package main import ( "fmt" "io" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "os/signal" "sync" "sync/atomic" "syscall" "" "" "" log "" ) type ttyShareClient struct { url string wsConn *websocket.Conn detachKeys string wcChan chan os.Signal writeFlag uint32 // used with atomic winSizes struct { thisW uint16 thisH uint16 remoteW uint16 remoteH uint16 } winSizesMutex sync.Mutex } func newTtyShareClient(url string, detachKeys string) *ttyShareClient { return &ttyShareClient{ url: url, wsConn: nil, detachKeys: detachKeys, wcChan: make(chan os.Signal, 1), writeFlag: 1, } } func clearScreen() { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "\033[H\033[2J") } type keyListener struct { wrappedReader io.Reader } func (kl *keyListener) Read(data []byte) (n int, err error) { n, err = kl.wrappedReader.Read(data) if _, ok := err.(term.EscapeError); ok { log.Debug("Escape code detected.") } return } func (c *ttyShareClient) updateAndDecideStdoutMuted() { log.Infof("This window: %dx%d. Remote window: %dx%d", c.winSizes.thisW, c.winSizes.thisH, c.winSizes.remoteW, c.winSizes.remoteH) if c.winSizes.thisH < c.winSizes.remoteH || c.winSizes.thisW < c.winSizes.remoteW { atomic.StoreUint32(&c.writeFlag, 0) clearScreen() messageFormat := "\n\rYour window is smaller than the remote window. Please resize.\n\r\tRemote window: %dx%d \n\r\tYour window: %dx%d \n\r" fmt.Printf(messageFormat, c.winSizes.remoteW, c.winSizes.remoteH, c.winSizes.thisW, c.winSizes.thisH) } else { if atomic.LoadUint32(&c.writeFlag) == 0 { // clear the screen when changing back to "write" // TODO: notify the remote side to "refresh" the content. clearScreen() } atomic.StoreUint32(&c.writeFlag, 1) } } func (c *ttyShareClient) updateThisWinSize() { size, err := term.GetWinsize(os.Stdin.Fd()) if err == nil { c.winSizesMutex.Lock() c.winSizes.thisW = size.Width c.winSizes.thisH = size.Height c.winSizesMutex.Unlock() } } func (c *ttyShareClient) Run() (err error) { log.Debugf("Connecting as a client to %s ..", c.url) resp, err := http.Get(c.url) if err != nil { return } // Get the path of the websockts route from the header wsPath := resp.Header.Get("TTYSHARE-WSPATH") // Build the WS URL from the host part of the given http URL and the wsPath httpURL, err := url.Parse(c.url) if err != nil { return } wsScheme := "ws" if httpURL.Scheme == "https" { wsScheme = "wss" } wsURL := wsScheme + "://" + httpURL.Host + wsPath log.Debugf("Built the WS URL from the headers: %s", wsURL) c.wsConn, _, err = websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(wsURL, nil) if err != nil { return } detachBytes, err := term.ToBytes(c.detachKeys) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Invalid dettaching keys: %s", c.detachKeys) return } state, err := term.MakeRaw(os.Stdin.Fd()) defer term.RestoreTerminal(os.Stdin.Fd(), state) clearScreen() protoWS := server.NewTTYProtocolWS(c.wsConn) monitorWinChanges := func() { // start monitoring the size of the terminal signal.Notify(c.wcChan, syscall.SIGWINCH) for { select { case <-c.wcChan: c.updateThisWinSize() c.updateAndDecideStdoutMuted() protoWS.SetWinSize(int(c.winSizes.thisW), int(c.winSizes.thisH)) } } } readLoop := func() { var err error for { err = protoWS.ReadAndHandle( // onWrite func(data []byte) { if atomic.LoadUint32(&c.writeFlag) != 0 { os.Stdout.Write(data) } }, // onWindowSize func(cols, rows int) { c.winSizesMutex.Lock() c.winSizes.remoteW = uint16(cols) c.winSizes.remoteH = uint16(rows) c.winSizesMutex.Unlock() c.updateThisWinSize() c.updateAndDecideStdoutMuted() }, ) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error parsing remote message: %s", err.Error()) if err == io.EOF { // Remote WS connection closed return } } } } writeLoop := func() { kl := &keyListener{ wrappedReader: term.NewEscapeProxy(os.Stdin, detachBytes), } _, err := io.Copy(protoWS, kl) if err != nil { log.Debugf("Connection closed: %s", err.Error()) c.Stop() return } } go monitorWinChanges() go writeLoop() readLoop() clearScreen() return } func (c *ttyShareClient) Stop() { c.wsConn.Close() signal.Stop(c.wcChan) }