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5 years ago
5 years ago
# The Missing Wireguard Documentation
<img src=""><br/><br/>
5 years ago
API reference guide for Wireguard including Setup, Configuration, and Usage, with examples.
5 years ago
5 years ago
<i>All credit goes to the WireGuard project, [zx2c4](, [Edge Security](, and the [open source contributors]( for the original software, this is my solo unofficial attempt at providing more comprehensive documentation, API references, and examples.</i>
Source for these docs, example code, and issue tracker: &nbsp; &nbsp;
Nicer HTML page version:
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
[WireGuard]( is an open-source VPN solution written in C by [Jason Donenfeld]( and [others](, aiming to fix many of the problems that have plagued other good server-to-server VPN offerings like IPSec/IKEv2 or OpenVPN.
5 years ago
5 years ago
This is my attempt at writing the "Missing Wireguard Documentation" to make up for the somewhat sparse offical docs on an otherwise great piece of software.
**Official Links**
- WireGuard Homepage:
- WireGuard Install:
- WireGuard QuickStart:
- The offical WireGuard Git repo:
5 years ago
- WireGuard Github Mirror:
5 years ago
**WireGuard Goals**
- strong, modern security by default
- minimal config and key management
- fast, both low-latency and high-bandwidth
- simple internals and small protocol surface area
- simple CLI and seamless integration with system networking
# Table of Contents
5 years ago
See for example code and documentation source.
5 years ago
<li><a href="#Table-of-Contents">Table of Contents</a></li>
<li><a href="#Intro">Intro</a>
<li><a href="#My-Requirements-for-a-VPN-Solution">My Requirements for a VPN Solution</a></li>
<li><a href="#List-of-Possible-VPN-Solutions">List of Possible VPN Solutions</a></li>
<li><a href="#Wireguard-Documentation">Wireguard Documentation</a>
<li><a href="#Glossary">Glossary</a>
<li><a href="#PeerNodeDevice">Peer/Node/Device</a></li>
<li><a href="#Bounce-Server">Bounce Server</a></li>
<li><a href="#Subnet">Subnet</a></li>
<li><a href="#CIDR-Notation">CIDR Notation</a></li>
<li><a href="#NAT">NAT</a></li>
<li><a href="#Public-Endpoint">Public Endpoint</a></li>
<li><a href="#Private-key">Private key</a></li>
<li><a href="#Public-key">Public key</a></li>
<li><a href="#DNS">DNS</a></li>
<li><a href="#Usage">Usage</a>
<li><a href="#Quickstart">Quickstart</a></li>
<li><a href="#Setup">Setup</a></li>
<li><a href="#Config-Creation">Config Creation</a></li>
<li><a href="#Key-Generation">Key Generation</a></li>
<li><a href="#Start--Stop">Start / Stop</a></li>
<li><a href="#Inspect">Inspect</a></li>
<li><a href="#Testing">Testing</a></li>
<li><a href="#Config-Reference">Config Reference</a>
<li><a href="#Interface">[Interface]</a></li>
<li><a href="#Peer">[Peer]</a></li>
<li><a href="#Example-Server-To-Server-Config-with-Roaming-Devices">Example Server-To-Server Config with Roaming Devices</a>
<li><a href="#Overview">Overview</a>
<li><a href="#Network-Topology">Network Topology</a></li>
<li><a href="#Explanation">Explanation</a></li>
<li><a href="#How-Public-Relays-Work">How Public Relays Work</a></li>
<li><a href="#How-WireGuard-Routes-Packets">How WireGuard Routes Packets</a></li>
<li><a href="#Node-Config">Node Config</a>
<li><a href="#public-server1example-vpntld">public-server1.example-vpn.tld</a></li>
<li><a href="#public-server2example-vpndev"></a></li>
<li><a href="#home-serverexample-vpndev"></a></li>
<li><a href="#laptopexample-vpndev"></a></li>
<li><a href="#phoneexample-vpndev"></a></li>
<li><a href="#Full-Example-Code">Full Example Code</a></li>
<li><a href="#Further-Reading">Further Reading</a></li>
5 years ago
# Intro
5 years ago
Over the last 8+ years I've tried a wide range of VPN solutions. Somewhat out of necessity, since the city I was living in was behind the Great Wall of China. Everything from old-school PPTP to crazy round-robin GoAgent AppEngine proxy setups were common back in the early 2010's to break through the GFW, these days it's mostly OpenVPN, StealthVPN, IPSec/IKEv2 and others. From the recommendation of a few people in the [RC]( Zulip community, I decided to try WireGuard and was surprised to find it checked almost all the boxes.
