fix font size for embed pty

seebye 4 years ago
parent fba87ea81b
commit dcca045837

@ -63,21 +63,20 @@ def is_window_focused():
return result == "1,0\n"
def get_client_ttys_by_pid():
def get_client_pids():
"""Determines the tty for each tmux client
displaying the pane this program runs in.
if not is_window_focused():
return {}
return {int(pid): tty
for pid_tty in
return {int(pid)
for pid in
'tmux', 'list-clients',
'-F', '#{client_pid},#{client_tty}',
'-F', '#{client_pid}',
'-t', get_pane()
for pid, tty in (pid_tty.split(','),)}
def register_hook(event, command):

@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ def get_display():
def get_parent_pids(pid=None):
"""Determines all parent pids of this process.
The list is sorted from youngest parent to oldest parent.
pids = []
process = psutil.Process(pid=pid)
@ -106,29 +109,42 @@ def get_pid_window_id_map():
def get_first_window_id(pid_window_id_map: dict, pids: list):
"""Determines the window id of the youngest
parent owning a window.
def sort_by_key_list(mapping: dict, key_list: list):
"""Sorts the items of the mapping
by the index of the keys in the key list.
mapping (dict): the mapping to be sorted
key_list (list): the list which specifies the order
list: which contains the sorted items as tuples
win_ids_res = [None] * len(pids)
key_map = {key: index for index, key in enumerate(key_list)}
return sorted(
key=lambda item: key_map.get(item[0], float('inf')))
for pid, window_id in pid_window_id_map.items():
win_ids_res[pids.index(pid)] = window_id
except ValueError:
def key_intersection(mapping: dict, key_list: list):
"""Creates a new map which only contains the intersection
of the keys.
return next(i for i in win_ids_res if i)
except StopIteration:
# Window needs to be mapped,
# otherwise it's not listed in _NET_CLIENT_LIST
return None
mapping (dict): the mapping to be filtered
key_list (list): the keys to be used as a whitelist
dict: which only contains keys which are also in key_list
key_map = {key: index for index, key in enumerate(key_list)}
return {key: value for key, value in mapping.items()
if key in key_map}
def get_first_pty(pids: list):
"""Determines the pseudo terminal of
the first parent process which owns one.
the first process in the passed list which owns one.
for pid in pids:
pty_candidate = '/proc/{pid}/fd/1'.format(pid=pid)
@ -148,27 +164,28 @@ def get_parent_window_infos():
list of TerminalWindowInfo
window_infos = []
clients_pid_tty = {}
client_pids = {}
if tmux_util.is_used():
clients_pid_tty = tmux_util.get_client_ttys_by_pid()
client_pids = tmux_util.get_client_pids()
clients_pid_tty = {psutil.Process().pid: None}
client_pids = {psutil.Process().pid}
if clients_pid_tty:
if client_pids:
pid_window_id_map = get_pid_window_id_map()
for pid, pty in clients_pid_tty.items():
for pid in client_pids:
ppids = get_parent_pids(pid)
wid = get_first_window_id(pid_window_id_map, ppids)
if pty is None and not os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()):
# note: this method won't return the desired pseudo tty
# if ueberzug runs in tmux
# (pty shouldn't be None in this case anyways)
pty = get_first_pty(ppids)
if wid:
window_infos.append(TerminalWindowInfo(wid, pty))
ppid_window_id_map = key_intersection(pid_window_id_map, ppids)
window_pid, window_id = next(iter(sort_by_key_list(
ppid_window_id_map, ppids)))
window_children_pids = ppids[:ppids.index(window_pid)][::-1]
pty = get_first_pty(window_children_pids)
window_infos.append(TerminalWindowInfo(window_id, pty))
except StopIteration:
# Window needs to be mapped,
# otherwise it's not listed in _NET_CLIENT_LIST
return window_infos
