You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

155 lines
6.8 KiB

import functools
from .common import InfoExtractor
from ..utils import str_or_none, url_or_none
from ..utils.traversal import traverse_obj
class AsobiStageIE(InfoExtractor):
IE_DESC = 'ASOBISTAGE (アソビステージ)'
_VALID_URL = r'https?://asobistage\.asobistore\.jp/event/(?P<id>(?P<event>\w+)/(?P<type>archive|player)/(?P<slug>\w+))(?:[?#]|$)'
_TESTS = [{
'url': '',
'info_dict': {
'id': '315passionhour_2022summer/archive/frame',
'title': '315プロダクションプレゼンツ 315パッションアワー!!!',
'thumbnail': r're:^https?://[\w.-]+/\w+/\w+',
'playlist_count': 1,
'playlist': [{
'info_dict': {
'id': 'edff52f2',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': '315passion_FRAME_only',
'thumbnail': r're:^https?://[\w.-]+/\w+/\w+',
}, {
'url': '',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'idolmaster_idolworld2023_goods/archive/live',
'title': 'md5:378510b6e830129d505885908bd6c576',
'thumbnail': r're:^https?://[\w.-]+/\w+/\w+',
'playlist_count': 1,
'playlist': [{
'info_dict': {
'id': '3aef7110',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'asobistore_station_1020_serverREC',
'thumbnail': r're:^https?://[\w.-]+/\w+/\w+',
}, {
'url': '',
'playlist_count': 4,
'info_dict': {
'id': 'sidem_fclive_bpct/archive/premium_hc',
'title': '315 Production presents FNTASTIC COMBINATION LIVE BRAINPOWER!!/CONNECTIME!!!!',
'thumbnail': r're:^https?://[\w.-]+/\w+/\w+',
}, {
'url': '',
'only_matching': True,
_API_HOST = ''
_is_logged_in = False
def _owned_tickets(self):
owned_tickets = set()
if not self._is_logged_in:
return owned_tickets
for path, name in [
('api/v1/purchase_history/list', 'ticket purchase history'),
('api/v1/serialcode/list', 'redemption history'),
response = self._download_json(
f'{self._API_HOST}/{path}', None, f'Downloading {name}',
f'Unable to download {name}', expected_status=400)
if traverse_obj(response, ('payload', 'error_message'), 'error') == 'notlogin':
self._is_logged_in = False
traverse_obj(response, ('payload', 'value', ..., 'digital_product_id', {str_or_none})))
return owned_tickets
def _get_available_channel_id(self, channel):
channel_id = traverse_obj(channel, ('chennel_vspf_id', {str}))
if not channel_id:
return None
# if rights_type_id == 6, then 'No conditions (no login required - non-members are OK)'
if traverse_obj(channel, ('viewrights', lambda _, v: v['rights_type_id'] == 6)):
return channel_id
available_tickets = traverse_obj(channel, (
'viewrights', ..., ('tickets', 'serialcodes'), ..., 'digital_product_id', {str_or_none}))
if not self._owned_tickets.intersection(available_tickets):
f'You are not a ticketholder for "{channel.get("channel_name") or channel_id}"')
return None
return channel_id
def _real_initialize(self):
if self._get_cookies(self._API_HOST):
self._is_logged_in = True
token = self._download_json(
f'{self._API_HOST}/api/v1/vspf/token', None, 'Getting token', 'Unable to get token')
self._HEADERS['Authorization'] = f'Bearer {token}'
def _real_extract(self, url):
video_id, event, type_, slug = self._match_valid_url(url).group('id', 'event', 'type', 'slug')
video_type = {'archive': 'archives', 'player': 'broadcasts'}[type_]
webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
event_data = traverse_obj(
self._search_nextjs_data(webpage, video_id, default={}),
('props', 'pageProps', 'eventCMSData', {
'title': ('event_name', {str}),
'thumbnail': ('event_thumbnail_image', {url_or_none}),
available_channels = traverse_obj(self._download_json(
video_id, 'Getting channel list', 'Unable to get channel list'), (
video_type, lambda _, v: v['broadcast_slug'] == slug,
'channels', lambda _, v: v['chennel_vspf_id'] != '00000'))
entries = []
for channel_id in traverse_obj(available_channels, (..., {self._get_available_channel_id})):
if video_type == 'archives':
channel_json = self._download_json(
f'{channel_id}/get_by_cuid', channel_id,
'Getting archive channel info', 'Unable to get archive channel info', fatal=False,
channel_data = traverse_obj(channel_json, ('ex_content', {
'm3u8_url': 'streaming_url',
'title': 'title',
'thumbnail': ('thumbnail', 'url'),
else: # video_type == 'broadcasts'
channel_json = self._download_json(
f'{channel_id}', channel_id,
'Getting live channel info', 'Unable to get live channel info', fatal=False,
headers=self._HEADERS, query={'embed': 'channel'})
channel_data = traverse_obj(channel_json, ('data', {
'm3u8_url': ('Channel', 'Custom_live_url'),
'title': 'Name',
'thumbnail': 'Poster_url',
'id': channel_id,
'title': channel_data.get('title'),
'formats': self._extract_m3u8_formats(channel_data.get('m3u8_url'), channel_id, fatal=False),
'is_live': video_type == 'broadcasts',
'thumbnail': url_or_none(channel_data.get('thumbnail')),
if not self._is_logged_in and not entries:
return self.playlist_result(entries, video_id, **event_data)