5 years ago
5 years ago
## My Personal Requirements for a VPN Solution
5 years ago
5 years ago
- minimal config, low config surface area and few exposed tunables
- minimal key management overhead, 1 or 2 preshared keys or certs is ok, but ideally not both
- ability to easily create a LAN like between all my servers, every peer can connect to every peer,
- ability to bust through NATs with a signalling server, routing nat-to-nat instead of through a relay (webrtc style)
- fallback to relay server when nat-to-nat busting is unavailable or unreliable
- ability to route to a fixed list of ips/hosts with 1 keypair per host (not needed, but nice to have: ability to route arbitrary local traffic or *all* internet traffic to a given host)
- robust automatic reconnects after reboots / network downtime / NAT connection table drops
5 years ago
- fast (lowest possible latency and line-rate bandwidth)
5 years ago
- encrypted, and secure by default (not needed, nice to have: short copy-pastable key pairs)
- ideally support for any type of Level 2 and control traffic, e.g. ARP/DHCP/ICMP (or ideally raw ethernet frames), not just TCP/HTTP
- ability to join the VPN from Ubuntu, FreeBSD, iOS, macOS (Windows/Android not needed but would be nice
- not a requirement, but ideally it would support running in docker with a single container, config file, and preshared key on each server, but with a full network interface exposed to the host system (maybe with tun/tap on the host passing traffic to the container, but ideally just a single container + config file without outside dependencies)
5 years ago
## List of Possible VPN Solutions
5 years ago
- PPTP: ancient, inflexible, insecure, doens't solve all the requirements
- L2TP: meh
5 years ago
- SOCKS: proxy tunnel, not a VPN, not great for this use case
5 years ago
- [IPSec (IKEv2)]( lots of brittle config that's different for each OS, NAT busting setup is very manual and involves updating the central server and starting all the others in the correct order, not great at reconnecting after network downtime, had to be manually restarted often
- [TINC]( haven't tried it yet, but it doesn't work on iOS, worst case senario I could live with that if it's the only option
5 years ago
- [OpenVPN]( I don't like it from past experience but could be convinced if it's the only option
5 years ago
- StealthVPN: haven't tried it
5 years ago
- [Algo]( haven't tried it yet, should I?
- [Striesand]( haven't tried it yet, whats the best config to try?
- [SoftEther]( haven't tried it yet, should I?
- [WireGuard]( the subject of this post
- [ZeroTier]( haven't tried it yet, sould I?
# Wireguard Documentation
5 years ago
5 years ago
## Glossary
### Peer/Node/Device
A host that connects to the VPN and has registers a VPN subnet address like for itself. It can also optionally route traffic for more than its own address(es) by specifing subnet ranges in comma-separated CIDR notation.
### Bounce Server
A publicly reachable peer/node that serves as a fallback to relay traffic for other VPN peers behind NATs.
### Subnet
A group of IPs separate from the public internet, e.g. or Generally behind a NAT provided by a router, e.g. in office internet LAN or a home WiFi network.
