You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

206 lines
6.5 KiB

package cli
import (
func TestExpandNamedFiltersNone(t *testing.T) {
f := Filtering{
Path: []string{"path1"},
Limit: 10,
Interactive: true,
Match: []string{"match query"},
Exclude: []string{"excl-path1", "excl-path2"},
Tag: []string{"tag1", "tag2"},
Mention: []string{"mention1", "mention2"},
MentionedBy: []string{"note1", "note2"},
LinkTo: []string{"link1", "link2"},
NoLinkTo: []string{"link3", "link4"},
LinkedBy: []string{"linked1", "linked2"},
NoLinkedBy: []string{"linked3", "linked4"},
Related: []string{"related1", "related2"},
MaxDistance: 2,
Created: "yesterday",
CreatedBefore: "two days ago",
CreatedAfter: "three days ago",
Modified: "tomorrow",
ModifiedBefore: "two days",
ModifiedAfter: "three days",
Sort: []string{"title", "created"},
res, err := f.ExpandNamedFilters(
"recents": "--created-after '2 weeks ago'",
"journal": "log --sort created",
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, res, f)
// ExpandNamedFilters: list options are concatenated.
func TestExpandNamedFiltersJoinLists(t *testing.T) {
f := Filtering{
Path: []string{"path1", "f1", "f2"},
Exclude: []string{"excl-path1", "excl-path2"},
Tag: []string{"tag1", "tag2"},
Mention: []string{"mention1", "mention2"},
MentionedBy: []string{"note1", "note2"},
LinkTo: []string{"link1", "link2"},
NoLinkTo: []string{"link3", "link4"},
LinkedBy: []string{"linked1", "linked2"},
NoLinkedBy: []string{"linked3", "linked4"},
Related: []string{"related1", "related2"},
Sort: []string{"title", "created"},
res, err := f.ExpandNamedFilters(
"f1": "path2 --exclude excl-path3 -x excl-path4 --tag tag3 -t tag4 --mention mention3,mention4 --mentioned-by note3",
"f2": "--link-to link5 --no-link-to link6 --linked-by linked5 --no-linked-by linked6 --related related3 --related related4 --sort random-",
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, res.Path, []string{"path1", "path2"})
assert.Equal(t, res.Exclude, []string{"excl-path1", "excl-path2", "excl-path3", "excl-path4"})
assert.Equal(t, res.Tag, []string{"tag1", "tag2", "tag3", "tag4"})
assert.Equal(t, res.Mention, []string{"mention1", "mention2", "mention3", "mention4"})
assert.Equal(t, res.MentionedBy, []string{"note1", "note2", "note3"})
assert.Equal(t, res.LinkTo, []string{"link1", "link2", "link5"})
assert.Equal(t, res.NoLinkTo, []string{"link3", "link4", "link6"})
assert.Equal(t, res.LinkedBy, []string{"linked1", "linked2", "linked5"})
assert.Equal(t, res.NoLinkedBy, []string{"linked3", "linked4", "linked6"})
assert.Equal(t, res.Related, []string{"related1", "related2", "related3", "related4"})
assert.Equal(t, res.Sort, []string{"title", "created", "random-"})
// ExpandNamedFilters: boolean options are computed with disjunction.
func TestExpandNamedFiltersJoinBools(t *testing.T) {
f := Filtering{
Path: []string{"path1", "f1", "f2"},
res, err := f.ExpandNamedFilters(
"f1": "--exact-match --interactive --orphan",
"f2": "--recursive",
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.True(t, res.ExactMatch)
assert.True(t, res.Interactive)
assert.True(t, res.Orphan)
assert.True(t, res.Recursive)
// ExpandNamedFilters: non-zero integer and non-empty string options take precedence over named filters.
func TestExpandNamedFiltersJoinLitterals(t *testing.T) {
f1 := Filtering{Path: []string{"f1", "f2"}}
res1, err := f1.ExpandNamedFilters(
"f1": "--limit 42 --created 'yesterday' --created-before '2 days ago' --created-after '3 days ago'",
"f2": "--max-distance 24 --modified 'tomorrow' --modified-before '2 days' --modified-after '3 days'",
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, res1.Limit, 42)
assert.Equal(t, res1.MaxDistance, 24)
assert.Equal(t, res1.Created, "yesterday")
assert.Equal(t, res1.CreatedBefore, "2 days ago")
assert.Equal(t, res1.CreatedAfter, "3 days ago")
assert.Equal(t, res1.Modified, "tomorrow")
assert.Equal(t, res1.ModifiedBefore, "2 days")
assert.Equal(t, res1.ModifiedAfter, "3 days")
f2 := Filtering{
Path: []string{"f1", "f2"},
Limit: 10,
MaxDistance: 20,
Created: "last week",
CreatedBefore: "two weeks ago",
CreatedAfter: "three weeks ago",
Modified: "next week",
ModifiedBefore: "two weeks",
ModifiedAfter: "three weeks",
res2, err := f2.ExpandNamedFilters(
"f1": "--limit 42 --created 'yesterday' --created-before '2 days ago' --created-after '3 days ago'",
"f2": "--max-distance 24 --modified 'tomorrow' --modified-before '2 days' --modified-after '3 days'",
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, res2.Limit, 10)
assert.Equal(t, res2.MaxDistance, 20)
assert.Equal(t, res2.Created, "last week")
assert.Equal(t, res2.CreatedBefore, "two weeks ago")
assert.Equal(t, res2.CreatedAfter, "three weeks ago")
assert.Equal(t, res2.Modified, "next week")
assert.Equal(t, res2.ModifiedBefore, "two weeks")
assert.Equal(t, res2.ModifiedAfter, "three weeks")
// ExpandNamedFilters: Match option predicates are cumulated with AND.
func TestExpandNamedFiltersJoinMatch(t *testing.T) {
f := Filtering{
Path: []string{"f1", "f2"},
Match: []string{"(chocolate OR caramel)"},
res, err := f.ExpandNamedFilters(
"f1": "--match banana",
"f2": "--match apple",
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, res.Match, []string{"(chocolate OR caramel)", "banana", "apple"})
func TestExpandNamedFiltersExpandsRecursively(t *testing.T) {
f := Filtering{
Path: []string{"path1", "journal", "recents"},
res, err := f.ExpandNamedFilters(
"recents": "--created-after '2 weeks ago'",
"journal": "journal sort-created",
"sort-created": "--sort created",
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, res.Path, []string{"path1", "journal"})
assert.Equal(t, res.CreatedAfter, "2 weeks ago")
assert.Equal(t, res.Sort, []string{"created"})
func TestExpandNamedFiltersReportsParsingError(t *testing.T) {
f := Filtering{Path: []string{"f1"}}
_, err := f.ExpandNamedFilters(
"f1": "--test",
assert.Err(t, err, "failed to expand named filter `f1`: unknown flag --test")