#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import annotations from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Optional import dataclasses import json import os import subprocess import sys try: import yaml YAML_SUPPORTED = True except ModuleNotFoundError: YAML_SUPPORTED = False WIREGUARD_DIR = Path('/etc/wireguard') NETNS_DIR = Path('/etc/netns') VERBOSE = 0 SHELL = Path('/bin/sh') def main(): try: cli(sys.argv[1:]) sys.exit(0) except Exception as e: print(f'error: {e} ({e.__class__.__name__})', file=sys.stderr) if VERBOSE: raise sys.exit(1) def cli(args): global WIREGUARD_DIR global NETNS_DIR global VERBOSE global SHELL entrypoint = ArgumentParser( formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog=( 'environment variables:\n' f' WG_PROFILE_DIR wireguard config dir, default: {WIREGUARD_DIR}\n' f' WG_NETNS_DIR network namespace config dir, default: {NETNS_DIR}\n' f' WG_VERBOSE print detailed output if 1, default: {VERBOSE}\n' f' WG_SHELL program for execution of shell hooks, default: {SHELL}\n' ), ) subparsers = entrypoint.add_subparsers(dest='action', required=True, metavar='ACTION') parser = subparsers.add_parser('up', help='setup namespace and associated interfaces') parser.add_argument('profile', type=lambda x: Path(x).expanduser(), metavar='PROFILE', help='name or path of profile') parser = subparsers.add_parser('down', help='teardown namespace and associated interfaces') parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', help='ignore errors') parser.add_argument('profile', type=lambda x: Path(x).expanduser(), metavar='PROFILE', help='name or path of profile') parser = subparsers.add_parser('list', help='list network namespaces') parser = subparsers.add_parser('switch', help='open shell in namespace') parser.add_argument('netns', metavar='NETNS', help='network namespace name') opts = entrypoint.parse_args(args) try: WIREGUARD_DIR = Path(os.environ.get('WG_PROFILE_DIR', WIREGUARD_DIR)) NETNS_DIR = Path(os.environ.get('WG_NETNS_DIR', NETNS_DIR)) VERBOSE = int(os.environ.get('WG_VERBOSE', VERBOSE)) SHELL = Path(os.environ.get('WG_SHELL', SHELL)) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f'failed to load environment variable: {e} (e.__class__.__name__)') from e if opts.action == 'up': _conditional_elevate() namespace = Namespace.from_profile(opts.profile) try: namespace.setup() except KeyboardInterrupt: namespace.teardown(check=False) except Exception: namespace.teardown(check=False) raise elif opts.action == 'down': _conditional_elevate() namespace = Namespace.from_profile(opts.profile) namespace.teardown(check=not opts.force) elif opts.action == 'list': output = ip('-json', 'netns', capture=True) data = json.loads(output) print('\n'.join(item['name'] for item in data)) elif opts.action == 'switch': os.execvp('sudo', ['ip', 'ip', 'netns', 'exec', opts.netns, 'sudo', '-u', os.getlogin(), '-D', Path.cwd().as_posix(), os.environ['SHELL'], '-i']) else: raise RuntimeError('congratulations, you reached unreachable code') def _conditional_elevate() -> None: if os.getuid() != 0 and os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()): os.execvp('sudo', [sys.argv[0], *sys.argv]) @dataclasses.dataclass class Peer: public_key: str preshared_key: Optional[str] = None name: Optional[str] = None endpoint: Optional[str] = None persistent_keepalive: int = 0 allowed_ips: list[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list) routes: Optional[list[str]] = None @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> Peer: data = {key.replace('-', '_'): value for key, value in data.items()} return cls(**data) def setup(self, interface: Interface, namespace: Namespace) -> Peer: options = [ 'peer', self.public_key, 'preshared-key', '/dev/stdin' if self.preshared_key else '/dev/null', 'persistent-keepalive', self.persistent_keepalive, ] if self.endpoint: options.extend(('endpoint', self.endpoint)) if self.allowed_ips: options.extend(('allowed-ips', ','.join(self.allowed_ips))) wg('set', interface.name, *options, stdin=self.preshared_key, netns=namespace.name) return self @dataclasses.dataclass class Interface: name: str base_netns: str|None = None private_key: Optional[str] = None public_key: Optional[str] = None address: list[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list) listen_port: int = 0 fwmark: int = 0 mtu: int = 1420 peers: list[Peer] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict[str, Any], base_netns: str|None = None) -> Interface: peers = data.pop('peers', list()) peers = [Peer.from_dict({key.replace('-', '_'): value for key, value in peer.items()}) for peer in peers] return cls(**data, peers=peers, base_netns=base_netns) def setup(self, namespace: Namespace) -> Interface: self._create(namespace) self._configure_wireguard(namespace) for peer in self.peers: peer.setup(self, namespace) self._assign_addresses(namespace) self._bring_up(namespace) self._create_routes(namespace) return self def _create(self, namespace: Namespace) -> None: ip('link', 'add', self.name, 'type', 'wireguard', netns=self.base_netns) ip('link', 'set', self.name, 'netns', namespace.name, netns=self.base_netns) def _configure_wireguard(self, namespace: Namespace) -> None: wg('set', self.name, 'listen-port', self.listen_port, netns=namespace.name) wg('set', self.name, 'fwmark', self.fwmark, netns=namespace.name) if self.private_key: wg('set', self.name, 'private-key', '/dev/stdin', stdin=self.private_key, netns=namespace.name) def _assign_addresses(self, namespace: Namespace) -> None: for address in self.address: ip('-6' if ':' in address else '-4', 'address', 'add', address, 'dev', self.name, netns=namespace.name) def _bring_up(self, namespace: Namespace) -> None: ip('link', 'set', 'dev', self.name, 'mtu', self.mtu, 'up', netns=namespace.name) def _create_routes(self, namespace: Namespace): for peer in self.peers: networks = peer.routes if peer.routes is not None else peer.allowed_ips for network in networks: ip('-6' if ':' in network else '-4', 'route', 'add', network, 'dev', self.name, netns=namespace.name) def teardown(self, namespace: Namespace, check=True) -> Interface: if self.exists(namespace): ip('link', 'set', self.name, 'down', check=check, netns=namespace.name) ip('link', 'delete', self.name, check=check, netns=namespace.name) return self def exists(self, namespace: Namespace) -> bool: try: ip('link', 'show', self.name, capture=True, netns=namespace.name) return True except Exception: return False @dataclasses.dataclass class ScriptletItem: command: str host_namespace: bool = False @classmethod def from_str(cls, data: str) -> ScriptletItem: return cls(command=data) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> ScriptletItem: data = {key.replace('-', '_'): value for key, value in data.items()} host_namespace = bool(data.pop('host_namespace', None)) return cls(**data, host_namespace=host_namespace) def run(self, netns: str): if self.host_namespace: host_eval(self.command) else: ip_netns_eval(self.command, netns=netns) @dataclasses.dataclass class Scriptlet: items: list[ScriptletItem] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list) @classmethod def from_value(cls, data) -> Scriptlet: if isinstance(data, list): return cls.from_list(data) elif isinstance(data, str): return cls.from_singleton(data) else: raise RuntimeError(f'unsupported scriptlet type: {data.__class__.__name__}') @classmethod def from_list(cls, data: list[Any]) -> Scriptlet: items = [ScriptletItem.from_dict(item) for item in data] return cls(items=items) @classmethod def from_singleton(cls, data) -> Scriptlet: item = ScriptletItem.from_str(data) return cls(items=[item]) def run(self, netns: str): for item in self.items: item.run(netns=netns) @dataclasses.dataclass class Namespace: name: str pre_up: Optional[Scriptlet] = None post_up: Optional[Scriptlet] = None pre_down: Optional[Scriptlet] = None post_down: Optional[Scriptlet] = None managed: bool = True dns_server: list[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list) interfaces: list[Interface] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list) @classmethod def from_profile(cls, path: Path) -> Namespace: try: return cls.from_dict(cls._read_profile(cls._find_profile(path))) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f'failed to load profile: {e}') from e @staticmethod def _find_profile(profile: Path) -> Path: if not profile.is_file() and profile.name == profile.as_posix(): # path does not contain '/' and '.' for extension in ('yaml', 'yml', 'json'): path = WIREGUARD_DIR/f'{profile.name}.