### CIDR Notation
A way of defining the size of a subnet. Most common ones:
+ (a single IP address, netmask =
+ (255 ips from netmask =
+ (65,536 ips from - netmask =
+ (16,777,216 ips from - netmask =
+ (4,294,967,296 ips from - netmask =
### NAT
A subnet with private IPs provided by a router standing in front of them doing Network Address Translation, individual nodes are not publicly accessible from the internet, instead the router keeps track of outgoing connections and forwards responses to the correct internal ip (e.g. standard office networks, home wifi networks, free public wifi networks, etc)
### Public Endpoint
The publicly accessible address:port for a node, e.g. `` or `some.domain.tld:1234` (must be accessible via the public internet, generally can't be a private ip like `` or `` unless it's directly accessible using that address by other peers on the same subnet).
### Private key
A wireguard private key for a single node, generated with:
5 years ago
`wg genkey > example.key`
5 years ago
(never leaves the node it's generated on)
### Public key
A wireguard public key for a single node, generated with:
`wg pubkey < example.key > `
(shared with other peers)
### DNS
Domain Name Server, used to resolve hostnames to IPs for VPN clients, instead of allowing DNS requests to leak outside the VPN and reveal traffic. Leaks are testable with
5 years ago
### Example Strings
``, `public-server1`, `public-server2`, `home-server`, `laptop`, `phone`
These are demo host and domain names used in the example config.
Replace them with your own names when doing your actual setup.
5 years ago
## Usage
### Quickstart
Overview of the general process:
5 years ago
0. Install `apt install wireguard` or `pkg/brew install wireguard-tools` on each node
1. Generate public and private keys locally on each node `wg genkey`+`wg pubkey`
5 years ago
2. Create a `wg0.conf` wireguard config file on the main relay server
- `[Interface]` Make sure to specify a CIDR range for the entire VPN subnet when defining the address the server accepts routes for `Address =`
- `[Peer]` Create a peer section for every client joining the VPN, using their corresponding remote public keys
3. Crete a `wg0.conf` on each client node
- `[Interface]` Make sure to specify only a single IP for client peers that don't relay traffic `Address =`.
- `[Peer]` Create a peer section for each public peer not behind a NAT, make sure to specify a CIDR range for the entire VPN subnet when defining the remote peer acting as the bounce server `AllowedIPs =`. Make sure to specify individual IPs for remote peers that don't relay traffic and only act as simple clients `AllowedIPs =`.
4. Start wireguard on the main relay server with `wg-quick up /full/path/to/wg0.conf`
5. Start wireguard on all the client peers with `wg-quick up /full/path/to/wg0.conf`
6. Traffic is routed from peer to peer using most optimal route over the WireGuard interface, e.g. `ping` checks for local direct route first, then checks for route via public internet, then finally tries to route by bouncing through the public relay server.
### Setup
# install on Ubuntu
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wireguard/wireguard
apt install wireguard
# install on macOS
brew install wireguard-tools
# install on FreeBSD
pkg install wireguard
# install on iOS/Andoid using Apple App Store/Google Play Store
# install on other systems using
# to enable kernel relaying/forwarding ability on bounce servers
echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv4.conf.all.proxy_arp" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf
# to add iptables forwarding rules on bounce servers
iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i wg0 -o wg0 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
### Config Creation
nano wg0.conf # can be placed anywhere, must be referred to using absolute path
### Key Generation
# generate private key
5 years ago
wg genkey > example.key
5 years ago
# generate public key
wg pubkey < example.key >
### Start / Stop
wg-quick up /full/path/to/wg0.conf
wg-quick down /full/path/to/wg0.conf
# start/stop VPN network interface
ip link set wg0 up
ip link set wg0 down
# register/unregister VPN network interface
ip link add dev wg0 type wireguard
