(TTY_SERVER_SRC) go build -o $@ assets_bundle.go: $(TTY_SERVER_ASSETS) go get go-bindata --prefix frontend/public/ -pkg server -o $@ frontend/public/* % zip $@ $^ frontend: cleanfront frontend/public/index.html assets_bundle.go frontend/public/index.html: cd frontend && npm install && npm run build && cd - cleanfront: rm -fr frontend/public clean: cleanfront rm -fr tty-server assets_bundle.go @echo "Cleaned" ## Development helper targets ### Runs the server, without TLS/HTTPS (no need for localhost testing) runs: $(TTY_SERVER) $(TTY_SERVER) --url http://localhost:9090 --web_address :9090 --sender_address :7654 -frontend_path ./frontend/public ### Runs the sender, without TLS (no need for localhost testing) runc: tty-share --useTLS=false --server localhost:7654 test: @go test -v