You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

205 lines
5.7 KiB

package cli
import (
osutil ""
type Dirs struct {
NotebookDir string
WorkingDir string
type Container struct {
Version string
Config core.Config
Logger *util.ProxyLogger
Terminal *term.Terminal
FS *fs.FileStorage
WorkingDir string
Notebooks *core.NotebookStore
currentNotebook *core.Notebook
currentNotebookErr error
func NewContainer(version string) (*Container, error) {
wrap := errors.Wrapper("initialization")
term := term.New()
styler := term
logger := util.NewProxyLogger(util.NewStdLogger("zk: ", 0))
fs, err := fs.NewFileStorage("", logger)
config := core.NewDefaultConfig()
handlebars.Init(term.SupportsUTF8(), logger)
// Load global user config
configPath, err := locateGlobalConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, wrap(err)
if configPath != "" {
config, err = core.OpenConfig(configPath, config, fs)
if err != nil {
return nil, wrap(err)
return &Container{
Version: version,
Config: config,
Logger: logger,
Terminal: term,
FS: fs,
Notebooks: core.NewNotebookStore(config, core.NotebookStorePorts{
FS: fs,
NotebookFactory: func(path string, config core.Config) (*core.Notebook, error) {
dbPath := filepath.Join(path, ".zk/notebook.db")
db, err := sqlite.Open(dbPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
notebook := core.NewNotebook(path, config, core.NotebookPorts{
NoteIndex: sqlite.NewNoteIndex(db, logger),
NoteParser: markdown.NewParser(markdown.ParserOpts{
HashtagEnabled: config.Format.Markdown.Hashtags,
MultiWordTagEnabled: config.Format.Markdown.MultiwordTags,
ColontagEnabled: config.Format.Markdown.ColonTags,
TemplateLoaderFactory: func(language string) (core.TemplateLoader, error) {
return handlebars.NewLoader(handlebars.LoaderOpts{
LookupPaths: []string{
filepath.Join(globalConfigDir(), "templates"),
filepath.Join(path, ".zk/templates"),
Lang: config.Note.Lang,
Styler: styler,
Logger: logger,
}), nil
IDGeneratorFactory: func(opts core.IDOptions) func() string {
return rand.NewIDGenerator(opts)
FS: fs,
Logger: logger,
OSEnv: func() map[string]string {
return osutil.Env()
return notebook, nil
}, nil
// locateGlobalConfig looks for the global zk config file following the
// XDG Base Directory specification
func locateGlobalConfig() (string, error) {
configPath := filepath.Join(globalConfigDir(), "config.toml")
exists, err := paths.Exists(configPath)
switch {
case err != nil:
return "", err
case exists:
return configPath, nil
return "", nil
// globalConfigDir returns the parent directory of the global configuration file.
func globalConfigDir() string {
path, ok := os.LookupEnv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
if !ok {
home, ok := os.LookupEnv("HOME")
if !ok {
home = "~/"
path = filepath.Join(home, ".config")
return filepath.Join(path, "zk")
// SetCurrentNotebook sets the first notebook found in the given search paths
// as the current default one.
func (c *Container) SetCurrentNotebook(searchDirs []Dirs) {
if len(searchDirs) == 0 {
for _, dirs := range searchDirs {
notebookDir := c.FS.Canonical(dirs.NotebookDir)
workingDir := c.FS.Canonical(dirs.WorkingDir)
c.currentNotebook, c.currentNotebookErr = c.Notebooks.Open(notebookDir)
if c.currentNotebookErr == nil {
c.Config = c.currentNotebook.Config
// FIXME: Is there something to do to support multiple notebooks here?
os.Setenv("ZK_NOTEBOOK_DIR", c.currentNotebook.Path)
// SetWorkingDir resets the current working directory.
func (c *Container) setWorkingDir(path string) {
path = c.FS.Canonical(path)
c.WorkingDir = path
// CurrentNotebook returns the current default notebook.
func (c *Container) CurrentNotebook() (*core.Notebook, error) {
return c.currentNotebook, c.currentNotebookErr
func (c *Container) NewNoteFilter(opts fzf.NoteFilterOpts) *fzf.NoteFilter {
return fzf.NewNoteFilter(opts, c.FS, c.Terminal)
func (c *Container) NewNoteEditor(notebook *core.Notebook) (*editor.Editor, error) {
return editor.NewEditor(notebook.Config.Tool.Editor)
// Paginate creates an auto-closing io.Writer which will be automatically
// paginated if noPager is false, using the user's pager.
// You can write to the pager only in the run callback.
func (c *Container) Paginate(noPager bool, run func(out io.Writer) error) error {
pager, err := c.pager(noPager || c.Config.Tool.Pager.IsEmpty())
if err != nil {
return err
err = run(pager)
return err
func (c *Container) pager(noPager bool) (*pager.Pager, error) {
if noPager || !c.Terminal.IsInteractive() {
return pager.PassthroughPager, nil
} else {
return pager.New(c.Config.Tool.Pager, c.Logger)