ip link delete dev wg0
# register/unregister local VPN address
ip address add dev wg0
ip address delete dev wg0
# register/unregister VPN route
ip route add dev wg0
ip route delete dev wg0
### Inspect
#### Interfaces
# show system LAN and WAN network interfaces
ip address show
# show system VPN network interfaces
ifconfig wg0
ip link show wg0
# show wireguard VPN interfaces
wg show all
wg show wg0
#### Addresses
# show public ip address
ifconfig eth0
ip address show eth0
dig -4 +short
# show VPN ip address
ip address show wg0
#### Routes
# show wireguard routing table and peer connections
wg show
wg show wg0 allowed-ips
# show system routing table
ip route show table main
ip route show table local
# show system route to specific address
ip route get
### Testing
#### Ping Speed
# check that main relay server is accesible directly via public internet
# check that the main relay server is available via VPN
# check that public peers are available via VPN
# check that remote NAT-ed peers are available via VPN
# check that NAT-ed peers in your local lan are available via VPN
#### Bandwidth
# check bandwidth over public internet to relay server
iperf -s # on public relay server
iperf -c # on local client
# check bandwidth over VPN to relay server
iperf -s # on public relay server
iperf -c # on local client
# check bandwidth over VPN to remote public peer
iperf -s # on remote public peer
iperf -c # on local client
# check bandwidth over VPN to remote NAT-ed peer
iperf -s # on remote NAT-ed peer
iperf -c # on local client
# check bandwidth over VPN to local NAT-ed peer (on same LAN)
iperf -s # on local NAT-ed peer
iperf -c # on local client
5 years ago
#### DNS
Check for DNS leaks using, or by checking the resolver on a lookup:
dig A
5 years ago
## Config Reference
5 years ago
**Jump to definition:**
<a href="#Interface">`[Inteface]`</a>
<a href="#-Name">`# Name = node1.example.tld`</a>
<a href="#Address">`Address =`</a>
<a href="#ListenPort">`ListenPort = 51820`</a>
<a href="#PrivateKey">`PrivateKey = localPrivateKeyAbcAbcAbc=`</a>
<a href="#DNS">`DNS =,`</a>
<a href="#Peer-">`[Peer]`</a>
<a href="#-Name1">`# Name = node2-node.example.tld`</a>
<a href="#AllowedIPs">`AllowedIPs =`</a>
<a href="#ListenPort">`Endpoint = node1.example.tld:51820`</a>
<a href="#PublicKey">`PublicKey = remotePublicKeyAbcAbcAbc=`</a>
<a href="#PersistentKeepalive">`PersistentKeepalive = 25`</a>
5 years ago
### `[Interface]`
Defines the VPN settings for the local node.
* Node is a client that only routes traffic for itself and only exposes one IP
# Name =
Address =
PrivateKey = <private key for>
* Node is a public bounce server that can relay traffic to other peers and exposes route for entire VPN subnet
# Name = public-server1.example-vpn.tld
Address =
ListenPort = 51820
PrivateKey = <private key for public-server1.example-vpn.tld>
#### `# Name`
This is just a standard comment in INI syntax used to help keep track of which config section belongs to which node, it's completely ignored by WireGuard and has no effect on VPN behavior.
#### `Address`
Defines what address range the local node should route traffic for. Depending on whether the node is a simple client joining the VPN subnet, or a bounce server that's relaying traffic between multiple clients, this can be set to a single IP of the node itself (specificed with CIDR notation), e.g., or a range of IPv4/IPv6 subnets that the node can route traffic for.
* Node is a client that only routes traffic for itself
`Address =`
* Node is a public bounce server that can relay traffic to other peers
When the node is acting as the public bounce server, it should set this to be the entire subnet that it can route traffic, not just a single IP for itself.
`Address =`
* You can also specify multiple subnets or IPv6 subnets like so:
`Address =,fd42:42:42::1/64`
#### `ListenPort`
When the node is acting as a public bounce server, it should hardcode a port to listen for incoming VPN connections from the public internet. Clients not acting as relays should not set this value.
* Using default WireGuard port
`ListenPort = 51820`
* Using custom WireGuard port
`ListenPort = 7000`
#### `PrivateKey`
This is the private key for the local node, never shared with other servers.