{extension}' if path.is_file(): return path return profile @staticmethod def _read_profile(profile: Path) -> dict[str, Any]: with open(profile) as file: if profile.suffix in ('.yaml', '.yml'): if not YAML_SUPPORTED: raise RuntimeError(f'can not load profile in yaml format if pyyaml library is not installed') return yaml.safe_load(file) elif profile.suffix == '.json': return json.load(file) else: raise RuntimeError(f'unsupported file format {profile.suffix.removeprefix(".")}') @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> Namespace: data = {key.replace('-', '_'): value for key, value in data.items()} scriptlets = {key: data.pop(key, None) for key in ['pre_up', 'post_up', 'pre_down', 'post_down']} scriptlets = {key: Scriptlet.from_value(value) for key, value in scriptlets.items() if value is not None} interfaces = data.pop('interfaces', list()) base_netns = data.pop('base_netns', None) interfaces = [Interface.from_dict({key.replace('-', '_'): value for key, value in interface.items()}, base_netns=base_netns) for interface in interfaces] return cls(**data, **scriptlets, interfaces=interfaces) # type: ignore def setup(self) -> Namespace: if self.managed: self._create() self._write_resolvconf() if self.pre_up: self.pre_up.run(netns=self.name) for interface in self.interfaces: interface.setup(self) if self.post_up: self.post_up.run(netns=self.name) return self def teardown(self, check=True) -> Namespace: if self.pre_down: self.pre_down.run(netns=self.name) for interface in self.interfaces: interface.teardown(self, check=check) if self.post_down: self.post_down.run(netns=self.name) if self.managed and self.exists(): self._delete(check) self._delete_resolvconf() return self def exists(self) -> bool: namespaces = json.loads(ip('-j', 'netns', 'list', capture=True)) return self.name in {namespace['name'] for namespace in namespaces} def _create(self) -> None: ip('netns', 'add', self.name) ip('link', 'set', 'dev', 'lo', 'up', netns=self.name) def _delete(self, check=True) -> None: ip('netns', 'delete', self.name, check=check) @property def _resolvconf_path(self) -> Path: return NETNS_DIR/self.name/'resolv.conf' def _write_resolvconf(self) -> None: if self.dns_server: self._resolvconf_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) content = '\n'.join(f'nameserver {server}' for server in self.dns_server) self._resolvconf_path.write_text(content) def _delete_resolvconf(self) -> None: if self._resolvconf_path.exists(): self._resolvconf_path.unlink() try: NETNS_DIR.rmdir() except OSError: pass def wg(*args, netns: str|None = None, stdin: str|None = None, check=True, capture=False) -> str: return ip_netns_exec('wg', *args, netns=netns, stdin=stdin, check=check, capture=capture) def ip_netns_eval(*args, netns: str|None = None, stdin: str|None = None, check=True, capture=False) -> str: return ip_netns_exec(SHELL, '-c', *args, netns=netns, stdin=stdin, check=check, capture=capture) def ip_netns_exec(*args, netns: str|None = None, stdin: str|None = None, check=True, capture=False) -> str: return ip('netns', 'exec', netns, *args, stdin=stdin, check=check, capture=capture) def ip(*args, stdin: str|None = None, netns=None, check=True, capture=False) -> str: return run('ip', *([] if netns is None else ['-n', netns]), *args, stdin=stdin, check=check, capture=capture) def host_eval(*args, stdin: str|None = None, check=True, capture=False) -> str: return run(SHELL, '-c', *args, stdin=stdin, check=check, capture=capture) def run(*args, stdin: str|None = None, check=True, capture=False) -> str: args = [str(item) if item is not None else '' for item in args] if VERBOSE: print('>', ' '.join(args), file=sys.stderr) process = subprocess.run(args, input=stdin, text=True, capture_output=capture) if check and process.returncode != 0: error = process.stderr.strip() if process.stderr else f'exit code {process.returncode}' raise RuntimeError(f'subprocess failed: {" ".join(args)}: {error}') return process.stdout if __name__ == '__main__': main()