# wg-netns [wg-quick](https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-tools/about/src/man/wg-quick.8) with support for linux network namespaces. It's a simple python script that implements the steps described at [wireguard.com/netns](https://www.wireguard.com/netns/#ordinary-containerization). ## Setup Requirements: - Linux - Python 3.7 or newer - `ip` from `iproute2` - `wg` from `wireguard-tools` Just download the script and make it executable. ~~~ bash mkdir -p ~/.local/bin/ && curl -o ~/.local/bin/wg-netns https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dadevel/wg-netns/master/wg-netns.py && chmod 0755 ~/.local/bin/wg-netns ~~~ ## Usage First, create a configuration profile. You can find two examples below. `./mini.json`: ~~~ json { "name": "ns-example", "interfaces": [ { "name": "wg-example", "address": ["", "fc00:dead:beef::192/128"], "private-key": "4bvaEZHI...", "peers": [ { "public-key": "bELgMXGt...", "endpoint": "vpn.example.com:51820", "allowed-ips": ["", "::/0"] } ] } ] } ~~~ `./maxi.json`: ~~~ json { "name": "ns-example", "dns-server": ["", ""], "pre-up": "some shell command", "post-up": "some shell command", "pred-own": "some shell command", "post-down": "some shell command", "interfaces": [ { "name": "wg-site-a", "address": ["", "fc00:dead:beef:1::172/128"], "listen-port": 51821, "fwmark": 51821, "private-key": "nFkQQjN+...", "mtu": 1420, "peers": [ { "public-key": "Kx+wpJpj...", "preshared-key": "5daskLoW...", "endpoint": "a.example.com:51821", "persistent-keepalive": 25, "allowed-ips": ["", "fc00:dead:beef:1::/64"] } ] }, { "name": "wg-site-b", "address": ["", "fc00:dead:beef:2::172/128"], "listen-port": 51822, "fwmark": 51822, "private-key": "guYPuE3X...", "mtu": 1420, "peers": [ { "public-key": "NvZMoyrg...", "preshared-key": "cFQuyIX/...", "endpoint": "b.example.com:51822", "persistent-keepalive": 25, "allowed-ips": ["", "fc00:dead:beef:2::/64"] } ] } ] } ~~~ Now it's time to setup your new network namespace and all associated wireguard interfaces. ~~~ bash wg-netns up ./example.json ~~~ You can verify the success with a combination of `ip` and `wg`. ~~~ bash ip netns exec ns-example wg show ~~~ Or you can spawn a shell inside the netns. ~~~ bash ip netns exec ns-example bash -i ~~~ Or connect a container to it. ~~~ bash podman run -it --rm --network ns:/var/run/netns/ns-example docker.io/alpine wget -O - https://ipinfo.io ~~~ Or do whatever else you want. ### System Service You can find a `wg-quick@.service` equivalent at [wg-netns@.service](./wg-netns@.service). ### Port Forwarding With `socat` you can forward TCP traffic from outside a network namespace to a port inside a network namespace. ~~~ bash socat tcp-listen:$LHOST,reuseaddr,fork "exec:ip netns exec $NETNS socat stdio 'tcp-connect:$RHOST',nofork" ~~~ Example: All connections to port 1234/tcp in the main netns are forwarded into the *ns-example* namespace to port 5678/tcp. ~~~ bash # terminal 1, create netns and start http server inside wg-netns up ns-example hello > ./hello.txt ip netns exec ns-example python3 -m http.server 5678 # terminal 2, setup port forwarding socat tcp-listen:1234,reuseaddr,fork "exec:ip netns exec ns-example socat stdio 'tcp-connect:',nofork" # terminal 3, test access curl ~~~