All nodes must have a private key set, regardless of whether they are public bounce servers relaying traffic, or simple clients joining the VPN.
5 years ago
This key can be generated with `wg genkey > example.key`
5 years ago
`PrivateKey = somePrivateKeyAbcdAbcdAbcdAbcd=`
#### `DNS`
The DNS server(s) to announce to VPN clients via DHCP, most clients will use this server for DNS requests over the VPN, but clients can also override this value locally on their nodes
* The value can be left unconfigured to use system default DNS servers
* A single DNS server can be provided
`DNS =`
* or multiple DNS servers can be provided
`DNS =,`
### `[Peer]`
Defines the VPN settings for a remote peer capable of routing traffic for one or more addresses (itself and/or other peers). Peers can be either a public bounce server that relays traffic to other peers, a directly accessible client via lan/internet that is not behind a NAT and only routes traffic for itself.
All clients must be defined as peers on the public bounce server, however on the simple clients that only route traffic for themselves, only the public relay and other directly accessible nodes need to be defined as peeers. Nodes that are behind separate NATs should not be defined as peers outside of the public server config, as no specific direct route is available between separate NATs. Instead, nodes behind NATs should only define the public relay servers and other public clients as their peers, and should specify `AllowedIPs =` on the public server that accept routes and bounce traffic to the remote NAT-ed peers.
In summary, all nodes must be defined on the main bounce server. On client servers, only peers that are directly accessible from a node should be defined as peers of that node, any peers that must be relayed by a bounce sherver should be left out and will be handled by the relay server's catchall route.
In the configuration outlined in the docs below, a single server `public-server1` acts as the relay bounce server for a mix of publicly accessible and NAT-ed clients, and peers are configured on each node accordingly:
5 years ago
- **in `public-server1` `wg0.conf` (bounce server)**
`[peer]` list: `public-server2`, `home-server`, `laptop`, `phone`
- **in `public-server2` `wg0.conf` (simple public client)**
`[peer]` list: `public-server1`
- **in `home-server` `wg0.conf` (simple client behind nat)**
`[peer]` list: `public-server1`, `public-server2`
- **in `laptop` `wg0.conf` (simple client behind nat)**
`[peer]` list: `public-server1`, `public-server2`
- **in `phone` `wg0.conf` (simple client behind nat)**
`[peer]` list: `public-server1`, `public-server2`
5 years ago
5 years ago
**Peer is a simple public client that only routes traffic for itself**
5 years ago
# Name =
Endpoint =
PublicKey = <public key for>
AllowedIPs =
5 years ago
**Peer is a simple client behind a NAT that only routes traffic for itself**
5 years ago
# Name =
Endpoint =
PublicKey = <public key for>
AllowedIPs =
5 years ago
**Peer is a public bounce server that can relay traffic to other peers**
5 years ago
# Name = public-server1.example-vpn.tld
Endpoint = public-server1.example-vpn.tld:51820
PublicKey = <public key for public-server1.example-vpn.tld>
# routes traffic to itself and entire subnet of peers as bounce server
AllowedIPs =
PersistentKeepalive = 25
#### `# Name`
This is just a standard comment in INI syntax used to help keep track of which config section belongs to which node, it's completely ignored by WireGuard and has no effect on VPN behavior.
#### `Endpoint`
Defines the publicly accessible address for a remote peer. This should be left out for peers behind a NAT or peers that don't have a stable publicly accessible IP:PORT pair. Typically, this only needs to be defined on the main bounce server, but it can also be defined on other public nodes with stable IPs like `public-server2` in the example config below.
5 years ago
**Endpoint is an IP address**
5 years ago
`Endpoint =`
5 years ago
**Endpoint is a hostname/FQDN**
5 years ago
`Endpoint = public-server1.example-vpn.tld:51820`
#### `AllowedIPs`
This defines the IP ranges that a peer will route traffic for. Usually this is a single address (the VPN address of the peer itself), but for bounce servers this will be a range of the IPs or subnets that the relay server is capable of routing traffic for. Using comma-separated IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR notation, a single address can be defined as routable, or multiple ranges of IPs all the way up to `` to route all internet and VPN traffic through that peer.
