An experimental, minimal, configurable TUI file explorer, stealing ideas from `nnn` and `fzf`. ![Screenshot]( Example usage: -------------- ```bash # Edit file vim $(xplr) # Copy file(s) cp $(xplr) $(xplr) # Search and move file mv $(fzf) $(xplr) ``` Let's brainstorm ---------------- You can also experiment and help by suggesting ideas/opinions. 1. Install ```bash cargo install xplr ``` 2. Create config directory `~/.config/xplr/` and place the [`config.yml`]( file inside it. 3. Check the key bindings in the config file. 4. Run `xplr`. TODO research ------------- - [ ] Research FIFO/socket options for better integration with other tools. - [ ] Research saner configuration formats. - [ ] Research saner key binding options. - [ ] Research how to go beyond filesystem and explore any tree-like structure. - [ ] CLI options and help menu. - [ ] Go beyond research and implement things.