tests = { 'webp': lambda h: h[0:4] == b'RIFF' and h[8:] == b'WEBP', 'png': lambda h: h[:8] == b'\211PNG\r\n\032\n', 'jpeg': lambda h: h[6:10] in (b'JFIF', b'Exif'), 'gif': lambda h: h[:6] in (b'GIF87a', b'GIF89a'), } def what(file=None, h=None): """Detect format of image (Currently supports jpeg, png, webp, gif only) Ref: https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/3.10/Lib/imghdr.py """ if h is None: with open(file, 'rb') as f: h = f.read(12) return next((type_ for type_, test in tests.items() if test(h)), None)