When deciding how to route a packet, the system chooses the most specific route first, and falls back to broader routes. So for a packet destined to ``, the system would first look for a peer advertising `` specifically, and would fall back to a peer advertising `` or a larger range like `` as a last resort.
5 years ago
**peer is a simple client that only accepts traffic to/from itself**
5 years ago
`AllowedIPs =`
5 years ago
**peer is a relay server that can bounce VPN traffic to all other peers**
5 years ago
`AllowedIPs =`
5 years ago
**peer is a relay server that bounces all internet & VPN traffic (like a** proxy)
5 years ago
`AllowedIPs =,::/0`
5 years ago
**peer is a relay server that routes to itself and only one other peer**
5 years ago
`AllowedIPs =,`
5 years ago
**peer is a relay server that routes to itself and all nodes on its local LAN**
5 years ago
`AllowedIPs =,`
#### `PublicKey`
This is the public key for the remote node, sharable with all peers.
All nodes must have a public key set, regardless of whether they are public bounce servers relaying traffic, or simple clients joining the VPN.
This key can be generated with `wg pubkey < example.key >`.
(see above for how to generate the private key `example.key`)
`PublicKey = somePrivateKeyAbcdAbcdAbcdAbcd=`
#### `PersistentKeepalive`
If the connection is going from a NAT-ed peer to a public peer, the node behind the NAT must regularly send an outgoing ping in order to keep the bidirectional connection alive in the NAT router's connection table.
5 years ago
**local public node to remote public node**
5 years ago
This value should be left undefined as persistent pings are not needed.
5 years ago
**local public node to remote NAT-ed node**
This value should be left undefined as it's the client's responsibility to keep the connection alive because the server cannot reopen a dead connection to the client if it times out.
**local NAT-ed node to remote public node**
5 years ago
`PersistentKeepalive = 25` this will send a ping to every 25 seconds keeping the connection open in the local NAT router's connection table.
5 years ago
5 years ago
# Example Server-To-Server Config with Roaming Devices
The complete example config for the setup below can be found here: (WARNING: do not use it on your devices without chaning the public/private keys!).
5 years ago
## Overview
### Network Topology
These 5 devices are used in our example setup to explain how WireGuard supports bridging across a variety of network conditions, they're all under an example domain ``, with the following short hostnames:
- `public-server1` (not behind a NAT, acts as the main VPN bounce server)
- `public-server2` (not behind a NAT, joins as a peer without bouncing traffic)
- `home-server` (behind a NAT, joins as a peer without bouncing traffic)
- `laptop` (behind NAT, sometimes shared w/ home-server/phone, sometimes roaming)
- `phone` (behind NAT, sometimes shared w/ home-server/laptop, sometimes roaming)
### Explanation
This VPN config simulates setting up a small VPN subnet shared by 5 nodes. Two of the nodes (public-server1 and public-server2) are VPS instances living in a cloud somewhere, with public IPs accessible to the internet. home-server is a stationary node that lives behind a NAT with a dynamic IP, but it doesn't change frequently. Phone and laptop are both roaming nodes, that can either be at home in the same LAN as home-server, or out-and-about using public wifi or cell service to connect to the VPN.
Whenever possible, nodes should connect directly to eachother, depending on whether nodes are directly accessible or NATs are between them, traffic will route accordinly:
### How Public Relays Work
`public-server1` acts as an intermediate relay server between any VPN clients behind NATs, it will forward any traffic it receives to the correct peer at the system level (WireGuard doesn't care how this happens, it's handled by the kernel `net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1` and the iptables routing rules).
Each client only needs to define the publicly accessible servers/peers in it's config, any traffic bound to other peers behind NATs will go to the catchall for the server and will be forwarded accordingly once it hits the main server.
In summary: only direct connections between clients should be configured, any connections that need to be bounced should not be defined as peers, as they should head to the bounce server first and be routed from there back down the vpn to the correct client.
### How WireGuard Routes Packets
5 years ago
More complex topologies are definitely achievable, but these are the basic routing methods:
5 years ago
- **Direct node-to-node**
5 years ago
In the best case, the nodes are on the same LAN or are both publicly accessible, and traffic will route over encrypted UDP packets sent directly between the nodes.
- **Node behind local NAT to public node**
When 1 of the 2 parties is behind a remote NAT (e.g. when laptop behind a NAT connects to `public-server2`), the connection will be opened from NAT -> public client, then traffic will route directly between them in both directions as long as the connection is kept alive.
- **Node behind local NAT to node behind remote NAT (via relay)**
In the worst case when both parties are behind remote NATs, both will open a connection to `public-server1`, and traffic will forward through the intermediary bounce server as long as the connections are kept alive.
- **Node behind local NAT to node behind remote NAT (via NAT-busting)**
I'm not sure if Wireguard supports this method yet, but it's definitely possible in theory, see: [WebRTC](, [N2N](, [Pwnat]( A readily available signaling server like`public-server1` should make connection establishment and handoff relatively easy, but ICMP packet trickery can also be used. Please let me know if WireGuard does this via [Github Issue](
5 years ago
5 years ago
Chosing the proper routing method is handled automatically by WireGuard as long as at least one server is acting as a public relay with `net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1` enabled, and clients have `AllowIPs =` set in the relay server `[peer]` (to take traffic for the whole subnet).
More specific (also usually more direct) routes provided by other peers will take precedence when available, otherwise traffic will fall back to the least specific route and use the `` catchall to forward traffic to the bounce server, where it will in turn be routed by the relay server's system routing table back down the VPN to the specific peer thats accepting routes for that traffic.
You can figure out which routing method WireGuard is using for a given address by measuring the ping times to figure out the unique length of each hop, and by inspecting the output of:
wg show wg0
## Full Example Code
To run this full example, simply copy the `full wg0.conf config file for node` section from each node onto each server, enable IP forwarding on the public relay, and then start WireGuard on all the machines.
For more detailed instructions, see the [Quickstart](#Quickstart) guide and API reference above. You can also download the complete example setup here: (WARNING: do not use it on your devices without chaning the public/private keys!).
5 years ago
## Node Config
### public-server1.example-vpn.tld
* public endpoint: `public-server1.example-vpn.tld:51820`
* own vpn ip address: ``
* can accept traffic for ips: ``
* priv key: `<private key for public-server1.example-vpn.tld>`
* pub key: `<public key for public-server1.example-vpn.tld>`
* setup required:
1. install wireguard
2. generate public/private keypair
3. create wg0.conf (see below)
4. enable kernel ip & arp forwarding, add iptables forwarding rules
5. start wireguard
* config as remote peer:
# Name = public-server1.example-vpn.tld
Endpoint = public-server1.example-vpn.tld:51820
PublicKey = <public key for public-server1.example-vpn.tld>
# routes traffic to itself and entire subnet of peers as bounce server
AllowedIPs =
PersistentKeepalive = 25
* config as local interface:
# Name = public-server1.example-vpn.tld
Address =
ListenPort = 51820
PrivateKey = <private key for public-server1.example-vpn.tld>
* peers: public-server2, home-server, laptop, phone
* full `wg0.conf` config file for node:
# Name = public-server1.example-vpn.tld
Address =
ListenPort = 51820
PrivateKey = <private key for public-server1.example-vpn.tld>
# Name =
Endpoint =
PublicKey = <public key for>
AllowedIPs =
# Name =
Endpoint =
PublicKey = <public key for>
AllowedIPs =
# Name =
5 years ago
PublicKey = <public key for>
5 years ago
AllowedIPs =
PublicKey = <public key for>
AllowedIPs =
* public endpoint: ``
* own vpn ip address: ``
* can accept traffic for ips: ``
* priv key: `<private key for>`
* pub key: `<public key for>`
* setup required:
1. install wireguard
2. generate public/private keypair
3. create wg0.conf (see below)
4. confirm main public relay server is directly accessible
4. start wireguard
* config as local interface:
# Name =
Address =
ListenPort = 51820
PrivateKey = <private key for>
* config as peer:
# Name =
Endpoint =
PublicKey = <public key for>
AllowedIPs =
* peers: public-server1
* full `wg0.conf` config file for node:
# Name =
Address =
ListenPort = 51820
PrivateKey = <private key for>
# Name = public-server1.example-vpn.tld
Endpoint = public-server1.example-vpn.tld:51820
PublicKey = <public key for public-server1.example-vpn.tld>
# routes traffic to itself and entire subnet of peers as bounce server
AllowedIPs =
PersistentKeepalive = 25
* public endpoint: (none, behind NAT)
* own vpn ip address: ``
* can accept traffic for ips: ``
* priv key: `<private key for>`
* pub key: `<public key for>`
* setup required:
1. install wireguard
2. generate public/private keypair
3. create wg0.conf (see below)
4. confirm main public relay server is directly accessible
4. start wireguard
* config as local interface:
# Name =
Address =
ListenPort = 51820
PrivateKey = <private key for>
* config as peer:
# Name =
Endpoint =
PublicKey = <public key for>
AllowedIPs =
* peers: public-server1
* full `wg0.conf` config file for node:
# Name =
Address =
ListenPort = 51820
PrivateKey = <private key for>
# Name = public-server1.example-vpn.tld
Endpoint = public-server1.example-vpn.tld:51820
PublicKey = <public key for public-server1.example-vpn.tld>
# routes traffic to itself and entire subnet of peers as bounce server
AllowedIPs =
PersistentKeepalive = 25
* public endpoint: (none, behind NAT)
* own vpn ip address: ``
* can accept traffic for ips: ``
* priv key: `<private key for>`
5 years ago
* pub key: `<public key for>`
5 years ago
* setup required:
1. install wireguard
2. generate public/private keypair
3. create wg0.conf (see below)
4. confirm main public relay server is directly accessible
4. start wireguard
* config as local interface:
# Name =
Address =
PrivateKey = <private key for>
* config as peer:
# Name =
5 years ago
PublicKey = <public key for>
5 years ago
AllowedIPs =
* peers: public-server1
* full `wg0.conf` config file for node:
# Name =
Address =
PrivateKey = <private key for>
# Name = public-server1.example-vpn.tld
Endpoint = public-server1.example-vpn.tld:51820
PublicKey = <public key for public-server1.example-vpn.tld>
# routes traffic to itself and entire subnet of peers as bounce server
AllowedIPs =
PersistentKeepalive = 25
* public endpoint: (none, behind NAT)
* own vpn ip address: ``
* can accept traffic for ips: ``
* priv key: `<private key for>`
* pub key: `<public key for>`
* setup required:
1. install wireguard
2. generate public/private keypair
3. create wg0.conf (see below)
4. confirm main public relay server is directly accessible
4. start wireguard
* config as local interface:
# Name =
Address =
PrivateKey = <private key for>
* config as peer:
PublicKey = <public key for>
AllowedIPs =
* peers: public-server1
* full `wg0.conf` config file for node:
# Name =
Address =
PrivateKey = <private key for>
# Name = public-server1.example-vpn.tld
Endpoint = public-server1.example-vpn.tld:51820
PublicKey = <public key for public-server1.example-vpn.tld>
# routes traffic to itself and entire subnet of peers as bounce server
AllowedIPs =
PersistentKeepalive = 25
5 years ago
5 years ago
# Further Reading
5 years ago
Suggest changes: